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A: How to link button to a pre-existing "like" icon

Jacob WebbFind get_simple_likes_button function and find this line within inside of the function then simply add <button around <a href and then at the closing part </a> add </button> looking into your onClick() then going to a header location is just not suggested and is better to use <a href to redirect ...

thanks for the response, my understanding of toggle was that it displayed the property. Wouldn't I need a different function to take action upon the icon to act as a "click" per-say?
@JordanLewallen It is still hard to understand what you are trying to say do you perhaps mean the decoration of the button when pressed because in the link you provided it does not show the icon on the button changing
Basically, I have this "bolt" icon that acts as a "like" feature. When someone clicks on the bolt, it stores the like into the database. I created this using the tutorial I provided. My question is, on this specific page, I would like to use a <button> to control the submission of a like, instead of just the icon. Does that help?
@JordanLewallen so you would like if the button called the php function to run your sql?
yes that's exactly what im going for!
@JordanLewallen changed the answer uptop see if it is what you are looking for
Hey so this method looks like it's going to change all my icons into buttons. My front page uses just the icon (which is what I want compared to an individual article page...where I took the screenshot from). Thoughts? Here's the homepage so you can see that the bolts should not become buttons:
haha still kind of confusing sorry but I will continue to try and help you. the bolts are from a span just displaying an icon are you looking for the bolt to be a sperate button?
sorry, rather hard to communicate this concept haha. So the bolt and the button will have the same functionality, the only difference is one is a bolt icon and the other is a button. For example, The bolt is on the home page feed and the button is on a single post near the top. Looking at the home feed for 'Calmani - Tattoo' I can click the bolt button here and it will register as a like. Clicking the article, I can also press the like button at the top and this will register a like for the
same post
So with the concept that you just explained why not make buttons with the same functionality just one displays the bolt and the other one displays text information?
Correct that would be what I'm trying to accomplish. That's what I'm not quite sure how to do...where to I create that new button. Do I have to create a whole new function?
no no basically right now its being displayed like post are being displayed by using get_simple_likes_button which basically echo('') a button for the user to be pressed and gives it the class="sl-button' So you can see the AJAX method in javascript seeing if sl-button is pressed which means you can make as many buttons ass you want as long as you have what the ajax attr needs like such as data-post-id="' . $post_id .
ok I sort of get what you're saying, just struggling to figure out how to implement the data-post-id into button html
its actually quite simple let me break it down and remove unneeded stuff for this example heres a link so you should be able to see some code that I type
ok just hopped over
alrighty not sure how to chat on the website so use this one
Can you see the current 2 examples?
the two echos? yea
So do you want the button to display catagory?
No, the button shouldn't display category, did you happen to see the html of the button I posted in the original question?
let me go check
ok. In that html I have the sl-button, but this can just be the glyphicon bolt instead of the php get simple likes button
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-bolt"></i>
move to chat on website I found it located under the console part
um wont let me send messages via enter
hmm strange never mind then
do you also want the loader feature in the button?
The load animation? nah not neccessary
with just the bolt is the one with idonly = 1? Wouldnt that call the first part of the if statement and display the button instead?
oh wait
yea that would call the button?
yeah it would call only the first if and check if idOnly isset then just give id if its not set then move on and show the rest
all you want is a simple button with a bolt and the ability to vote right?
yeh and the dig text span though, where'd that go? guess I can add that
oh my bad I thought you didnt want that part
added back
oh you're good, just gives a bit more context as to what the button does haha. Gonna try that out real quick
alrighty crossing my fingers haha
aaaaaaand http 500 error
let me make sure i copied it correctly haha
oh my
ohh I messed up on $output I forgot to put a semi colon
good eye, add it?
if it doesnt work im going to strip it down and ask you to see if it works without a certain part added
ok, not looking good. One sec though
oh wait i dont need that button html code anymore right?
since it's in the function?
but not sure if it would be the one throwing a error 500
ok so i need idonly=1 to display button right?
by doing so removes all content from page besides my header :/
without the idonly=1 the bolt displays though!
dont add the =1 part anymore and hmm let me look into it a bit more
okay the new code in theory should work
new function? ok I'll give it a shot
ok almost works
seeing strange functionality, one sec
hmm what seems to be the issue?
so visit this page:

