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GM all
@SweetWisherツ @NareshSharma Gm
Good Morning
@Aღmirkhan @SweetWisherツ
Hws yaa @NareshSharma @Aღmirkhan
Just Saying bbye to february
Good Morning..
GM all...
Good morning all
@bhanu access granted.
thanks @MysticMagic
Good morning all :)
Good Morning @MysticMagic
Very good morning @VenuRao
Hatho ki lakeeron pe mat ja re Galib,
Naseeb unke bhi hote he jinke haath nahi hote..
@MysticMagic :) +10
@MysticMagic oh thought of the day
@Aღmirkhan nice one
@Avijit he he. you can say so :)
kuch jada chota bara nahi ho gaya?
@Aღmirkhan good mor
@MysticMagic there?
need a help in phonegap
say @Avijit
there is some text fields within a form. when i am selecting it
then all prob starts
first its scrolls the view at the top
and header is also going in the top. and view is all shattered..
I am showing you the screenshots
this is the actual view
when i am selecting the the bootom last text view a keyboard pop up like this:
@Avijit nice creativity :)
and if i scroll the view from the top its showing me a ugly look.
header is not in the top its in the middle.
and its looking very ugly
@Prince hello
@BhavinChauhan olleH
So is there any way to solve the issue? by config.xnl or by html,css or may be by js?? @MysticMagic
@Prince "olleH" like it khatu :P
need your suggestion bro..
is there any unit converter api or jar like unitconverter.org/length-conversion-chart.html
yeh say.
nice. need to check
@Avijit chking
@Avijit keep position fixed in header can prevent header chnging to middle
Ya its already fixed
n do u want "content should not shift up while open keyboard?"
thats the worry
@Avijit absolute?
@Prince ok bro.. thanks for support
A: Phonegap prevent scrolling when show keyboard

Horstin phonegap 2.6 there is a new option to prevent scrolling by resizing the webview. take a look at the documentation and find the KeyboardShrinksView option. cheers

@BhavinChauhan please check this i am not sure : code.google.com/p/android-converter
@Avijit it will help prevent scrolling while keyboard is shown
Good noon @NareshSharma @Furqi @all
ok checking
A: a question on unit conversion

gnanzThere are some libraries available check Java Unit Conversion Library at http://sourceforge.net/projects/jucl/ same question is in Stackoverflow Java Metric Unit Conversion Library?

Lunch time... :)
@zohreh Good afternoon
@NareshSharma good afternoon dost
@MysticMagic what's you have in lunch today ?
I have two part of code and i want know if they are same? can you help me? @NareshSharma
@Prince Hello Dost :)
@zohreh code ???
@zohreh two parts of codes means ?
@Prince i have installed that apk.. but not all converter :) its ok bro thanks for support
@BhavinChauhan welcome :)
@BhavinChauhan and yes see this :
Feb 17 at 11:49, by Prince
@Aღmirkhan thanks mat bolo. 3 developer ki help kardena, use bolna ki wo 3 developer ki help kare. by - @SilentKiller
use pastebin for code pasting @zohreh
ok @NareshSharma
@Prince sure :)
my pleasure
@zohreh V. good noon :)
@NareshSharma :)
pastebin.com/VRqxfQV5 @NareshSharma
Good noon @Prince @MysticMagic
if bitmaps of in these two get same space of memory??? @NareshSharma
@zohreh Good noon :)
if I use a matrix for scaling bitmap in asset folder and scale bitmap to small size bitmap dont load to memory as original bitmap???? @NareshSharma
2nd option will take less memory bcoz that scale the image before loading into the memory. Then loaded the scaled image in memory @zohreh
thanks @NareshSharma
HI @zohreh :) aftr long time
Hi @SweetWisherツ :) yes new year in iran is near and am busy. kese hu?
@zohreh Ohh great...when is it?? Alhamdulillah :) u say
Twenty days other @SweetWisherツ
@zohreh means 20 march??
yes :) @SweetWisherツ
Persian new year??
@zohreh earlier @Aღmirkhan was planning some Tour to Iran and saying we will go there. Don't know why he cancel the program
@Aღmirkhan where are you ??
@NareshSharma :)
Q: update query is not working in sqlite database

