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Good morning
Gm :)
Good Morning
@Anamika @Tamanna
Dono Girls early morning kya bat h
lolzz.. @NareshSharma :P meri gift??
ok jee @Tamanna
konsi gift ? kaisi gift ? :P@Tamanna
@NareshSharma fir thik hai... :)
@kodewrecker Good Morning
@kodewrecker not allowed :P
@NareshSharma @Tamanna GOod morning I came late in the office ;0
@Tamanna ohh kk no need to be sad meri shubkamnaye le lo tum :)
@kodewrecker ohh and we thought we are early today :P
it is lunch time here i am late for two hours :) haha
@kodewrecker oohhhh whr r u frm?
i just dont feel going to work in time. I just hang around somewhere cos its my bday :)
@kodewrecker ohh happy b;day :) enjoy ur day take leave yaar
thank you
@NareshSharma woh kro @kodewrecker ko
@kodewrecker happy b'day :)
@Victor ohhh :)
@Tamanna yes i am
thanks ;)
@kodewrecker Happy B'day dear
@iOS0709 access granted.. read rules here
Hi friends Im new to android development..I have few errors can you pls help me to solve
12-18 03:46:15.544: E/AndroidRuntime(1192): java.lang.VerifyError: us/lovebyte/component/LBMessageManager
show full log @iOS0709
A: Reasons of getting a java.lang.VerifyError

Kevin Pankojava.lang.VerifyError can be the result when you have compiled against a different library than you are using at runtime. For example, this happened to me when trying to run a program that was compiled against Xerces 1, but Xerces 2 was found on the classpath. The required classes (in org.apach...

wht is there on LBApplication.java:76??
@Tamanna ya the return intent data is null and the result code is also 0,its not equal with result ok bcz result_ok is -1
@KarthickM so u got prbm nw :)
the previous code is running successfully but now im installed into another system is getting error
ya now i got the problem ,but dont know how to solve that one,looking for that one
@iOS0709 check the lib n build path
A: Android, How to manage start activity for result?

NishantFrom your FirstActivity call the SecondActivity using startActivityForResult() method eg: Intent i = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class); startActivityForResult(i, 1); In your SecondActivity set the data which you want to return back to FirstActivity, If you don't want to return back don...

@Tamanna for single activity i am clear if i used tablayout activity only it gives problem
@KarthickM try to pass data on use static variable if no option left
@Karthick what is ur question? can you tell again?
@iOS0709 tell me the line 76 in LBApplication.java:
@Tam su prob che ane?
@Tamanna yes pls wait
Q: Using Tabactivity in startactivity result is not passing data

Karthick MI am having one Mainactivity in the activity i have given an button if we click the button it shows tabactivity which contains contact and group activity.if we select using checkbox either contact or group it has to automatically comes to the editbox with the content of our selected one. But rig...

@Tam hu aa start activity wala nu puchu chu
aj che ne?
@Segi haa jo aa link
page not found !!!!!!!!!!
@Tamanna LBMessageManager.init(this);
@iOS0709 can u brief the app u r wrkng ??
@Aamirkhan Gm
@Segi : aa @iOS0709 ne pn kri dene help
@Tam su che ane prob?
@Aamirkhan vgm :)
22 mins ago, by iOS0709
12-18 03:46:15.544: E/AndroidRuntime(1192): java.lang.VerifyError: us/lovebyte/component/LBMessageManager
@Tam ane bol clear kare kaik .. khali log cat thi kai na thay
@Segi me kidhu pn hve e keh to ne
Hey all
android gcm me maximum number of devices kitni hai ?
@Nezam heysss
@Tam to chhod ne..kkm tension le che tu
@Nezam ask @Aamirkhan or @Prince or @NareshSharma @SilentKiller or @Segi
at a time how many devices can be registered at max
@Segi kr hve @Nezam ne
@Tam hehehe
@Segi Help me i need to ascertain whats the maximum number of devices
@Nezam Did u google?
@Nezam dont knw..
@Tamanna doing
not getting anythin
A: GCM (Google cloud messaging) - can I register multiple devices with same register id?

