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A: 'Joining' Firebase Queries in Angularfire2

cartant You can compose an observable based on getFeaturedThreads that queries members and replaces the values in each thread's participants property with user names: import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; import 'rxjs/add/observable/forkJoin'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/do'; import 'rxjs/add/op...

Thanks, I'll work on this implementation. I don't know if it's important to point out yet that participants are not the same as author. In this case I have the member's key available to me in the author property of the thread. Also, I keep seeing ${foo} in the path, but there is nothing about it in docs. Is this just shorthand for ('/path' + foo)?
They are ES6 template literals:…
I had to fix some bracket issues in this. I think I got rid of the right ones... I removed the participants block just to focus on the author username at the moment. For some reason, if I log memberObservables to the console after the forEach block, I end up with an array of empty observables. I realize this is a potentially stupid statement, because that may be the point, but I suppose I expect the forEach block to populate that array. I'll give you an opportunity to answer this before my final question regarding this solution.
I've fixed the bracket/syntax errors. Are you saying that the array of observables is empty? That should only be possible if there are no threads. There are 44 observables in the array. They all look like that.
That looks fine. What happens after that? Errors? Do you have the imports in your code? And what version of RxJS are you using?
That brings me to my next question. How would I put this in my view? RxJS is 5.0.1. Right now I'm doing all of this in my component and assigning it to the existing Observable threads: this.threads = featuredThreadsWithUserNames. I'm rendering everything in the view with *ngFor="let thread of threads | async, EXCEPT for username. Not sure how to render that. Everything else is {{thread.value}}.
For logging purposes, add a do after the forkJoin like this Observable.forkJoin(...memberObservables, () => threads).do(threads => console.log(threads)); then you should see what is happening. Each thread should have been updated, with the author and participants replaced with user names. So the template should use {{}}, etc. Participants will be an object, so you'll need to enumerate those as in that earlier question of yours.
As I said, I removed the block for participants to focus on authors for now. authors is empty.
Log the values in the member observable's do: .do(value => { console.log(value); = value.username; }) and check that the keys exist, etc. And make sure the paths that I've used in the answer are correct regarding your database structure, etc. The mechanics of the answer should be sound, it'll just be some niggling detail that's hard to debug via comments, etc. I think you are almost there.
I actually used an existing key in the .object(members/${}) line
and it replaced the author value with the username
seems to be that token in there
that's not working
Yeah, so the path is correct. The keys are there.
seems like it's not getting passed in the template literal
i've logged to console and it's the correct key
So what's logged in the do? For the members? You're saying that thread is being mutated - that is author is reassigned - but it's somehow lost when it comes out of the combined observable?
That's a problem, it's saying the member does not exist in the database.
right but if i use an actual key in the path
i get that
seems to me that the template literal isn't passing anything for some reason
even though if i log to the console before the push it gives me a member key
no nevermind
This is all rather weird. Make this change .do(value => { thread.authorName = value.username; }) so that author is not overwritten, but ... this is still weird.
yeah, it's not overwritten now but instead of author being null it's authorName D:
What does logging the backtick expression (members/${}) before the push output?
how can i log that expression?
i'm thinking it's something with that expression
Just put it in a console.log() call. Actually, maybe delete it entirely and re-type it in case there's some insane Unicode character in there or something.
Or just replace it with "members/" +".
i got it
looks like it's giving the key
instead of the value
If it exists, it should include the children. What does calling $exists() return?
sorry, if what exists?
if you look at the grab of the log there you can see that the expression you just had me log is storing the target value as its key
value.$exists() in the do - as shown in the last screen grab.
the target value is in the key
look again
the key is what we want to pass to the observable
But $value is null, which is AngularFire2 saying that the key/path does not exist.
Does "members/" + actually exist?
this is what i'm saying. if you look at the screen grab i sent there of the expression it is actually getting the key from that path and storing it as a key rather than the value
so yes, the path exists, or it couldn't be getting the key from the path
Object$exists: ()$key: "37926m26683"$value: null__proto__: Object
But it's not reading anything from the database if $exists returns false and $value is null.
so where is it getting that key from?
that's in the database
From the thread. It's the value of
Before the push, log console.log("members/" +; and replace the backtick expression with same. That is, remove the ES6 template literal entirely and re-type it to ensure there is no dodgy character that got copied off the SO web page.
but if i replace ${} with 37926m26683 it renders the corresponding member's username in the view
Yeah, entirely possible. See previous comment.
The is a valid members key, right?
same result if i do it that way
yes, when i log to console...
i can copy any one of those into the path and return a valid object
Pick on of those listed in your grab and type if in directly.
That makes no sense, then.
that's strange
If .object("members/" +") does not work, but pasting the output of console.log( into the path does work, I'm struggling to what could be happening.
yeah, actually
i was pasting a key from the database before to get that result
if i paste it from console it doesn't work
same empty values
so is giving us a bad key
Yep, those keys just don't exist for some reason.
how is getting them then??
i'm so confused
For some reason, whatever has been stored in the database for each thread is not valid. There are threads in there that have missing author keys (and perhaps participants, too?) It's in the database, so it's whatever was written.
Maybe enable the participants to see what happens. Perhaps those keys exist.
Either way, I think the mechanics of the join are okay. It's just unfortunate that you have some data integrity issues to look into.
yeah i can visibly verify that they are there though
is the thing
Perhaps you should create a simpler harness to investigate why there are some that you cannot read via database.object(...), etc.
i'd agree that the join seems to work
and i appreciate your help
and time
And report it as a bug if you can isolate it. Look for strange characters and whitespace.
No worries. Hope you get it working.
yeah, i'll most likely end up figuring out that my script for populating the mock db is doing some funky things
i think that's where i'm going to look now
thanks again
that's the issue
i can see tha tnow
haha, the problem with helping people on the internet
so maybe i can ask you another question while you're here. basic javascript question. if i assign a random number to a variable inside of a loop var threadid = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000) + 1) + 't' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000) + 1); would that variable be the same each time it's invoked within that iteration?
well obviously not because when i pass the to a property in threads and then to a property in members it's different each time

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