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03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 15:00

Good Morning
@NareshSharma @MysticMagic
@Prince @MysticMagic Hello
@NareshSharma Hello bhai
good morning frnds :)
Good Morning All dearest
@CapDroid me too ?
@Rosalie @Servant write access.
hi all.... is there anyone working on Android?
@Prince What do you mean, write access?
@Servant I approved you to write here.
@Rosalie Mostly ALL
has anyone worked on In-App Purchase in Android?
I have some doubts in that
Does anybody here know what are the best automation tools for creating macros to automate many different kinds of tasks? Please help..
@Rosalie not me. sorry.
@Servant no :-/
@Anamika That's sad.
ok.... anybody else? please help me
@Rosalie Sorry me too not worked with in-app.
@Servant dont know buddy.
@Anamika welcome :D
I guess @Victor worked. not sure
@Prince Thnx
@Anamika issue kya hey ?
@Victor ask Rosalie
@Rosalie yes
hi victor... i have a couple of doubts in inapp purchase
@Rosalie ask
I have this sample app from developers site the "Trivial Drive" project
@Rosalie ok
in the code they are statically setting the sku's that have been given in google play
I want to know if we can get all the sku's at a time dynamically
because right now its like you define a product in google play then take the id and keep in code... generate apk... long process
@Rosalie no sku's are the items that you are given in in-app items in developer console
so you have to set statically
so is it like compulsory we have to manually set the id in our code and generate apk to test everytime we add a product?
@Rosalie yes it is
no services nothing to get dynamically? or may be can we can have our own webservices to get them dynamically?
@Rosalie no .
@Rosalie how can you get googleplays service ?
i think not possible
actually i am new to this concept.... but i just got suggestion from someone like with our web services we can...
so i just want to cross check with someone who knows
@Rosalie no i dont think it is possible
ok. thank you
Good Morning Friends............
Vgm @Khan
@Anamika hey
Q: Select checkall in listview to check all the checkbox

Karthick MI am having an listview with checkboxes,from the top i am giving an "select all",while check the select all,i want all checkbox has to select it.But now while checking the select all is not selecting all the checkbox.Seperate checkbox is working fine. This is the layout for select all for listvi...

hows u
@KarthickM Any error or just not being checked?
@Tushar gud.
No idea about PHP. sorry @Tushar
i am creator of this room
@Anamika not being checked
ok @KarthickM looking
@KarthickM Getting proper count in lv.getCount();?
gud mrng... @Anamika ru sweetwisher?
ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_multiple_choice,lv);
setListAdapter(adapter); while using this it shows error like this
The constructor ArrayAdapter<String>(ContactActivity, int, ListView) is
hey dear :) @Anamika
Chk one new answer on ur que. I think that would work @KarthickM
@DD. Got?
yes @Anamika
hello apk working fine android OS version 2.3 to 4.2 bt it not install in 4.3 .
@JuzzCoding access granted
Hello People!
@JuzzCoding Hello
well, is it possible to make different browsers communicate each other?
Say, like you log in to a site using a browser and u see yourself logged in when you open another browser in your system.. is anything of that kind possible ??
What an idea !!!! But no idea about it. @JuzzCoding
@DD. morning good
@JuzzCoding php ?
Hello Everyone
@Prince uhmm.. i just want to know for a way, if it's possible sumhow?
@JuzzCoding this is possible but you have to R & D on it
@NareshSharma elab plz?
@JuzzCoding uhmmm.. its great concept but you need to search, i dont know about it. :D
@JuzzCoding stackoverflow.com/questions/3342140/cross-domain-cookies this is something similar to your issue
@NareshSharma Hello sir
@Prince @BinaryCode Hello Boss
@JuzzCoding may you need to maintain session and transfer session of one browser to another
hii gud mrng prince @Prince
@DD. am also here :P
@JuzzCoding are you trying to do it on php or what?
@NareshSharma gm
hey hero :) gud mrng @NareshSharma
@NareshSharma Hello Hero sir
@DD. morning :)
@Prince abe rhne de
@BinaryCode I just want to know if its possible ?
@JuzzCoding php? .net? jsp? servlet?
in which language?
@BinaryCode Any .
Is it possible?
@JuzzCoding your issue is totaly depends on maitaining cookies and session,and there are different way for maitaining cookies and session in different languages
if you are working on php than raise your issue here,if .net than here
there are web experts
Hello Smart Developers
@Abhi Hey Smarty
:D Color
@Abhi :)
@DD. Hey Chennai :P
i hav not been to chennai atall :D @Abhi
But belongs to???
asking the same question for the 4th time :(
Oh God. Long term memory loss. :P
@Rosalie No I am not :P
@Abhi huh.... i was waiting fr reply der....
good morning guys
I need a brief knowledge about stackoverflow rules
can anyone please help me?
@Andru YES REgarding ?
Hey @Rosalie are you there?
@Victor My account was suspended for a 7 days before 10 days due to
NO. Rosalie is here not there :P
@Andru you can ask moderators !
voting irregularities
@Victor But now my account is fine
@Andru then what is ther to worry ?
But @Victor i can see just within a 15 minutes span i got 150 reputation
@Andru ohh
@Victor And i dont know who is doing this? And how to prevent that.
@Andru no one will do that as every one will be busy with their schedules
just goahead
@Victor Can you plz help me a bit. Actually I really dont want to get suspended again.
Hey everyone, I have a WordPress question. I am creating a WordPress theme in Photoshop right now, I am going to have 4 custom post type; Music, Videos, Photos, and News.