CommonsWareNo. Moreover, you should not need to. You can use user notifications to be able to send a single message from the server to all instances of your app across all the user's devices.

No Limit
@Tamanna i dont want this
I am saying is there a maximum number of devices set by google
like 30K etc
@Nezam it says " You can use user notifications to be able to send a single message from the server to all instances of your app across all the user's devices." means no linit as @Aamirkhan said
@Nezam den ask google only :P
wht ? @Aamirkhan tellng me?
No bcs prevosuly C2DM had limit but there is no limit on GCM
@Aamirkhan was being confused on this end itself
we can send notification to any number of device
at same time
you worked on gcm right?
sorry i dont know hindi @Tamanna
I think 1000 limit.
@Nezam @Aamirkhan
@iOS0709 no prbm.. we need more idea abt ur prbm n app u r wrkng
but not sure
actually is not an coding problem because the same coding is working on my previous system I think it should be lib problem and build path now im checking on this..
@Segi for my code how it will adaptable
i am bit coonfused in that link
@iOS0709 yeah check that only
yes thanks now checking..:) @Tamanna
@Nezam yes @Prince is right, Sorry i did not read it properly, There is a limit of 1k
@Prince that says at one go one particular notification to 1000 people
thats not what we are dealing with i guess
here it is mentioned
@iOS0709 lemme knw then :)
yeah that is the only limit
and what you exactly want?
@Nezam yeh its different...
@Tamanna yes sure..:)
@Prince +1 sir :)
@Aamirkhan @Prince @NareshSharma
Q: How to create wallet like i-phone in android using page curl animation

BaadshahI have to create this type of layout images ate coming from server,images are countless, at first moment i have 5 imageview to show these five coupons.but when images are more than five then i have to use a page curl animation to set left images like this. this is the after page curl.but i dont...

@Aamirkhan meaning i need that at a single moment a particular user want to send a message to upto 10 different peoples
you can send upto 1000 users at the moment
but simultaneously there may be n users who may be initiating n*10 messages
You can sent N numbers.
but the number of users for one particular sending will not be more than 10
no at the moment you can send only one message to perticular device
one user will receive single message only
at the moment
@Aamirkhan thats ok i understand that
@Karthik try to using getparent()
i am talking of sending.. one user may initiate more than one message at the server end
@all GUD MOR
like to 10 ppl
see like we have in whatsapp group messaging
which shows one particular person sending a message to around 30 users
Whatsapp works on gcm if you'all dont know @Aamirkhan
Is it? I did not know
thanks for letting know
all chat apps work on gcm
@Segi where i have to use its in startactivity of parent or tab layout activity child
well they all 30 users will have device id and it will send to all device id
otherwise other than gcm its not possible
@Karthik obviously in tabactivity dude.
tabactivity child na dude,
ok fine
@Aamirkhan yes thats how it works
@Segi what is the finish method
i have previous exp of gcm.. but needed to be ascertain about the figure
since i work on mob cum server cum .net technologies i have a good idea of how it works front+backend alhumdulillah
thats nice
@Karthik google abt it
Good morning all :)
@Segi i know abt finish(); one but you given one link na in that one public void finish() {
if (mParent == null) { in that one i am asking,whats the use of that one
@Karthik dont look at that method.. just use what u need.
are ene tab activity me thi return karavvu che @Segi
@Tam are aj che yaar
jo to khara me link aapi e..
etle e tab activity ne for result mate start kre che.
@Tam je use karavanu kahu chu e karto nathi baki nu jove che.
@Segi to ene samjay :P
@Tam nop
@KarthickM What is your issue?
@Aamirkhan @Anamika assalamualikum..
@all : good morning...
@Tamanna yeh kaunsa lang he?
@Aamirkhan i am looking for segi sented link
its useful i am checking for that one
@shihab_returns Salam. Vgm
@Nezam gujjju
@Segi that link is very useful
@Anamika @Aamirkhan: can't play mp4 video from url...in video view...
any tut or links will appreciated...
@shihab_returns Check if helps
A: Play mp4 file from URL on android

sumon chatterjeeCheck this. It will help you. String LINK = "http://www.boisestatefootball.com/sites/default/files/videos/original/01%20-%20coach%20pete%20bio_4.mp4"; setContentView(R.layout.video); VideoView videoView =(VideoView)findViewById(R.id.webView); MediaController mc = new MediaController(this); mc.se...

