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i have to write my site name in google then click on that link and they redirect to another site
in magento
@redelman431: Room name is only Enthusiastic Indian Programmers. And this room is dedicated to all programmers. Any person interested can enter in it. Name includes Indian because most people in this room are Indians. And we discuss things in English not in Hindi. So you can join us.
@NikunjAkabari What are your requirements? Is this issue?
Thought for the Day.
“There is no evidence that we've been placed on this planet to be especially happy or especially normal. And in fact our unhappiness and our strangeness, or anxieties and compulsions, those least fashionable aspects of our personalities, are quite often what lead us to do rather interesting things.”
Thought for the Day from my side : Almost everything can be purchased at reduced price Except our Satisfaction !!
@NSException No need to tell from my side. We can have many thoughts for day....:) Change it
@NikunjAkabari What yes. If you type directly url in your browser, does it redirects?
Thought for the Day : Almost everything can be purchased at reduced price Except our Satisfaction !!
@Somnath is it okay ??
It's fine. You can edit messages within 3 minutes. After posting.
i have to write in a google artboom they redirect another site
@SomnathMuluk i have to write in a google artboom they redirect another site
@NikunjAkabari Sry. I don't know anything about google artboom. @all: People anybody knows issue. Please sort it out
Thanks for reply
2 hours later…
@RobinHood hii
how to create circular viewpager
A: Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter

Z0lenDerI could achieve this by overriding onPageSelected method of OnPageChangeListener. Consider you have three pages in this order A<->B<->C. To goal is to reach C if we scroll right from A and similarly to reach A if we scroll left from C. To do this, define your to have 5 pages (3+2), a...

it is not for fragment classes it is for layouts @RobinHood
i have to searching in site name in google after the click on the site url link they redirect to anoher site but i have to direct write site name in address bar they properly open.
3 hours later…
@SomnathMuluk sleepy?
is anyone der?
anyone who knows lucene??
all got to sleepy??
sorry Asha don't know lucene :( whats ur question btw?
@alice Was busy with development. We will be having event at 5pm.
Every member will get chance to tell.
1. General Introduction
2. Technology and experience
3. And new things learned this week(not compulsory)
@alice @SandeepanNath @all: Should we start event?
@alice Ladies first...Go ahead
Android learnt viewpager and gestures
@SandeepanNath: I think you are busy...
@alice: 2nd pint
Exp: 4 months
Technology Android
@alice Great..
Started working on PHP from last year. You can see my profile. It is having more info.
@alice Last time there were 4-5 members from android but this time we both are active for event. :(
So any new things learned this week...any problems faced...and how you solved them...@alice
facing now :( trying to solve
wat bout yu?
Learned different areas in our product of Property solutions.
And solved many bugs in this week.
@RobinHood @PHP @SpringSecurity: Welcome at weekly event.
Recently got new project working on it.
Fighting with accuracy and altitude.
Google maps? @RobinHood
That's great. I would love to work with google maps.
Is it interesting? @RobinHood
Of course
@RobinHood: Goood. You havn't posted abt 2 points in agenda. It will be nice to hear about you.
About me ^
On the earth below the sky :)
You are working in android since?
8 months
@RobinHood great ...double alice :)
@PHP: Why don't involve you involve? Open invited.
@SomnathMuluk yes he is my guru in SO
@alice That's very nice.
star it man
So another great event.. Anyone wants to continue discussion according to event they can. Take responsibility. I am leaving doe day...Bye @RobinHood for
hello all

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