Balamurugan RadhakrishnanHave a Database with various table. I need to update a String value in table1. I have a string in activity1.And passed the String value to DBhelper from Activity1.Like this. private void goTokey() { check="premium"; dbHelper=new DBHelper(this); dbHelper.sample(check); ...

check this.. need answer @SweetWisherツ @Aღmirkhan @NareshSharma @MysticMagic @Prince @Lalit
table report already exists (code 1): , while compiling @MakeitSimple
try using create table if not exists in your create table query and check @MakeitSimple
@Avijit issue solved?
nope. I am just making the header absolute..
let client see the ui
if he will say to change then i have to change
but i dont know how to do it...
Did you use sticky header?? @Avijit
@SweetWisherツ how to do that in phonegap?
taht i dnt knw..let me search
that should be achieved by position: fixed for header. but some css is conflicting that I think.
ohk... usme b css aait he
@Avijit check it once in chrome / safari n see in elements' css section if you find any css is overriding position
how can i see that in device?
the thing is that if run in my desktop everything is running fine
@Avijit chk in desktop with size of ur device
not possible. u r using iPad, right? so chk in safari while u r running n iPad
because there is no virtual keyboard is coming
@Avijit yes. but u can run in device n see the css in safari.
how to check a index.html file locally stored in safari?
while u run in device, at that time open safari browser. there will be option of ur ipad name. n there it will show index.html
check like that. right now I am not having mac
so cant tell you exact steps. But its possible, n i have done that
Click on the “Develop” menu in the top menubar
there u will get option @Avijit
where is develop option?
in desktop?
In safari browser with other menus
really not getting any option. :(
wait a min @Avijit
GA all :)
Check here @Avijit
It explains how you can see in Inspect element of safari while deploy app in device.
@Shyam Very good aft :)
You might be missing that setting of Web Inspector. Its mentioned there, @Avijit
ya checking
thanks now i can see the web inspector now
great :) check if any css is conflicting with position of header. @Avijit
Great @MysticMagic :)
actually in css i make the position of header is fixed
@Avijit haan. but any parent class of header contain position: relative !important; ?
hello @MysticMagic
i have installed cordova by terminal
but at the time of creating project, the template of cordova in xcode is not coming
like this image
Hi @bhanu
so for this which version of cordova i need to install ?
I would suggest you to create project using command lines only.
I would recommend 3.3.0 version of cordova. That is what I am using and its quite stable.
I just saw that we have 3.4.0 now. But I am not sure if its stable enough @bhanu
ya this version only i m using
okay. Install using command line
I was facing same problem for windows phone 8 development. That is, templates were not there in Visual studio.
i m trying
Wasted 1 day but no result. so better to use command line interface for creating project as well.
@bhanu okay.. :)
ya new project is created
thanks @MysticMagic
@bhanu welcome :)
what is cordova
i was confused how to create new project and which one is better
can any budy teach me
@NitinGohel sir hum pe rahem karo.
Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
@bhanu have look on this for your status bar issue.
Q: Cannot hide status bar in iOS7

Melih BüyükbayramI just upgraded my iPhone 5 iOS 7 to four beta version. Now when I run my app from xcode 5 on this iPhone, status bar doesn’t hide, even though it should. Not Working: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationFade]; Not Working: [UIApplicati...

can we do a bit of coding in objective-c in phonegap ? @Avijit
@bhanu YAP
and may be you have to do later if you will write a custom plugin
@MysticMagic thats the issue
you gave this link
is there any way to solve it?
I don't know.
:/ Not able to find.
@Avijit try this:
A: Phonegap KeyboardShrinksView and position fixed on iOS not applying correctly

Chris EmersonYeah - this is a pain to deal with right now. Currently there is no real fix to make things like they used to be in iOS. Personally, I currently juggle two different tags in my apps (one for iOS and one for Android) and it gets close to the old behavior on iOS. Here's what I use: <!-- I...