@Anamika @Prince: great ...i will give you feedback soon..:)
@shihab_returns walaikum assalam :)
@MakeitSimple hey
your SQLite issue solved?
Yep its solved on that day night.. I was busy with discussion.. so only i can't able to know you. Thanks a lot dude. @Aamirkhan
@MakeitSimple Ok solved finally!!! nice to hear this :)
@Baadshah got any clue?
@Priyanka Welcome
@Aamirkhan Thank you :/
Good morning
@Aamirkhan yr smj ni aa rha chnge kaise kru
confuse hu
@Baadshah Dekho hojayega bhai kuch na kuch hoga solution R & D karna padega
@Priyanka stackoverflow.com/questions/20641542/… any idea about this issue?
yr layout set ni ho rhi
@Aamirkhan Hmmm @Baadshah's issue..
right now i don’t have any idea about it.. have to googling for this...
ok ok
If you smell lalala
Ula la la la A OOO
Ula la la la A OOO,
Not E ooo A OO
ok edited
All new users or users whom i dont know. Please introduce yourself :P
ok... B 2 W :)
@Abhi may i knw u sir :P
No :P
@KarthickM solved na?
my question here:

ya solved thanks@Tamanna
@KarthickM great :)
thnx 2 @Segi not me
@Segi thanks for the linkk
@Prince, @Anamika: stuck stackoverflow.com/questions/20651200/… on this..
@Karthick now can you tell me what exactly you do for that.??
@Segi i added that getparent code
if (getParent() == null) {
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, data);
} else {
getParent().setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, data);
this one i added
@Karthick that exactly i said u, but you were looking on finish method. :D
ya you are correct,thank you
@Karthick strongly welcme.
margaye sabhi?
i want to know whether dere is a direct way in android gcm to know whether people are online or not
@KarthickM hi
@John hi
@Nezam no idea
hi all
I just list about Handler and Timer on my blog please visit once to see interesting fact androidtrainningcenter.blogspot.in/2013/12/…
@Abhi hi veteran
@Sameer +1
:13594623thnx dude
@Nezam no Nezam, there is not any direct way. And this is not what GCM supposed to do. GCM always just push the message if device have internet connection(else message has been queued and you will get all at once when your device is connected to Internet).
<b>Important Note to ALL :</b>I observe all developer get mature here, as you will not see the flood of question now. Its good sign , Keep this spirit of learning
@Sameer you are right :)
@Tamanna thnx BTW see my blog link :)
AR banda :) wah
AR !!!
i am bad at abbreviations, Even though i used too
Augmented Reality :)
No i am not AR banda at all
i hardly work on it while start android
Hi can any one plz tell, if possible listview with in scrollview?
@John why u want that?
@Sameer Currently i have complete 2D games now going for 3D game and augmented reality
@John yup its possible
@Tamanna Thanks for ur response first. we can add listView inside scrollview?
@Tamanna that's sound cool, it depends on what kind of work your company getting , my company did not get these kind of work
@Sameer itz written in ur profile: :P
@Anamika ??
Q: Listview inside ScrollView is not scrolling on Android

Ashwani KI am having trouble with scrolling listview inside a scrollview. I an having an activity which has some EditText in the top part and then a tab host with two tabs which have one listview each. When the edit text views are focused, the soft keyboard come up and as I am having scrollview, the conte...

