@Avijit, Well, here's how it happened : I was working on this App, with a .xib file being set as the Main Interface in the General Configurations. I switched to a new storyboard, by changing main.m file and defining window property in the App Delegate. I successfully switched to storyboard.
@Avijit , Thank you. Cleaning worked. and Now I Can switch between storyboard and the xib. but when I switch to xib, I get the following error : Unknown class LinphoneAppDelegate in Interface Builder file.
LinphoneAppDelegate is the name of AppDelegate class of course
app1.setUrlWiki("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="+json.getString("youtube_url")); @Avijit i am setting the url like this, "youtube_url" is an id provided from my server side
I am making RSS reader application, and I get RSS data from URL, and that RSS data can contain link to YouTube video.
Here is an example how link to youtube vide looks like:
div class="video-shortcode"><iframe title="YouTube video player" width="600"
height="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/e...
I am tying to play YouTube video in WebView, WebView showing first look of video with play button, But after click on play button start progress bar and after 2-3 seconds stop progress bar and screen blank with black color.
Image1: Video first look with play button
Image2: After click on play ...
I am working on a barcode scanner in which the red line and rectangle look small and visible at corner. How can I draw the red line int the center of the rectangle frame similar to this link?
What I am getting is:...
@johnsakthi Upon surfaceview take one image and that image resource should be that rectangle and make surfaceview transperent and at run time onDraw method take that button and you can move button upon surfaceview
When i clicked on Edit Text , soft keyboard is showing , i can enter text , in my application there are navigation image available, when user click next image , that time also edit-text working fine.
Initially , when edit text load , soft keyboard appear,& my app screen go up/adjust go up & fo...
I am opening a file by Set filestream [open "C:\\test12.txt" "w"] then in the midway if a particular condition satisfies I dont want to save the file directly delete it before closing
I want to add image to Surface view. So i used below code
public class MySurfaceView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback{
Bitmap myicon;
Canvas canvas;
private Paint mBitmapPaint;
Paint p= new Paint();
protected void onDraw(Can...
@Avijit can i ask you, do you know how to search a data ? for example, I have a edittext and a button. my edit text will only accept DATE. So if I key in date(12/12/2012), and click update, It will give me the result of 12/12/2012
if i use like this String html = "<iframe class=\"youtube-player\" style=\"border: 0; width: 100%; height: 95%; padding:0px; margin:0px\" id=\"ytplayer\" type=\"text/html\" src=firstKeyName1 frameborder=\"0\">\n" + "</iframe>\n";