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2:01 PM
NAA 48748255, score 82, confidence 14: I have the same issue and the answer didn't solve it (much like for @KannanKandasamy), but didn't want to start a new thread and can't add a comment :/ The container log checks out, everything seems to be in order, and my port is set to 1433, basically e…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48748239, score 98, confidence 38: I am also facing the same issue. and changing the path in environment variables had not helped me.
→ flagged as not an answer
NAA 48748262, score 83, confidence 54: I have the same problem and would appreciate an answer to this question. Thanks
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48748323, score 85, confidence 4: I'm having the same problem. You need some permissions on the Azure subscription, but I've neven figured out which ones exactly. I think you need subscription admin or something. Since I wanted to have automated deployments I ended up with a PowerShell s…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48748297, score 81, confidence 34: you are looking for something like that take a look here
→ flagged as very low quality
NAA 48748340, score 100, confidence 12: SQL state [99999]; error code [17004]; Invalid column type; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type at org.springframework.jdbc.support.AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator.translat‌​e(AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator.java:83…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48748397, score 88, confidence 9: You should use special libraries for this, such as sftp or ftplib, they provide specific utils that will be helpful for you. Also, you can try to call the interesting command on the server.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48748396, score 100, confidence 4: If i am not wrong are you copying the A&B columns and pasting as values in the D&E Columns.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48748420, score 83, confidence 10: I am having a similar issue. In testing environment it worked just by updating the session.js from config (maxAge:24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) ~ 24hrs. In Prod it doesn't work at all. After 5/6 mins the application times out the user and you need to log in again…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48748477, score 93, confidence 8: As stated in this section of the documentation, you can pass a comma separated list of packages when building a KieBase. Hope it helps,
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48748449, score 93, confidence 15: You can check this library: github.com/venits/instagram-web-oauth It is the easiest and fastest way to obtain access_token right now.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48748515, score 87, confidence 44: Just use anonymous function. Take a look at this.
→ flagged as very low quality
VLQ 48748601, score 100, confidence 7: github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/9060 Maybe this will help, check for 2fa in gmail.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48748581, score 100, confidence 20: Please check this link to enable multidex for apps with over 64K methods developer.android.com/studio/build/multidex.html
→ flagged as very low quality
NAA 48748578, score 85, confidence 33: ![enter image description here]1(i.stack.imgur.com/4Tyyr.png)
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48748577, score 95, confidence 20: sorry I can't get it to work, for both logged in and not logged in customer, shows Hi %s %s, What am i missing ? OC default theme, no OCMOD
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48748571, score 81, confidence 8: It sounds like you want to track the selected Item. If you want to track the "selected Element", you have to use a CollectionView. WPF controls do not direcly bind to collections. They bind to a CollectionView. And if you do not give them one, they will …
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48748633, score 85, confidence 16: Take a look here: yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-security-authentication.html Here you can find guidelines on how to create user model to support authentication, the methods who actually login/logout such users; all the burden to fetch a user …
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48748720, score 100, confidence 2: I have solved the probel following the first two steps of this guide:fiwaretourguide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/… In the step-by-step guide these steps weren't descri…
→ flag candidate vlq
2:41 PM
VLQ 48748938, score 100, confidence 1: Its not easy but you can also specify layouts based on the smallest width and you you supply the numbers. You can get more detailed and separate layouts that way however in my experience you will still run into that problem from time to time. In my curre…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48748931, score 79, confidence 11: i would like to make a table of results containing each competition_name and edition_name by row { "data_id": 84778, "data_name": "Name", "results": { "football": Array[43][ { "competition_name": "worldcup", "edition_name": "2018", } } How to achive this ?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48748969, score 100, confidence 10: See regex in use here \b(?:0?3[2-9]|0?[4-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(?:\.(?:2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|[01]?\d‌​{1,2})){3}\b Please give me a moment to explain...
