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A: UPDATE Query takes very long PostgreSQL

maythesource.com1. Get rid of tempTable.name_name = $2; As @a_horse_with_no_name said, you should not be running multiple update statements. I see you are calling PERFORM costs_f($1, i) multiple times for each letter in someArr. Instead of calling it multiple times, call it once and use the in operator, e.g. ...

Thanks. Your are missing a function argument in costs_f. When calling it, (PERFORM costs_f($1, someArr ); your passing $1 and someArr but you are not defining it CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION costs_f( someFloat float) RETURNS void AS here.
@Stophface Yeh... but have you tried the change to check the speed?
I am trying to implement. Its mocking around with the array. I changed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION costs_f( someFloat float someText text[]) RETURNS void AS and SELECT PERFORM costs_f($1, someArr::text[]); but its saying ERROR: operator does not exist: text = text[] LINE 10: WHERE $1 = -1.0 AND gid = id AND tempTable.name_name in ($2) HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. And the fancy ^ in the Error Message is pointing to IN
@Stophface ? ArrayText character varying[] . Try also instead of IN, the ANY function. ... ANY(ArrayText)
I tried that the first time. I changed to CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION costs_f( someFloat float someText character varying[]) and the typecast as well :: character varying[]. Same error. Same results with varchar[]. I tried changing IN to ANY already. ERROR: syntax error at or near "ANY" text = text[] LINE 10: WHERE $1 = -1.0 ANY gid = id AND
hmmmm the problem seems to be WHERE $1 = -1.0 AND gid = id AND tempTable.name_name in ($2) .... I think you may need to cast $2 as an array.
Yep, for sure. But how? Shouldnt that be one of ::text[] ::varchar[] or ::character varying[]?
It has to be consistent.. so either varying everywhere or varchar. Try varying and change the definition of the someArr array as well. I think though you need to use the same in all places of both functions.
Strange i goolged that error...
I did it consistently. It should be varchar[] because I create the array like that
but, that does not do the trick
are you sure your passing the array?
try this as welll
straw = ANY (straws);
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION kosten_auto_zeit_f(
kosten float, strassenklasse varchar[]) RETURNS void AS
SET kosten_auto_zeit = CASE WHEN $1 = -1 THEN -1 ELSE cost_s * $1 END
FROM (SELECT w.gid AS id,
FROM ways w
JOIN osm_way_classes owc
ON w.class_id = owc.class_id
) AS myWaysName
WHERE gid = id AND myWaysName.str_name ANY ($2);
language 'plpgsql';
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_kosten_auto_zeit_f(
zeitAusGeschwindigkeitsbegrenzung float,
nichtFuerAutosGeeignet float,
strassenQualitaetAsphalt float,
strassenQualitaetStein float,
strassenQualitaetStarkVerdichteErde float,
strassenQualitaetLeichtVerdichteErde float,
strassenQualitaetGras float,
unclassified float,
nichtKlar float) RETURNS void AS
arrGeeignet varchar[] := ARRAY['motorway', 'motorway_link', 'motorway_junction', 'trunk',
'trunk_link', 'primary', 'primary_link', 'secondary', 'tertiary',
Leave out the doobule "[][]"
Can you try adding a = before ANY
WHERE gid = id AND myWaysName.str_name = ANY ($2);
Ah, thats it!
Now its running
well.. it's how the use it here:…
... I don't understand yet why
because in SQL statements e.g. for IN, you just do
whataver in (select bla bla)
whatever in (SET/ARRAY)
but it seems ANY function wants a = before
is it running faster/correctly?
Hm... I am new to SQL/PostgreSQL
mybe its because its postgres?
I havn't touched in years
I just started learning 3 month ago :)
I don't even have postgres installed
Well, still better than me :)
What I do not quite understand is why you are splitting up that one: UPDATE ways
SET cost_time = -1.0 FROM tempTable
WHERE gid = id AND tempTable.name_name = $2 AND
$1 = -1.0 ;

SET cost_time =anotherFloat * $1 FROM tempTable
WHERE gid = id AND tempTable.name_name = $2 AND
NOT ($1 = -1.0) ;
oh.. I just replaced your case when, with a set and where
instead of having to evaluate case when (if statement) for every row of the table
to do the assignment
BUT.. there's one more optimization
I thought it goes row by row anyway?
$1 = -1.0 is actually just a boolean comparison
the previous one was one update stamenet, that went over the whole table.
The 2 split update statements
they select independtly the applicable parts
BUT actually
alla you need is an IF() else
because the actual condition isn't even using a column from the table
your just changing your set = action depending on the $1
sou you could do something like

run update 1
run update 2
ah ok
hang on
IF $1 = -1.0 THEN
SET cost_time = -1.0
FROM (SELECT w.gid AS id,,
FROM myTable mt
JOIN myClasses mc
ON mt.class_id = mc.class_id
WHERE $gid = id AND tempTable.name_name = ANY($2);
) AS tempTable;

IF NOT($1 = -1.0) THEN
SET cost_time =anotherFloat * $1
FROM (SELECT w.gid AS id,,
FROM myTable mt
JOIN myClasses mc
ON mt.class_id = mc.class_id
WHERE $gid = id AND tempTable.name_name = ANY($2);
) AS tempTable;
I hope that's the correct notation
so then you don't even need to evaluate the case/if for every row
just check the condition in the IF, and execute the approprate update
i changed
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION kosten_auto_zeit_f(
kosten float, strassenklasse varchar[]) RETURNS void AS
SET kosten_auto_zeit = CASE WHEN $1 = -1 THEN -1 ELSE cost_s * $1 END
FROM (SELECT w.gid AS id,
FROM ways w
JOIN osm_way_classes owc
ON w.class_id = owc.class_id
) AS myWaysName
WHERE gid = id AND myWaysName.str_name = ANY ($2);
language 'plpgsql';
into that
ok :)
I was changing you could save running the case for every row
was saying.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION kosten_auto_zeit_f(
kosten float, strassenklasse varchar[]) RETURNS void AS
IF $1 = -1.0 THEN
SET kosten_auto_zeit = -1 FROM (SELECT w.gid AS id,
FROM ways w
JOIN osm_way_classes owc
ON w.class_id = owc.class_id
WHERE gid = id AND tempTable.str_name = ANY ($2)
) AS tempTable;
SET kosten_auto_zeit = cost_s * $1 FROM (SELECT w.gid AS id,
FROM ways w
JOIN osm_way_classes owc
but anyway.. minor difference
looks right
does it work?
I think you will have an error at AND tempTable.str_name = ANY ($2)
you can get just put:
AND str_name = ANY ($2)
or one of:
owc.str_name = ANY ($2)
w.str_name = ANY ($2)
depending on if str_name is in w or owc
I think its working
Its running at least :)
I am still suprised that it takes a while
did you need that fix?
how many rows did you have in ways, and osm_way_classes
does it take long to run the select statement with the join?
from what I understoof you only want to update specific row where str_name is one of ARRAY['a', 'b', 'c', 'd',
'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i',
'j', 'k', 'l',
'm', 'n', 'o', 'p',
'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'ul', 'v'];
The join is super fast
in ways I have 300k rows, in osm_way_classes around 30
All 300k rows have a class which is linked to osm_way_classes. Based on the class, I need to update the row with a certain value. In the end all 300k rows will be updated.
Anyway. I do not need to do that on runtime but just prepare the table. Once its prepared, I use the values from there for further calculation
So there is no need to do it super fast
Thanks for your help :)
got to go now. I am back later!

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