When making the search results page, do I need to have more than one file/page template because of how the custom post are laid out or can I just use one?
hi @NareshSharma @Andru @Abhi @Anamika @Rosalie @Priyanka @Prince @DD. @JuzzCoding @JellyBean @BinaryCode @KarthickM @Khan @kodewrecker @NarendraPrajapati @iCodeAtAndroid @Tushar @TyreeBrown `@Tycoon
@Rishi u missed me
Hello @Rishi
@Andru what ?
@TyreeBrown not a right place for wordpress query
@Rishi Hi..
@Victor you pinged me on gtalk ?
@NareshSharma Oh sorry.
@Rishi |o| :P
@Rishi Hi.... could have just said all... great patience
no need to say sorry dear @TyreeBrown
yesterday @NareshSharma
@Rishi hiiii..
@Victor ohh kk i have seen today morning
@NareshSharma 1 no. nw k happy :)
@NareshSharma great
@NareshSharma I'm a male, but ok... :)
@Victor As again i have got 150 votes within a span of 5 minutes. I am bit worry about my account suspension again.
@Rishi yeah :)
@TyreeBrown hahaha then
@Andru lol . No one can help you in this. you better contact moderators
@pareshy hi long time
hi @Rishi
hii gud mrng :) @Rishi
@Andru better to follow the SO instructions if you don't want your account suspended
@Andru Seattle, Washington
@NareshSharma Cleaning up a bit, huh? :)
@NareshSharma great work sir.
yes that's important because room is for technical discussion :) @TyreeBrown
@Prince :)
@NareshSharma oooh, gotcha!
@Victor Yes
I have taken one image from camera,now after image captured i want to mark two points on image view,and user can drag that both point and can put that points any were image`(I.E user should be allowed to move both points on imageview)`,and after that i want to measure distance between that two points),any idea? @Prince @NareshSharma
@manish access granted please check about.me/smartdeveloper
Thanks @NareshSharma
no @BinaryCode
I want to implement image zoom functionality without pinch zoom effect,just have Zoom+ & Zoom- Button clicking on any button effect of Zooming should occur,Any one have idea?
@Prince @Priyanka @NareshSharma HI
good afternoon
@Prince Hi
how to design vertical seek bar in xml file
@NareshSharma @Prince good noon :)
@QuokMoon Good Noon
@PiyushGupta Hello
@Priyanka hows you??
@PiyushGupta i am good... howz going on...
@Priyanka going fine..Thx....and urs?
@PiyushGupta Good :)
@Prince hey
@PiyushGupta hello buddy.
@Priyanka Same here :P
@Prince how can we prevent the image for out of bound of screen
@Priyanka we have also....yet
@PiyushGupta never create image like that :(
@QuokMoon Thanks buddy. Very nice example.
@PiyushGupta ok
Q: Implement Zoom In & Out functionality in Custom Camera in android