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48749026, score 93, confidence 30: Is there any way to get the bank country,Bank key,Account number from IBAN. I am having multiple values
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48749126, score 100, confidence 2: The reason is backward incompatible change in Lombok 1.6.20. See Lombok changelog projectlombok.org/changelog and this bug report github.com/rzwitserloot/lombok/issues/1563 for more details The solution is to specify lombok.anyConstructor…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48749109, score 100, confidence 1: I'm getting error like this xécution en erreur :Erreurs de compilation du Job Au moins le Job "Exportation" a des erreurs de compilation, réparez et réexportez. Ligne en erreur: 1295 Message détaillé: Syntax error on token "=", delete this token Il peut …
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48749104, score 91, confidence 27: Your isVowel function is not complete: you have forgotten the Y vowel. (this answer should be a comment, but I don't have enough reputation…)
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48749188, score 87, confidence 22: In a year you have 31557600 seconds. You can do 4*10^17/31557600 Have a look on this
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48749232, score 94, confidence 8: I am facing similar kind of issue. I have two orgs, the source org(having namespace because managed package is created) and the destination org. When i am trying to retrieve the metadata from source org(objects,classes,VF etc). Everything is getting retr…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48749287, score 99, confidence 7: Okay Problem solved. Rebuild the Project was the right button... Now i have a ID and the XML File is visible in R. Thank you!
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48749384, score 83, confidence 6: Your code returns 5. Which is strange for CPP, but it does actually what you want. I've tested it on pure CPP without any additional libraries. Test your code here. cpp.sh
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48749413, score 90, confidence 10: Got the same error using Jhipster 4 and unable to redirect to external url. Must be misconfig somewhere.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48749471, score 77, confidence 16: If send negative value it is trowing invalid decimal Error. Ex: Num = -1234 it trows Error; if it is positive its working fine. can you help me out with passing negative decimal value. Thanks
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48749470, score 92, confidence 7: I'm not sure which version is the one you mentionned. I would recommend using the official one, available on: unpkg.com/event-drops. Be careful: this is the last version with breaking changes compared to previous versions. D3 version 4 works with…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48749523, score 74, confidence 11: For "non artefacts" as you mentionned (zip, html, mp4,...) you can use the JFrog cli to resolve things from artifactory as dependencies and publish them as generated artifacts and then publish the build information oject generated by the cli to artifacto…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48749510, score 83, confidence 4: You can use Task Scheduler to schedule a PowerShell that enables/disables your Receive Location. Here biztalklive.blogspot.com.es/2017/10/… you have a Script example and here how to schedule soci
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48749555, score 72, confidence 10: I'm sure you can do it with nested fields, but not with parent child relationships. If you are looking for places Why don't you search on places index and filter by child? Has child filter
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48749598, score 98, confidence 39: I have the same issue, how do i fix it? i need my maps back
→ flagged as not an answer
NAA 48749645, score 98, confidence 66: I have a similar issue, have you find a solution? thanks
→ flagged as not an answer
NAA 48749628, score 99, confidence 49: I'm facing the same problem, did you manage to impleent the ELM method?
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 48749790, score 87, confidence 5: check out this link it poses a similar question to yours:How to make a Label appear then disappear after a certain amount of time in python tkinter The answer in this link uses the .after() method where you can either un pack the label widget after a giv…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48749779, score 93, confidence 27: Problem solved here: forum.qt.io/topic/87547/… thanks alot!
→ flagged as very low quality
VLQ 48749766, score 87, confidence 10: you must include Angular universal so as to get the title & meta tags rendered in the page source. Please follow this link: github.com/angular/angular-cli/wiki/stories-universal-rendering malcoded.com/posts/angular-fundamentals-universal-
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48749813, score 100, confidence 33: Did you find a way for extending the recorder?
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 48749878, score 94, confidence 3: Probably the most secure way is to run the application under the credentials you need to access AD with. If it's a desktop application, then that's easy (just run-as the application with the appropriate credentials). In ASP.NET, it's a little trickier, b…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48749877, score 100, confidence 7: I fixed this adding an method to cast the List. See this example: stackoverflow.com/a/2848268/6676203
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48749919, score 93, confidence 13: See github.com/mwaskom/seaborn/issues/1307 It seems they have a bug in debugger.py It works for me
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48749958, score 98, confidence 8: encountered the same error: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'sqlite3.h': No such file or directory C:\Users\yang\AppData\Local\Programs\Common\Microsoft\Visual C++ for Python\9.0\VC\Bin\amd64\cl.exe /c /nologo /Ox /MD /W3 /GS- /DNDEBUG -IC:\…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48749946, score 100, confidence 2: ## concats the symbols. Hence, you form a symbol GPIO_Pin_DIVIDE that is unknown. What you mean is probably #define NUMBER_TO_GPIO(a) (DIVIDE( GPIO_Pin_##a , 2))
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48749989, score 100, confidence 37: Hi @GaboG did you found a solution, I've the same problem here. Thanks
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 48749985, score 78, confidence 16: you can make use of the HTML notification API to implement the integration. Here is a link to our documentation page: voguepay.com/documentation#components
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48749978, score 95, confidence 8: SOLVED: I tried to use pandas. The steps of my method was: 1, Convert objects to DataFrame pd_query_1 = pd.DataFrame.from_records(query_1) pd_query_2 = pd.DataFrame.from_records(query_2) 2, Left join the two query result = (pd.merge(pd_query_1, pd_query_…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48750047, score 95, confidence 7: I tried to use pandas, which I think the easiest method. The steps of my method was: 1, Convert objects to DataFrame pd_query_1 = pd.DataFrame.from_records(query_1) pd_query_2 = pd.DataFrame.from_records(query_2) 2, Left join the two query result = (pd.m…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48750097, score 90, confidence 22: i have corrected your code , take a look codesandbox.io/s/14j6m2661q
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48750151, score 100, confidence 7: I found some Syntex error var app = angular.module("list", []); app.controller("ListCtrl", ["$scope", "$http", function ($scope, $http) { $scope.products = []; $http({ method: 'GET', url: 'data.json' }).success(function (data) { angular.forEach(data.item…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48750335, score 75, confidence 12: To pass a parameter you use sessions you might want to see some tutorials php.net/manual/en/session.examples.basic.php Check this out!
