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in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], 3 hours ago, by SilentKiller
gone through with several google solutions but yet not solved. Whenever I build the signed APK that signed APK doesn't work on device. It crashes and gives error of java.lang.RuntimeException: Error calling AppRegistry.runApplication while debug version is working very fine.
in [iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow], 3 hours ago, by SilentKiller
anyone having knowledge about ReactNative development. having an issue with sign build.
I am getting 'undefined' for this.refs
Can someone help me out with this please?
@SilentKiller dont know about signed APK but while creating signed apk make sure there is properly created offline javascipt bundle for release version or not
@rkmakwana without code we can't predicts
@Tirth can you elaborate more ?
currently I am building apk from studio like normal signed build
I am developing a mobile app. On one screen, I am setting up ref on Input

<Input ref="input" placeholder="Search" onFocus={this.searchEditing}/>
When I access it, it says refs is undefined


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