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hi mrazza
@Manoj hey? what's up?
cool, wat abt u?
I'm working. Why did you invite me here?
okk actully i want to ask a ques.. i mreally stuck in here
private readonly string XslFile = @"...\default.xslt";
private readonly string XmlFile = @"...\default.config";

string m = "page_1";

XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();

XslTransform xsl = new XslTransform();

XsltArgumentList xslarg = new XsltArgumentList();
xslarg.AddParam("id", "", m);

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
xsl.Transform(xdoc, xslarg, sw);

string result = sw.ToString().Replace("&lt;","<").Replace("&gt;",">");


label1.text= result; // i have this label in .ascx file
(see full text)
label1.text is not working?
i don't know why?
What's it saying?
object reference error
What app is this? ASP? or win forms?
in usercontrol , i m using a xml nd xsl with some xslt argument
I thought you said the error was with the label though
that you couldn't resolve it
i think so, that may be something wrong with label1.text
that's odd
should i do like this
xsl producing html otput
or some other approach , shud i follow?
that's what I would be doing but I don't see how that'd fix your error
I've got work to do; sorry I can't be of more help.
no problem
thanx nyway

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