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48750415, score 96, confidence 16: For inline mode within a modal, this answer helped me github.com/tinymce/tinymce/issues/3851#issuecomment-357542637
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48750407, score 89, confidence 8: Is it possible to use use the and type of code for other apps like facebook / fbmessenger , twitter , Instagram , sms - simply by changing the WhatsApp text to the desired app name?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48750391, score 100, confidence 4: Hope you are well I do same configuration but ejabberd can't start and i got this error in ejabberd.log ""2018-02-12 07:46:48.716 [warning] <0.307.0>@gen_mod:get_validators:480 module 'mod_rest' doesn't export mod_opt_type/1 2018-02-12 07:46:48.716 [crit…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48750477, score 100, confidence 3: Did you manage how to get all shots from team? V1 API was pretty simple, but I can't do it with v2 API. Could you reach me with some answers? Would be glad!
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48750568, score 69, confidence 25: You can use the 'https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/subscriptions' endpoint instead of 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/subscriptions'.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48750565, score 100, confidence 4: Check out the other plugin for active-admin editor. I used froalaother plugins
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48750663, score 75, confidence 12: I don't think I understand. How did you actually fix it? I see this script in pyp2p but what did you change?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48750637, score 86, confidence 13: It appears your broker is not configured for SSL; I get the same error if I set SSL on the client; my broker doesn't use SSL... [2018-02-12 11:04:45,700] WARN Unexpected error from /; closing connection (org.apache.kafka.common.network.Selector)…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48750706, score 100, confidence 1: To install missing fonts in iReport, Access the following sub-items from the menu bar Tools > Options >Fonts > Install Font Add fonts files e.g garamond.otf, Add font family details Select locale of your country Manage font mapping to avoid the missing f…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48750736, score 65, confidence 14: If you have a Dropbox shared link for a file that can be accessed publicly, you can download from it programmatically. You can download directly using the link as documented here: dropbox.com/help/desktop-web/force-download Or, you can use th…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48750725, score 69, confidence 15: You can find a Vidyo.io sample app built with Swift here: github.com/Vidyo/customview-swift-ios Vidyo.io is a CPaaS focused on video chat. You can use the service for voice only, but you probably have better options if that is what you want to ac…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48750749, score 79, confidence 7: i have made jar file successfully when i want to execute this jar file in window command prompt then system shows me an error "unable to access the jar fileenter image description here"
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48750882, score 86, confidence 9: i have made jar file successfully when i want to execute this jar file in window command prompt then system shows me an error "unable to access the jar file CAN ANY HELP ME TO THIS REGARDING PROBLEM AND HELP ME HOW I CAN TEST/EXECUTE THE JAR FILE IN WIND…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48750953, score 100, confidence 8: Please look into Multus plugin which enables kubernetes pods to have multiple NICs. Link below: github.com/Intel-Corp/multus-cni
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48750932, score 85, confidence 9: Here is a description of using offline cache on iOS: developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/iPhone/…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48750928, score 95, confidence 6: conversation.Id is not unique within a 1:1 channel. All messages within a 1:1 channel have the same conversationId. How do I distinguish between them?
