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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 14:00

Not map.
But i want with MAP.
@BinaryCode Muje bola ?
@BinaryCode Chart is developed. Actually, there is some other issue
@KarthickM public void setForMonday() {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 00);
calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
System.out.println("Old is set@ :== " + calendar.getTime());

alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, calendar.getTimeInMillis(),AlarmManager.INTERVAL_DAY * 7, pendingIntent);
@Anamika ok
@Prince wrong tag
@BinaryCode free for 2 mins? So I will describe.
@KarthickM have a look on this.
you can set the calender as your need. @KarthickM
@Anamika ya sure
actually i am already setting as globally
as calendar
@SweetWisher @SilentKiller any idea?
no :( tried but mPlayer.toggleFullScreen(); not wrkign i guess
A: Toggle Fullscreen mode (updated)

cprcrackprivate void toggleFullscreen(boolean fullscreen) { WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs = getWindow().getAttributes(); if (fullscreen) { attrs.flags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN; } else { attrs.flags &= ~WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCR...

try this code @SHAIKAFEEZA
Ek chez batao basic... i am starting a service via an intent.. say Login service.. how do i catch invalid credentials,validation etc? in the Service class itself? @SweetWisher @Prince @BinaryCode
@Anamika Sorry No :(
ok.let me check @SweetWisher
@BinaryCode I think you have implement push notification , is it right ?
@SweetWisher I want to switch between normal & full screen like youtube videos
it has the control for full screen and it has fullScreenListener
yes @KarthickM
private View.OnClickListener mFullscreenListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
put the code given in linkk in doToggleFullscreen() @SHAIKAFEEZA
@SweetWisher toggleFullscreen() called under doToggleFullscreen().And that code Im using in toggleFullscreen() in VideoPlayerActivity.But Im not getting toggleFullscreen(boolean fullscreen)(boolean argument is about ??? )
yes so replace that code
@Andru have you seen that link
@KarthickM forday(int); should use how you want
i am also confussing how to do that one@Andru
Ya sure just give a minute. @KarthickM
@NarasimhaiahKolli u hv access nw..read rules here
Use this:
which one
@SweetWisher it is silly to ask.But i get this error The method getWindow() is undefined for the type VideoControllerView
@KarthickM else if(mytime == "Weekdays(Mon-Fri)")

forday(6); }
@iCodeAtAndroid yes bro
write like this.. but i guess this will also nt wrk :( @SHAIKAFEEZA
@Prince yr server se images aa rhi hai
size shi ni aa rha
blur ho rhi hain
@KarthickM else if(mytime == "Weekend")
@iCodeAtAndroid set image to imageview ? what is image size? how you set it ?
not working @SweetWisher
wht?? @SHAIKAFEEZA tht line??
@Nezam describe issue in some more detail
@SweetWisher mContext.this.getWindow().getAttributes(); this is also nt working :(
@chintankhetiya ya
@Prince image view ka size fix kr dia haqi
but choti aa rhi hai
wrap content se
not like tht
@iCodeAtAndroid kyu fix ?
fut jati hai
((Activity)mContext).getWindow().getAttributes(); @SHAIKAFEEZA
@KarthickM and call the function out of the block its a public function :
@KarthickM public void forday(int week) {

calSet.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, week);
calSet.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour);
calSet.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minuts);
calSet.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
calSet.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);

calSet.getTimeInMillis(), 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000, pendingIntent);
yes ok :) @SweetWisher
@SweetWisher nw i will check the output & will let u know the result after coffee break.tq
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@Khan hi.great news :)
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@BinaryCode How ? Using parse ?
or GCM
@Khan Hey how are you ?
pastie.org/8516673 can you check this link of my final code @Andru @SweetWisher
@KarthickM give me the link of your question. I will give you the full answer snippet
Q: How to send sms frequently like these(daily, weekly, every 5 minutes, every hour)

Karthick MI want to send sms frequently like that in question; I am using spinner option with some option like that(daily,weekly,every 5 minutes),while i select any option in these spinner it has to go like that. Alaramsms.java: private String[] Time_CATEGORY = { "Once","Every hour","Every day", "Weekda...

