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A: Logout Issue in MonoTouch.SlideoutNavigation in iOS(Xamarin)

Ninja HattoriYou are pushing SignInView controller on stack on Logout--which is incorrect. Write your code in a way that It use previously pushed view from stack.. In Splashviewconrtroller change following in viewdidload method: base.ViewDidUnload (); storyboard = UIStoryboard.FromName ("Main...

Wait i try out the solution and came back to you soon.
I have liitle Problem Because I use SpalshViewController in the Storyboard.
Can you please explain what problem you have?
see my update question.
I have updated answer
see my update question. I have call as you say see my DummyControllerLeft.cs file.
You have not specified what problem you are facing now?
In splash view controller, you are still creating new window window.RootViewController = Menu; window.MakeKeyAndVisible(); -- You should not create this.
see my update question.
I have seen that
What problem you have now?
why you are still creating new window on login
If i comment that portion then my logout is not work.
and also this code is not work
var vwControllers = NavigationController.ViewControllers;

foreach (UIViewController signiinVC in vwControllers)
if (signiinVC.GetType() == typeof(ViewController))
this.NavigationController.PopToViewController(signiinVC, true);
Can I send you one by one ViewController code..
yes, sure.
What error you have here?
this code work only if you have pushed menu ..not created new window for menu.
if i use Upper code then If condition the Application is crush.
StoryBoard Image :
SplashViewController.cs link is below
ViewController.cs (Login Page) : link is below
DummyLeftController.cs link is below
check out the code and tell me what is wrong..

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