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48750993, score 89, confidence 13: I don't really know the exact details but go to this link and tell me if it answers your question: docs.python.org/2/library/getpass.html
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48751039, score 96, confidence 5: I have a similar issue with angular with using jquery plugins. As vue and angular are SPA(Single Page Application). The reasoning for this is when the whole document loads, jquery onDocument.ready() will then kick off - enabling event handlers to listen …
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48751037, score 67, confidence 14: There is a plugin available now: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dynamic-fields/…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48751025, score 90, confidence 10: I've tried with html-loader (also using "interpolation") but doesn't work for me. I answered the same question here stackoverflow.com/a/48750048/7448956 but using ejs-compiled-loader.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48751018, score 100, confidence 16: I need one help. Please tell me how i can save client details : client details query which i need to save into redis so that authorization server can pick it
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48751067, score 76, confidence 29: there is a google forms plugin: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dynamic-fields/…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48751088, score 70, confidence 14: Only your own passcode view controller. Here is my example on GitHub, how it can be done. github.com/asklv/Passcode
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48751080, score 100, confidence 1: Not sure of the latest state of the decorators, but half year ago Babel and TypeScript decorators was different in behaviour in some cases. Decorators is not specification yet, it is only Stage 2. That's why in TypeScript decorators is experimental featu…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48751153, score 93, confidence 7: The batch requests feature allows you to send multiple (IN-Only) requests to a datasource using a single operation (batch operation)in WSO2 DSS(Data Services Server). You can get a clear picture with examples in the following link. docs.wso2.com
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48751309, score 99, confidence 6: It give me below error..Can you please send me this code as well 24 7 PLS-00201: identifier 'NEW_SHEET' must be declared 26 7 PLS-00201: identifier 'NEW_SHEET' must be declared 42 10 PLS-00201: identifier 'CELL' must be declared 90 29 PLS-00201: identifi…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48751303, score 95, confidence 11: Also interested in this (really just the custom date part). Did you ever figure out a way? I suspect the answer is buried somewhere in the nbconvert documentation but I can't make heads or tails of it.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48751332, score 100, confidence 89: did you find a solution ? Same problem here...
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 48751401, score 77, confidence 9: If you want a graphical version of gdb, then you can look at ddd. It has the exact option you're looking for. gdb - not being graphical - cannot deliver the kind of functionality in a pane, but you can use the display command to show a variable after eac…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48751541, score 76, confidence 28: Have you tried using a MutationObserver?
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48751546, score 77, confidence 25: it's the same issue on my end, any idea why?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48751634, score 71, confidence 14: I have the same problem... seems to be an old bug: youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-162522 the strange thing for me is that the problem is only on one PC... for me no one of the answers on the link worked, but you can try them in your situation.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48751610, score 90, confidence 2: There's no right answer for this, it depends what you're wanting to achieve. I'd suggest starting with the best practices: jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/best-practices.html And also look at building a web test plan: jmeter.apache.org/userman
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48751717, score 91, confidence 3: Take a look at this Apple documentation Embedding Frameworks in An App go to the section Embedded Static Libraries they explain this error like this: This is caused by placing a static library in a bundle structure that looks like a framework; this packa…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48751756, score 99, confidence 27: I am also having the same issue. My current apache version is 2.4.29 and i am using it a reverse proxy. It throws the error 'AH02429: Response header name 'X-Archive-Orig-Header add Access-Control-Allow-Methods' contains invalid characters, aborting requ…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48751799, score 91, confidence 23: I use the same code. And I also get 401 errors. Since several days I am trying to find a solution. I thought of maybe decoding the token, token_decoded = token.decode('utf-8') but that did not work either.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48751849, score 92, confidence 3: recently I have created one sample application by implementing Dagger 2 and Android Architectural Components (Room and Viewmodel) which can help you understand dependency injection using dagger library along with MVVM architecture. Here is the github pro…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48751828, score 86, confidence 10: Your problem is related to, forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=172642 When you do the mount on your ebs volume use the following command, mount -o nouuid Hope it helps.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48751871, score 95, confidence 75: I want to do the same, did you find a solution to this?