@chintankhetiya thanks bro me fine you say
@chintankhetiya GCM
Need bit changed check my given answer. @KarthickM
@Andru have you checked the code
Declare forday() the function after onCreate method as i mentioned in my answer. @KarthickM
ohh ok
@Andru you are writing in the answer before the onactiviyt result
yap @KarthickM
ok fine
@Khan I am good ,
@BinaryCode Which link you followed ?
@chintankhetiya yes this link was very helpful to me
i learnt it from here
@KarthickM is it solved your issue?
@BinaryCode Okay, I have done almost , as per this demo single user can register from specific phone , when i have register , it will goes to server , inserting record and show me message like device is register successful
and server side i am able to see send text message to user like chintan khetiya
text message?
checking dude
or push notification?
but when i write some text and click to send i am not reeving that message
@chintankhetiya ok
@BinaryCode It mean same na
Yes @KarthickM
make sure you are doing proper thing on your onRecive method
@BinaryCode That is same code copied from server ,
protected void onMessage(Context context, Intent intent)
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "call",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Log.i(TAG, "Received message");
String message = intent.getExtras().getString("price");
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "call"+message,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Log.i(TAG, "Received message"+message);
displayMessage(context, message);
// notifies user
generateNotification(context, message);
this one
If my key is wrong then they are not allow to register also , and i have use debug key simple
@Andru layout problem checking dude,5 mts
@chintankhetiya String message = intent.getExtras().getString("price"); here you are writing price
inplace of it write
and check
bcs at server side data is passing like this
$message = $_GET["message"];
make this simple changes and check again,let me know if it works
@BinaryCode I am using my php file at local server , is it wrong ?
@chintankhetiya no no it's not wrong
you have to speak to your php guy how he is sending TAG
@BinaryCode But yet , we haven't write our code , i am testing that same file and code , i have just add project number & API KEY & PHP URL
@chintankhetiya and i think that's enough for testing
some thing is missing on server site
please check it properly
DB is okay , even when i click on send its shows success call back of index page
success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
` $message = array("price" => $message);`
@chintankhetiya ok
its a response param
and its valid
@chintankhetiya ok
i think 80 % task is done
some thing is missing on your side
try to solve it
i will check it when i get time ok?
okay sure thanks
always we are upto 80 or 90 % but last remaining percentage looks very danger
That's challange :)
i know you will solve it fast
ha ha , amul butter :P
Amul is so costly now a days
to cmul : C- factor :P
@SweetWisher @Andru
android.widget.button cannot be cast to android.widget.Datepicker
why its showing for pickers
In which line? @KarthickM
datep = (DatePicker) findViewById(R.id.datePicker);
timep = (TimePicker) findViewById(R.id.timePicker1);
here my xml
I have surfaceview and at run time i am giving background image to surfaceview
@KarthickM wait having a look in your xml
dude after project-clean its showing but dont know spinner is not showing
Is there any nice way to implement zoom+,- functionality on surfaceview?
pastie.org/8516749,i am using this method,it scalling entire surface and and it doesn't work well
Now what error you are getting? @KarthickM
i am not getting any error but spinner is not showing
ok checking @KarthickM
now checkbox is shwoing
spinnerTime.setAdapter(adapter_state); add this line after adapter_state.setDropDownViewResource(); @KarthickM
@KarthickM Done?
that spinner is working,but while clicking the start itself its going once
its not going after 5 minutes like that
I didn't get you. @KarthickM
its not working perfectly
can i send my code to you
Bye all
Ya sure. @KarthickM
bye thanks for your help,not getting success @SweetWisher
Bye @SweetWisher for today. Have a grt night.
can you send an empty mail to email [email protected] @Andru
@KarthickM i think @Andru will help u. Otherwise i will be back tomorrow
thank you,bye@SweetWisher
Allah hafiz @SHAIKAFEEZA @SilentKiller @BinaryCode
i didnt notice
you sent one empty mail to me
ya sure.
anyone here worked with http secure?
@SweetWisher what is your language?
@iCodeAtAndroid what is your issue?
403 forbidden error
@MohammadMMohammad Doesn't matter...
give iusr read permissions
have you sent@Andru
Just sent. @KarthickM
in menifest?
@MohammadMMohammad dude reply fast
sent @Andru
@SweetWisher allahafiz
Ya checking in moment. @KarthickM
@iCodeAtAndroid is it related to SslErrorHandler???
bye all :)
Q: How to find Distance Between Camera And Object