KL Amit SuriNeed to Implement Zoom In & Out functionality in Custom Camera by tapping finger on Camera or by using tap on button PreviewSurface.java:- public class PreviewSurface extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback { public static final String LOG_TAG = "CameraPreview"; ...

Its ok
@Prince any help ?
have any windows app devloper?
@KLAmitSuri No idea.
Can i Start Cocos2D with C/C++?????
or Java is better than it?? @Priyanka
3 hours ago, by BinaryCode
I have taken one image from camera,now after image captured i want to mark two points on image view,and user can drag that both point and can put that points any were image`(I.E user should be allowed to move both points on imageview)`,and after that i want to measure distance between that two points),any idea? @Prince @NareshSharma
any one have idea about this issue?
y to measure distance @BinaryCode?
@SweetWisher it's requrement for optician application
First to capture patient eye photo,than need to make zoom in zoom out and than need to show two point which can be dragable
Pick two points on the picture with high precision. This means that the user should be
allowed to tap the screen to pick an approximate point on the picture; after that, the user
should be able to carefully adjust the selected point, e.g. via clickable cursors that move
around the selected point;
okay @BinaryCode kya mila abhi tk??
@SweetWisher i have done zoom in out
now moving to display points
Done moving?? @BinaryCode
@SweetWisher no
Are u using canvas? @BinaryCode
@SweetWisher no just searching what will be better
i will be back within 20minutes
k.. me too AH @BinaryCode :)
@CapDroid HI
iphone devs here?
@PiyushGupta hey
@Nezam ask....
@SweetWisher just in the process of framing a proper question.Will post link in sometime.. brb
@SweetWisher :P
@CapDroid :)
Q: Appicon comes up proper on iphone 4S running on iOS7 but not on iphone 5?

NezamThis is a very small problem which is driving me nuts since days.Recently i updated my xcode to xcode 5 for ios7 development which brought up the assets catalog for simplifying the use of image assets.I have set the appicon for the app and its coming up nice and sharp on iphone 4s running ios7 bu...