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 48751922, score 84, confidence 11: You can use ngrok to debug any channel locally. This should help you diagnose your problem since your bot is active on skype now. Here is a good blog to follow that will instruct you how to do so.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48751947, score 77, confidence 7: I had the same issue few months ago ... It is probably too late but for those who are interested in how to create your own optimizer in tensorflow, you can go to my git repo : github.com/angetato/Optimizers-for-Tensorflow . I implemented Adam, NA…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48751997, score 73, confidence 8: You might be missing the proper APP_ID and APP_KEY headers. Check out this answered solution using a Curl example.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48752048, score 95, confidence 2: This drove me nuts so hopefully my answer can help others: Paste this is your chrome browser: dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/com/android/support/constraint/… you will get a 404 error but you can still download the ce…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48752135, score 83, confidence 6: You can use IPFS GO implementation or Javascript implementation for creating gateway and routing layer for a private swarm
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48752121, score 100, confidence 1: Not at present time. It really needs someone to do it. The PR discussion you linked contains several suggestions of how it should be done. I imagine it just needs a bit of work to pull it together. I suggest creating a new GitHub issue with the proposal,…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48752208, score 100, confidence 2: There may be another option available as of Postgresql 9.5. There is now a uuid operator class postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/brin-builtin-opclasses.html. Of course, I still have 9.4 :-(. This blog post helps explain the problem and has a fix…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48752216, score 89, confidence 5: We just released our solution to integrate Angular with AAD B2C: github.com/3DSemantix/angular-asp.net-core-aad-b2c The "SPA code sample" from MS is a bit weird when I looked at it (refreshing the token feels hacky).
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48752262, score 100, confidence 3: For the code sample, we just released our solution to integrate Angular with AAD B2C and ASP.NET Core: github.com/3DSemantix/angular-asp.net-core-aad-b2c
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48752286, score 100, confidence 4: For the code sample, we just released our solution to integrate Angular with AAD B2C: github.com/3DSemantix/angular-asp.net-core-aad-b2c
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48752366, score 83, confidence 13: You can use IPFS GO implementation or Javascript implementation
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48752430, score 86, confidence 5: You should get an Authorization Code from AAD B2C and not a token, as the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow describes it. So you should do: Angular -> Azure B2C Azure B2C -> (with auth code) -> Angular Angular -> Django(with auth code) -> retrieve access_toke…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48752428, score 91, confidence 1: I got it to work, here is what I had to do: Auth Code Flow: The Alexa Skill configuration page needs the following: Account Linking: Authorization URL: https://[your-cognito-domain].auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/authorize?‌​response_type=code&cli…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48752584, score 89, confidence 4: Some features of the grid are enterprise only. In the features menu on the documentation, the only things that are enterprise only are marked with a circled e. Here you can find information about setting the license for your particular framework.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48752667, score 83, confidence 27: Yes, it is possible. See this article for reference.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48752665, score 100, confidence 2: heeey guys i have a big problem, i did an ajax auto refresh as you wrote and it works , it gets the data without refreshing wich is perfect , but now my like button when i click on it , it transfers me to another page, and when i delete the setInterval f…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48752655, score 81, confidence 19: Take a look here. Same problem resolved. No Main class found in NetBeans
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48752653, score 76, confidence 17: I am able to set the email and password with below code driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@type='email']").send_keys("abcd") driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@type='password']").send_keys("abcd")
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48752690, score 100, confidence 77: Exactly the same issue here. Have you found any solution? Thanks :)
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 48752717, score 100, confidence 6: check what is javascript interface in WebView in Android. developer.android.com/guide/webapps/webview.html
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48752783, score 87, confidence 13: MISC is miscellaneous. See explanation here: isi.edu/natural-language/teaching/cs544/spring13/lectures/…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48752849, score 87, confidence 24: I have also been unable to find an answer to this. It's a seemingly simple bug that makes it impossible to use.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48752844, score 88, confidence 10: But how can i place a button inside of the alert box that pops up ?
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48752902, score 96, confidence 38: You can use this library. github.com/stormlion227/SNavigation.Forms This allows you to add any controls in Navigation Bar.