How to get next previous button in keyboard as like in iphone
@Jewel in android keyboard?
haan @MysticMagic
edt.setImeOptions(EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NEXT); for Next button @Jewel
or this in xml
@MysticMagic ok
:) welcome
android:imeOptions="actionPrevious" for prev @Jewel
@MysticMagic thnks reeee...
again reeee
@NareshSharma I am here
@Jewel again welcome :D
@Avijit @MysticMagic in the xcode, there are 2 www folder exit 1 in simply in xcode->www and 2nd is inside staging->www folder. so one which www folder i need to work
@bhanu don't know about that :/ I used to put my files under prj >> platforms >> ios >> assets >> www
@bhanu xcode->www
but when i m changing any thing inside index.html, nothing happen
but whn i m chnging in staging->www->index.html
changes working
@MysticMagic Actually I m looking for dis..
Q: How to get keyboard with Next, Previous and Done buttons at the top of keyboard in Android

Bhargav JhaveriIn my application, I want to provide the functionality similar to Next, Previous and Done button at the top of keyboard. It is somewhat similar to this Please let me know how can I achieve this. I do not want to exactly implement the next,previous and done options. But using this three button...

@bhanu thn use that :D
@Jewel ok.. let me check
> The standard Android way would be to provide an input method action with imeOptions. With the standard keyboard this will change the bottom right virtual keyboard button to the specified action. There's little point in trying to mimic iOS input behavior with the buttons above.
Quoting answer over there @Jewel
@MysticMagic I knw.. bt requirements hai yr.. mei kya karu...
@Jewel hmm :/
Guys any one else knows how to do it..
Use RelativeLayout as parent and take Three Button in one layout may be (Linear) and assign property android:alignParentBottom="true" and in Manifest add android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize"

Note: Don't use Full Screen Theme
@hotveryspicy thnks buddy.. then how to move edit text to next n previous using those buttons..
@Jewel are you adding EditText programmatically?
@hotveryspicy no.
A: imeOptions "actionNext" programmatically - how to jump to next field?

JustinSearch for the next focusable field and than invoke requestFocus(). TextView nextField = (TextView)currentField.focusSearch(View.FOCUS_RIGHT); nextField.requestFocus();

EditText nextField = (TextView)currentEditTextField.focusSearch(View.FOCUS_RIGHT);
in your case
@hotveryspicy sorry buddy i m little new in dis... I m not getting.. I need to get the button click of next n preivous and move to n fro in list of edit text. how will this work.
No. its not list view.
then whats the concern, its simple
@MysticMagic there?
(●b’v゚d)゚+o。G○◎D ЁⅤЁЙΙЙG。o+゚(b゚v’d●)
@hotveryspicy got it :)
@Aღmirkhan good evening.
G'Ev t Y
@Avijit ya say.
@Aღmirkhan Gud eve
finally i am doing this:
var initialScreenSize = window.innerHeight;
window.addEventListener("resize", function() {
if(window.innerHeight < initialScreenSize){
okay @Avijit working na?
when any keyboard will appear header will be absolute
otherwise it will be fixed
ITs working
but not the perfect way
Great :) congrats @Avijit
@Avijit can I peep in?
@Avijit haan. but its known issue.
yes yaar
but no one gave a solution yet @MysticMagic
@hotveryspicy worked in phonegap?
@Avijit hmm. I also couldn't find out.
M back
@folex access granted
Hi all.
I have some questions about ReactiveCocoa. Is RCA 2.0 production ready? Can I just take it and use in big projects without big bugs/problems? How big is community?
@folex no idea. sorry
I just started questioning people, but no one have used RCA. It's kind of answer.
Ask if @Avijit knows about that @folex
or @bhanu
ya @MysticMagic
@Avijit, @bhanu, sorry for bother you. I want to know if ReactiveCocoa 2.0 is production ready. Is there some big troubles or bugs? Or I just can take it and use without shooting in my leg?
@f sorry mate no idea
no idea @folex
@Prince kal to 1st sat he na
bye ALL
@Prince Bye ❤❤
Bye @Prince
mene ankh bandh kar di :P
Bye all..
happy weekend
Tc :)
@MysticMagic Bye TC
Hello People

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