BinaryCodeI am new to this issue.I have requirement like this.I am making one application for an optician.He has such requirement that whenever any object[I.E Customer of optician] is come for eye test,on that time his photo should be captured,and after capturing photo.I need to measure distance between ca...

@iCodeAtAndroid is it web application deployment?
Q: Load google visualization api second time

AnamikaI am facing this issue in my application which contains google chart. While user starts the application, if the network is not available, I show an alert saying "Network is not available" and send him out of application. This is the code being used: // In case there is no network // the google ...

@iCodeAtAndroid have you seen this..
@KarthickM where are you facing issue?
if i click evey 5 minutes its not sending every 5 minutes,while clicking the start button itself is sending message one time thats all is doing@Andru
@All Byeee
@KarthickM public void forTime(int time) {
Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar2.set(Calendar.MINUTE, time);
calendar2.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
calendar2.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager)getSystemService(ALARM_SERVICE);

calendar2.getTimeInMillis(), 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000, pendingIntent);
} after forday(); declaration
i need to write this one ah dude,can you edit the alramsms.java in pastie.org and send to me @Andru
@Andru Save capture image with custom size in android?
A: Save capture image with custom size in android?

Vashishthtry this inside OnActivityResult BitmapFactory.Options bounds = new BitmapFactory.Options(); bounds.inSampleSize = 4; Bitmap myImage = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(SD_CARD_TEMP_DIR,bounds); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); myImage.compress(CompressFormat.PNG, 100, bos); bitma...

@Anamika 512 X 712 ?
@KarthickM i AMDE SOME CHANGE SEE THIS: pastie.org/8516875
@Anamika this size
params.setPictureSize(512, 712); works?
Camera.Parameters params = mCamera.getParameters();
n size set to fixed. check if works @Ace
@Anamika ok i am trying , thnx
@Andru no dude,while clicking the start itself its sending
Welcome @Ace And if doesn't work, see these answers:
Q: How to capture a custom image size with the camera in android?

Nguyen  Minh BinhHow to capture an square image in android? I want to capture an square image (such as 300x300 pixel) by calling Camera through intent in android, how can I do this?

@Anamika k
@KarthickM I have edited till: else if(mytime == "Every day") see this: pastie.org/8516886
And it will repeat it from his current time.
so it is sending instantly when you tap start @KarthickM
ya while clicking the start button its sending message
Becusse everywhere where you set it like this: calendar.getTimeInMillis()
even its not repeating,while clicking the start its sending only one time,not more that one
oh then what to change dude
There are minor but various things I have to change. But now I have to go home. What I can do for you is that I will have look on your code on tommorow morning. Ok? @KarthickM
@chintankhetiya any idea about this?
ok dude
Till then bye. @KarthickM
ok dude thanks a lot@Andru
But I think Today I have fixed some of your code. Right? @KarthickM
Any way Good night to all.
yes dude you helped a lot,but not getting success thats the pain for me
Not to worry. Just be relaxed I will assist you tomorow mrng as well. Sarp at 10.10 Am IST. Ok? @KarthickM
Bye all. Have a nice weekend.
bye all
04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 14:00

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