→ flagged as very low quality
VLQ 48752931, score 97, confidence 18: You can refer this article to solve your issue it's easy webslesson.info/2017/10/…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48753021, score 71, confidence 65: I am having the same problem.Here's my model declaration let courseSchema = new Schema({ _id: { type: Schema.ObjectId, }, User: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, title: { type: String, required: true }, description: { type: String, required: true }…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48753078, score 83, confidence 3: You can use Integer compression methods with delta or delta of delta encoding like used in TurboPFor Integer Compression. Gamma coding can be also used if the deltas have very small values.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48753149, score 89, confidence 11: I used the Google CodeLab example for WebRTC and it worked for me. Here is de code on GitHub and there it is explained.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48753180, score 100, confidence 3: It is better to install a newer XAMPP version. I removed XAMPP and installed a newer version and now it works. apachefriends.org/download.html
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48753220, score 96, confidence 14: I would add this as a comment because S.Kablar's answer is correct but I don't have enough reputation. This website was super useful when I was learning RegEx: regexr.com
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48753339, score 100, confidence 8: Lisp expression is tree kind of structure so you have to parse some kind of binary tree following link might help you S-expr
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48753331, score 92, confidence 6: I have done some rework in my application, now I am using client side xhr post in conjunction with an XAgent, now I am in the position to set a timeout (e.g. 25000): dojo.xhrPost({ url: "#{javascript:'folderService.xsp?contentType=documents'}", handleAs:…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48753368, score 100, confidence 11: You can follow this guide. Just adjust the values for the correct username, user group, etc: docs.joomla.org/…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48753365, score 81, confidence 15: I needed to use SP.ProxyWebRequestExecutorFactory (Cross Domain) to get my query to work. There is an example on this site. enter link description here
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48753465, score 100, confidence 1: I had this problem with Angular Universal in combination with Firebase in a Firebase Universal Starter project. I had almost lost hope as all the potential fixes on stack overflow didnt help. So I did the following: Update all npm packages with https://w…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48753450, score 92, confidence 27: Can you provide your code or you can try this: learnappmaking.com/pass-data-view-controllers-swift-how-to
→ flagged as very low quality
NAA 48753446, score 93, confidence 11: For all of you having the same issue: This turned out being an IIS configuration problem. Enable the feature below solved it.
→ flag candidate naa
com.floern.genericbot.frame.stackexchange.api.net.ApiException: API Error 502 throttle_violation: Violation of backoff parameter
com.floern.genericbot.frame.net.HttpLoader$StatusCodeException: HTTP Status Code 400: Bad Request 
com.floern.genericbot.frame.stackexchange.api.net.ApiException: API Error 502 throttle_violation: Violation of backoff parameter
com.floern.genericbot.frame.net.HttpLoader$StatusCodeException: HTTP Status Code 400: Bad Request 
VLQ 48753668, score 88, confidence 9: Have a look at Algolia Search app. It will fetch you result with great speed and with most relevant and fuzzy search.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48753732, score 100, confidence 2: This blog post can also be a good starter. The post has a few implementations using AutoFac and DynamicProxy. It's a good read for an introduction to proxy classes. Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) in .NET Core and C# using AutoFac and DynamicProxy
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48753758, score 100, confidence 1: Check permissions for the stuff that isn't loading. If the clientlibs, the header, and the footer are in locations that don't allow anonymous access, they browser requests for these would get 404s. Resources under /etc don't have anonymous access by defa…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48753859, score 100, confidence 4: There's an npm module that makes it really easy to add redux to the react context github.com/jamrizzi/redux-context-provider npmjs.com/package/redux-context-provider
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48753860, score 100, confidence 3: See cppreference.com - Template non-type arguments For pointers to objects, the template arguments have to designate the address of an object with static storage duration and a linkage (either internal or external), or a constant expression that evaluate…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48753958, score 86, confidence 5: Do you have enableCFOutput only enabled inside cfsetting somewhere in the component? Can you use cfoutput to output some data inside the component?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48753972, score 87, confidence 23: Yes i am trying to find a way to use transitions, as it is now i just change the class without any fade effect. Do you have any suggestions on how i could use transitions?
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48754006, score 83, confidence 6: You can use primeng component for datatable and it has feature to re order columns. primefaces.org/primeng/#/datatable/colreorder
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48754058, score 92, confidence 3: You can refer to the first answer to this question (How to retrieve all keys (or values) from a std::map and put them into a vector?) to see how to get a vector of all the keys in a map. Once you do this, you can pass to the function each thread executes…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48754091, score 100, confidence 1: You cannot add random extended attributes. You can add only attributes that your server explicitly supports. You didn't specify what SFTP server are you using, so I cannot be more specific. But for example, the most widespread SFTP server, OpenSSH, doe n…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48754254, score 75, confidence 7: Snps provided a nice answer to solve you actual problem. But since your question was about splitting a map into multiple pieces I think you should take a look at this answer to a similar (yet more generic) question. You should be able to apply this solut…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48754296, score 94, confidence 9: This is indeed an enhancement that should improve UX. Feel free to open enhancement request at: jmeter.apache.org/issues.html
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48754331, score 93, confidence 10: Thank you very much Rishat Muhametshin. I thought that I had already tried this before publishing the question. The magic word I missed is !important. .ui .results { top:auto !important; bottom:30px !important; }
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48754319, score 89, confidence 13: I am having this issue that when I trying to save a file in CSV format , it is having unknown characters which is not showing up in Normal Editor , but when I am looking that up HEX mode in an editor , it is visible. Also , when I am trying to download t…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48754360, score 95, confidence 24: Any update on this Firebase Google Analytics for Titanium Module. I'm looking for the same. My Old Google Analytics Module is not working with latest Ti SDK
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48754354, score 100, confidence 1: It will depend on your definition of malware. Malware can be functionality inside a program that a bad actor has inserted into the application statically. It can also be something that is inserted during run-time, for example by exploiting a buffer overr…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48754437, score 95, confidence 24: You can use WINDOWS function to compare over months craigkerstiens.com/2014/02/26/Tracking-MoM-growth-in-SQL Check this link for reference.