@Tamanna :D it not updated from years, Checkout my blog and keep your feedback that's all i love to hear from people
@John as i told itz not feasible to put list in scroll view...
@Sameer TKS, i will check...
@Tamanna yes?
@Anamika ye aap h ho :P muje pehle doubt hua :P
@Tamanna yah, you are right...
@John its quite easy to nested each, but you will get problem in scrolling, so for that see answer will help you
@Anamika ohk :)
Just for a change.
@Sameer ya i read out it. can plz u just explain for more words?.
@John like what
try implementing , and keep message here if you will face any problem
@Sameer ya implemented..... listview inside scrollview, UI display good. but i can't able to scroll my list view.
Thats the problem. i see that output. but i dont known what exact reason. so that.
@John thas the above questions explain, you to intercept touch event of ScrollView
see link above i gave you
@Sameer okay thanks, i got it.
@Sameer : Dude i wanna implement "In App purchase" in my app,. i googled n found some code but i can find wher i hav to put my download after paymeny done,..
@John your welcome, hey do me an favour due, i gave my blog link above, go to there and follow it
@Murali yes
other wise anybody can download without paying
@Sameer : but i donno where i hav to implement downloading in billing service,.
Hi Friends......
@Murali billing service will give you transaction id and you will get back to your application
@Sameer : ok thn
@Khan hiee
@Khan hello khan , are you Aamir?
@Sameer no..he is KHAN :) @Aamirkhan is aamir :)
@Tamanna oh, you are much aware
thnx for information
@Sameer yeah :)
@Tamanna where are you from?
where does this place exist (removed)?
@Sameer wht?
yes i asked where are you from and you write (removed) :D @Tamanna
@Sameer Hi! Bro How are you
@Aamirkhan so finally you arrived
@Sameer i replied but u didnt read :)
@Tamanna i think one must be proud to be where they belong no so shy
like i belong to heart of India
@Tamanna sorry i did not read
ha ha, actually i write message and then switch to my eclipse to work
@Sameer You are right, Don't know why Hidding Locations, It's Funny
@Sameer She is from place where you work currently :)
@Aamirkhan i work in ahmedabad
i know :P
@Aamirkhan :P
most of the people belong to AHD baad here
@all hi
they donot have work gerenally @Aamirkhan @Tamanna
hehe, don't have work?
I don't think so
I am also from same place
@Sameer we wrk sir
ok may be i am wrong
its was instant opinion
@Tamanna hi how are u?
@Sameer nope I am not aamir
But wrong openion
@Khan Assalamalekum
@Aamirkhan assalamu alaykum
@Aamirkhan ok ok donot be offended :P
walekum assalam
@Aamirkhan waalaykum assalam
@Aamirkhan @Khan @Tamanna i invite you join my BLog
Friends I have one query is there any open source library available to stream MOV file in android .... i checked this in it video streaming is working fine but is payable vitamio.org/en
after contacting them we come to know about its pricing
@Khan ohh.. for ma app also i was thinkgn to use viatmino :P
@Tamanna :( I already run the github example to check it works for me or not and I also checekd its licensing i think i have to choose other lib or other way.
@Khan yeah
god save me.
@Khan sorry MOV
bye all
thanks for telling me all this info
@BulletRaja wht are you talking abt??
@Tamanna i just come to know about few facts which i don't know earlier
so thanks to all
@BulletRaja ohk
@Tamanna MOV is default file format of apple device while recording video etc... so in our app we have to show video and play it but lack supported file format it will not works so need to find alternate way to play it in android
@Khan r u developng iOS app??
nope android app i am developing
@Tamanna i have one doubt
list cannot be resolved or is not a field
it shows error like this in this line
@KarthickM show some more code
Check id of list in allmessages layout@KarthickM
@KarthickM try with some other id
ok fine
ya i tried with other ids also,but dont know its showing the same error again and again
@KarthickM shoe me xml
@Tamanna : Hi Am developing an application for album, In my app there will be demo songs if the user wanna purchase it he has to buy the songs, When he purchased songs gotta downloaded into app.
So at where i hav to place my downloading,..

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