I've loaded 3 list view and one edit text on my layout
When i touch the edittext keyboard is open. At that time i've checked the memory size using below code.
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
long vmAlloc = rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory();
long nativeAlloc = Debug.getNati...
hey friends I am trying to hide divider between tab i taken tabhost and tabwidget in in lower os 2.3 it divider between tab are always hidden while in jelly in 3 tab it not show divider while in first tab it shows how to remove divider i tried showDivider="none" android:divider="@null" or android:divider="@android/color:transparent" but none of works any idea about it
checking it fadinedge and showdivider not works in my case in tab selected situation only for first tab it show divider for other not means why it show in first tab not getting @Aamirkhan
@Aamirkhan @CapDroid solved with hack in selection
This is for all who are in this room: "Kindly Note down to have a Conversation in only English Language,we are having developer from out side india also,so be care full while speaking" Thanks
hello maybe someone can help me with that http://jsfiddle.net/arunpjohny/3jMJF/ My issue is as you see there are in order like id,vorname,name and i want when i multiply them to be shown again like this and not like they do now. Anyone any idea?
What I am trying to do:
I am trying to develop an app that only requires the user's location at the start of one activity. So only when the user is within the activity, the location gets updated either by network or GPS. Accordingly, the user may choose an indoor map.
What is my problem:
This is for all who are in this room: "Kindly Note down to have a Conversation in only English Language,we are having developer from out side india also,so be care full while speaking" Thanks