→ flagged as very low quality
VLQ 48754425, score 81, confidence 18: You'll want to take a look at the cmd tools and workspaces. A little more specifically take a look at the framework locations section of the page.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48754464, score 92, confidence 6: My assumption is the library which you are using is generating wrong assertion for you. You can check DS SDK as well - ConfigureJwtAuthorizationFlow method in DS SDK, it will help you in generating the Assertion in correct way as expected by DS APIs.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48754508, score 88, confidence 3: I have designed a solution using a somewhat different approach to the ones that have been mentioned here. It uses a linear programming formulation of the problem, drawing from the Compressed Sensing literature, especially from this work by Donoho and Tan…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48754552, score 100, confidence 7: This is documented in django official docs using ReportLab Python PDF library. docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/howto/outputting-pdf reportlab.com/opensource
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48754611, score 100, confidence 1: Haven't used it, but maybe this is better suited for your needs? This library was written starting a few years after you asked, but if someone else is searching for the same solution, perhaps it will be helpful. github.com/archiecobbs/hl7lib
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48754611, score 100, confidence 5: Haven't used it, but maybe this is better suited for your needs? This library was written starting a few years after you asked, but if someone else is searching for the same solution, perhaps it will be helpful. github.com/archiecobbs/hl7lib
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48754646, score 100, confidence 2: Searching deeper on the internet I found a solution I could adapt to fit mine : TW Bootstrap: How to overflow columns Thanks for your time.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48754704, score 74, confidence 10: By.id("subMenu1") should be worked! Also, you can check several web element manipulation techniques here: swtestacademy.com/selenium-webdriver-manipulation
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48754845, score 94, confidence 16: You can add a CNAME record in Route53 for the URL given by Elastic Beanstalk and then your domain will point to your Elastic Beanstalk application. Refer to this link: docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48754885, score 87, confidence 7: answer: JAX-RS Jersey Client on Websphere 8.5 I was using the incorrect libraries to perform these operations. I was using: javax.ws.rs to build the client, when I should've been using: org.apache.wink
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48754919, score 72, confidence 14: I am not sure how to use comment section so that formatting works for the xml code so i am adding it here.. I have this in my stp_new.msg" file. does it look fine to you? <table border="0"> <tr> <td align="left"><strong>Subject: </strong></td> <td align=…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48754967, score 81, confidence 8: You may refer to the solution presented in the reply to the libpython2.7.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. 1 "Try to find file libpython2.7.so.1.0: locate libpython2.7.so.1.0 In my case, it show out put: /opt/rh/python27/…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48755005, score 100, confidence 5: Switch browserName: 'C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox' to just browserName: 'firefox'
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48755084, score 86, confidence 34: How did you figure that? I have the same situation but it may not be that particular plugin. Thanks in advance!
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48755119, score 94, confidence 13: Here, you can find the tensorflow implementation of the above article along with center loss All questions are answered in this implementation. Please take a look and then train a triplet model on LFW dataset.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48755184, score 100, confidence 3: When I had a problem like this it appeared that I was adding one fragment with childFragmentManager and another with parent's fragmentManager, so check that you use same type of fragment manager.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48755183, score 100, confidence 19: i tested the code it's working for me w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=FOEBVODLF1P8
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48755172, score 95, confidence 92: Have you found a solution for this issue? Best Regards
→ flagged as not an answer
NAA 48755206, score 91, confidence 20: I have tried the same method. But it did not work for me. Here is my error msg: Traceback (most recent call last): File "Test_SQL.py", line 81, in c.execute("""INSERT INTO PlanData VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48755270, score 100, confidence 1: i think it is similar to IBM architecture, shared nothing structure. Lots of redundancy, but nothing is shared or provisioned/dedicated -- based on my previous reading on IBM z/OS and mainframes. Normally this type of system uses proprietary OS and modif…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48755338, score 79, confidence 7: I'll list things I did that did not work for me and finally what did First, the accepted answer of Run script only when installing did not work. Deleting derived data did not work. What did work: I added a new build phase in Build Phases New Copy Files P…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48755385, score 98, confidence 10: iam having the same issue here and i`v searched the error and found many answers most of them related to the web.config file and still nothing works for me, so if you found a solution please help me here !