I have it so you can see the total likes beneath the about track section on the page. If you click on the button and look below, you can see the loading icon, but then the count and icon just...disappear haha and it doesnt increment the like count
hopefully that made sense
Yeah let me make sure we are looking at the same spot. under The artist has not written any information about his song yet.
works for me now?
oh wait it works for you? You can see the counter increment? It disappears for me :/
I reloaded the page and clicked dig and it took it down to 6
so when you click the dig button at the top, the count beneath the artist (where the arrow points) increments?
it was decrement
the value doesnt change for me, it just literally disappears from screen until i refresh
now it doesnt seem to be working at all lol
wait there we go
wait what
hmm clear your cache
Alrighty site cleared
your version still has the old button with the actual like button absolutely position within the box
see how your screenshot has the loader on the button? We took that out
haha nvm not working
it's all good
So what was the problem with the old button?
well ok, so the only time that it registered a "like" was when you clicked DIRECTLY on the bolt (which makes sense), if you clicked anywhere in the button area that was not the bolt, then it didn't register a like
b/c the button wasn't linked to the function in any way
does that make sense?
Yeah yeah let me take a look into that
haha I feel stupid lol put <span class="dig-text">Dig</span> inside of the <span class="sl-wrapper">
wait isnt it already inside the sl-wrapper span?
not on your website for some reason and actully I was wrong it should be inside if the <a>
would you be able to update that on codebunk? I dont see an anchor tag in the sl wrapper span...
theres what it looks like and sure i can update it
Whats your current code to show the bolt button right now?
<div class="btn-curator-container">
<?php echo get_simple_likes_button_just_id(get_the_ID()); ?>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default download-btn" onclick="window.location='<?php echo $download_link ?>';"><span class="download-text"><i class="fa fa-download" aria-hidden="true"></i>Download</span></button>
my bad forgot the edit the picture to show you
this is for both buttons at the top
I literally only echo out the simple likes button to generate the button
yeah send me the php code for the just id one
i lost the code
ah will do, is it possible for you to make the codebunk editable by me? that'd be easier
im in read only mode :|
it says I have to make an account trust me I would have done it a long time ago haha
ah ok nvm
function get_simple_likes_button( $post_id, $is_comment = NULL ) {
$is_comment = ( NULL == $is_comment ) ? 0 : 1;
$output = '';
$nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'simple-likes-nonce' ); // Security
if ( $is_comment == 1 ) {
$post_id_class = esc_attr( ' sl-comment-button-' . $post_id );
$comment_class = esc_attr( ' sl-comment' );
$like_count = get_comment_meta( $post_id, "_comment_like_count", true );
$like_count = ( isset( $like_count ) && is_numeric( $like_count ) ) ? $like_count : 0;
} else {
$post_id_class = esc_attr( ' sl-button-' . $post_id );
do you have the other function also?
function get_simple_likes_button_just_id($post_id){

$output = '<span class="sl-wrapper"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default dig-btn sl-button" data-post-id="'.$post_id.'"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-flash"></span><span class="dig-text">Dig</span></button></span>';
return $output;
looking at your main website your not currently using this code
oh wait
hm, refresh cache maybe? I use cloudflare in dev mode but sometimes it's iffy.
oh ok
nvm yeah let me clear because it shows that you havnt implemented the second function nor called it because it would show normal in the inspect element
I get the new button on my end so i must be calling the new function
Anyways simple fix to this whole problem is the you need to move your <span class="dig-text">Dig</span> inside of your <a> </a>
so scratch everything we made today and use your original code and move the <span class="dig-text">Dig</span>
where is my <a> tag tho..haha
because it isn't in my html markup
generated by one of the functions probably?
yeah its generated by the first function
so set everything back to the way it was before we started talking sorry
ok one second
ok back to square one
okay go to codebunk
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dig-btn">
<?php echo get_simple_likes_button( get_the_ID() ); ?><span class="dig-text">Dig</span>
just FYI
that's what the button markup looks like if needed
okay so you can see the problem in that is because when calling the function it makes a small class inside of it saying <a></a> and then bolt is being added on to that so when the ajax is getting called its saying hey if anything inside of a gets clicked call this but span is outside of a
if that makes since
the new output code should work
sorta makes sense, I'll read it over and give 'er a go
you can also remove span from the original makeup
wait wont this add the dig text...text to every like button?
regardless, that didnt even work haha
yea :( it's not adding that next to the dig button
ah nvm that works, but yea that dig text tho...
so dig gets added?
but to everything right?
yes...and then the dig text disappears though
after clicking it
Whuut lol
perhaps the reason it disappears is because when ajax returns the value of changes what is shown
this was after clicking the dig text on the third article:
man im not sure it has something to do with the ajax pull that changes a class and makes the dig disappear
if only there was an easy way to link the button to submitting a like hmm :(
hey back sorry dog was having problems
no problemo
Man im not sure im stumped on this one
it's ok, I've been stuck on it all day haha
when you added that statement did it make it so if dig was pressed it also incremented it?
yea so if you clicked in the area that the dig text was (even though it was hidden), it would decrement
well then thats the way it would work now you have a new problem find out why it hides
right and the text needs to be permanently hidden in every place there is a bolt except for in the button
and to make it so it doesnt show dig where you dont want to you could write an if statement in the original function saying if $noDig{} and call it like <?php echo get_simple_likes_button( get_the_ID(),noDig );
i would have to add the nodig to the function argument right?
then after doing so you would be left with only one problem why does dig disappear
would i just add the noDig right above the $output line?
and add a diff version of $output inside that if statement
ok lets see if I can get that working real quick
so like if($noDig){}else{}
ok, how's this? (pasting image)
highlighted the new part
looks good
ok testing code now
Alrighty hope it works
wait i think I have my if statement backwards
if it has "noDig" then it shouldnt have the span dig-text
oh haha yeah im so tired i didnt catch that
tis ok, long line of text anyways
Hope it works
put <?php echo get_simple_likes_button( get_the_ID(),noDig );?> on home feed and it didnt remove the dig text :/
thatsstrange should have worked make noDig = 1 something then check if noDig == 1
noDig=1 in the if statement? or also in the echo?
noDig in the echo and in the if statment check if it == 1
<?php echo get_simple_likes_button( get_the_ID(),noDig = 1 );?>

and if($noDig == 1) made my feed disappear
hmm welp im not sure any more we some what solved the first problem and made 2 simple problems. I tried all the tricks up my sleeve im just not suer any more man sorry
it's all good, thanks for spending time on this. I appreciate it
no problem man good website and it was fun spending some time I hope you find what you need.
Thank you, been a long time coming! Take it easy :)

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