@SweetWisher thats it
@PiyushGupta Sorry for late reply..i was not on desk...
depends on you if you comfortable with C/C++ than use it or if you comfortable with Java than use java... cocos2d is same for both..
@Priyanka Its Okay..nope....are you working with java?
@PiyushGupta yes i used java..
@Priyanka Okay..nice
@PiyushGupta Hmmm :)
@Priyanka any app on GPlay which u developed?
@SweetWisher back
@PiyushGupta using cocos2d???
WC @BinaryCode
@Priyanka Yes..
@BinaryCode Good Evening Sir
@PiyushGupta on google paly
@CapDroid good evening bhai
@BinaryCode hows you?
@Priyanka its nice.....ans also Graphics are very nice
now feeling fresh,just slept at desk for 10minuts
@SweetWisher @CapDroid
@BinaryCode lolzzz
@PiyushGupta yeahh Thanks..
@Priyanka WC
@PiyushGupta :)
43 mins ago, by BinaryCode
Pick two points on the picture with high precision. This means that the user should be
allowed to tap the screen to pick an approximate point on the picture; after that, the user
should be able to carefully adjust the selected point, e.g. via clickable cursors that move
around the selected point;
@BinaryCode jordar....
@Priyanka :) same
any req in company ?? I wanna sleep in company
@CapDroid i have requirement like above,any idea?
@CapDroid you can sleep on your company
@BinaryCode not possible
@CapDroid ok check my issue
ghar jake sone :P
@CapDroid hehehe :P
@Priyanka can you tell me one thing??
@PiyushGupta Yes
@BinaryCode Pick two points on the picture with high precision.. by user touch ??
@Priyanka it has same layout design which we can develop in android app??
@PiyushGupta yes we can..
@Priyanka Okay..Thanks...2 good
@PiyushGupta Now you WC :)
Got the solution @Nezam?
@CapDroid ya or it can be by default also
@Priyanka Oh...Thx.
@BinaryCode I don't about by default and possible by user interaction
@CapDroid ok
how can i do by user interaction?
@Priyanka and also cocos2D updated???
@BinaryCode put two image and use drag and drop functionality
@CapDroid ok let me try
@BinaryCode :)
@BinaryCode only you have to try :P :P
@PiyushGupta updated?
@CapDroid to mene kab kaha koi aur try karega :P
i just needed some guidline
@Priyanka ya..
@BinaryCode good boy... I am always ready for guideline
@CapDroid you are intelligent that's y i ask you,
hum to..... :/ @BinaryCode
@SweetWisher you are super intelligent :)
@BinaryCode kuch jyada hogya ab :P
chlo tatuss :) @CapDroid Allah hafiz @BinaryCode
@SweetWisher ah
@BinaryCode nai bhai nai
@SweetWisher AH
@SweetWisher Wait a second sweet
@PiyushGupta Yes
@Priyanka do u know how to prevent image bound of screen ?
in cocos2D.
@PiyushGupta scale as per screen ?
@Victor yes....after on touch it went to out of bound of screen
@PiyushGupta after touch what is its scale ?
I have created class for that differently
@PiyushGupta check image scale after touch and before touch
@Victor at starting i have declaed one varible for scaling as a static 0.25f
@PiyushGupta ok is it out of screen ?
Yes....at staring it is in the screen top of the right..but after touch i went to out of screen.......
@PiyushGupta yes now check that variable value after touch
else set that variable say xyz =0.25f again after touch (immediatly when touch called) @PiyushGupta
ok chking
this might solve your problem :)
@Victor after touch it is same 0.25f
@PiyushGupta ohhh :( can you show me code
@Victor Yes...wait
it would be great if you could show me screenshots of image befre touch and after touch @PiyushGupta
@PiyushGupta can you tell me issue influencing lines in that code
@PiyushGupta Log.v("Scaling", mScaleFactor + "");
trace that after
@Nezam yeah sure
in onTouch @PiyushGupta
@Victor when i didn't reset matrix then image didn't display
@PiyushGupta just log the value of mScalefactor after mMatrix.reset();
can u show me screenshots once
@SweetWisher thanks for help. :smile:
@Victor okay....wait
@PiyushGupta there ?
@Nezam I didn't at all :)
@SweetWisher hi
@SweetWisher thanks for the care then.
hiya @Rishi :)
@Nezam lolz,....ok :)
wts going
Ohk enjoy den @Rishi
no p urrs @SweetWisher
3 day left
@Victor Sorry....scaling remains same when moves action performs...but after rotate with different angles it was changed.
@Prince bhai kahe nahi
@Nezam agree
@Prince @NareshSharma @SilentKiller need some strict step still Owner!
@BinaryCode you can Take not
@BinaryCode dont include me to strict rules tell to other owners
if only would people behave.... sigh..
@SilentKiller ok
nothing to discuss chill down
@SilentKiller AH @NareshSharma @Prince By tc
@Victor look this one
@BinaryCode AH
@Kalpit delete this
@Prince is it scaling issue or positioning issue ?
@Prince what happend?
is all this happening becoz of me? huh?
@Victor this is the after scaling...but what i want that when i touch the image first time or any time it will not goout side the screen
@Kalpit add me : [email protected]
will tell you there.
@PiyushGupta nice
@Victor which issue ?
@PiyushGupta that image is after image went out of screen ?
@Victor yes.....at the first time when i touch on screen anywhere the hair image goes to outside of screen..and after that normally......so this is one problem..and after than when i touch hair image and move or rotate it it will not go to out side the device screen
03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 15:00

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