→ flag candidate naa
9:13 PM
VLQ 48755600, score 100, confidence 12: I've created a library for it. SNavigationPage
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48755685, score 90, confidence 6: arrow function expressions are best suited for non-method functions. They don't have this. developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…
→ flag candidate vlq
9:31 PM
NAA 48755813, score 91, confidence 39: You have managed to solve your problem. I am in a similar situation. I would like to know if you could help me with the algorithm you did. Mathematically I have it clear, but I do not know how to apply the transformation matrices to the polygon. Thank yo…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48755811, score 98, confidence 9: ( Cant comment your ask -50 rep ) Can you please add your tables? C
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48755830, score 100, confidence 5: Hello how are you? I understand you'd like to export your posts by searching by custom category type. If so, I think it helps. I'm sorry for my bad english. Sorry if I understand wrong your question. $your_slug_custom_tax = ( isset($_GET['{your_var_custo…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48755873, score 65, confidence 43: Hi thanks this is what I was looking for :D
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48755862, score 93, confidence 16: I could not comment, hence posting this on the answer section. Have you found solution to this problem. If yes please let me know how did you build a successful request for a SOAP API using typescript. I have dived deep using SOAP UI but no success so fa…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48755901, score 88, confidence 5: As with all code, if the solution you can come up with using shaders does the job you need done, hten you can use it. So long as it can run on the OS you are developing for and is not too performance heavy. Shaders can be performance heavy at times but t…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48755924, score 96, confidence 2: Stack Overflow is not a great place to get a legal opinion, but is there a particular standard for compliance that they require? Google Cloud has a number of international data compliance certifications, one of which might be the one your customer requir…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48755907, score 100, confidence 2: How often are you trying to refresh personal access tokens? You should just recreate one, if/when needed. They are by default long lived so the expiry is quite long, one year if I recall correctly. Personal access tokens are always long-lived. Their life…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48755950, score 76, confidence 12: Going to sound funny, but try resetting the master user password. Don't know why it works, but it worked for me with a similar problem.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48755947, score 100, confidence 6: I answered this same question here: stackoverflow.com/a/48755273/8385841 Bootstrap columns are flex items. You have to decide on one column which should shrink when the others have reached their min-width.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48755972, score 100, confidence 2: Seems to be quite efficient: %%timeit day, month, year = '01/12/2011'.split('/') datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day)).timestamp() 1.61 µs ± 120 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48756108, score 100, confidence 6: Where is your typescript file located? If it is located outside of the /src/ folder I believe tsconfig cannot find it.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48756092, score 100, confidence 3: What HLK version do you use and what is the OS version of your test system?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48756146, score 100, confidence 4: I have figure out the solution thank to Leon's hint: set PV[] := powerset(V); set KV := indexset(PV); # print out all arcs in \alpha do forall <k> in KV with card(PV[k]) > 0 do print (A inter ((V - PV[k]) * PV[k]));
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48756175, score 100, confidence 6: I rewrote your sample using TypeScript and actually i was not able to repro the issue. Give it a try... (please restore in Script lab using this yaml) gist.github.com/JuaneloJuanelo/c8dc454e053d264f284054362195eca4
→ flag candidate vlq
10:13 PM
VLQ 48756387, score 94, confidence 31: I was facing the same problem and found the solution here: social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/…
→ flagged as very low quality
10:37 PM
VLQ 48756693, score 83, confidence 18: Use the HEG toolkit provided by NASA to convert your hdf file to geotiff and then use any package ("raster" for example) to read the file. I do the same for both old and new hdf files. Heres the link: newsroom.gsfc.nasa.gov/sdptoolkit/HEG/HEGHome
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48756789, score 90, confidence 5: Step 1.) Use an exhaustive lemma synonym mapping file Step 2.) Fold after lemmatizing. You can get exhaustive French lemmas here: lexiconista.com/datasets/lemmatization Also, because lemmatizers are NOT destructive like stemmers you can apply…
→ flag candidate vlq

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