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13:00 - 15:0015:00 - 17:00

Where is Game::addEntity called ?
Well, it's in the Entity Constructor, which is called in both Projectile and Bombard classes
Entity is an abstract class, only Projectile and Bombard can be created.
Well, I think my last sentence was extremely incorrect, sorry.
(thinking intensifies)
Well, should I post these classes too ?
But I know why the debugger says it's here.
Ah ? :)
It says that when it displays everything, a Sprite is not correct. So it's in the function in game that takes every Sprite.
These sprites are only pointers to the std::vector<sf::Sprite>
The problem is when I do the push_back.
Maybe is it a bad thing to call a constructor in a push_back ?
No, push back make a copy of what you provides it.
So eventually, it will copy construct the object you want to store.
The error, however does happen while performing this copy.
and is &sprites[sprites.size()-1] a good way to take the pointer of a sprite in the vector ?
Because maybe it takes a wrong address.
Or worse : the vector adress.
I'm not very confident with std::vector tbh, but I prefer it ten thousand times more than raw arrays
[i] has precendence over &, so &vect[i] is equivalent to &(vect[i])
So the problem isn't here.
Probably not :o
So the problem is really during the copy.
Or I don't see where it is.
Segmentation Fault is caused when you try to access an object that doesn't exist right ?
More precisely: when you access an address that doesn't belong to you.
I didn't know how to say that in English xD but yeah, that's what I understood.
So it will occur when you derefence pointers, generally with *ptr
Maybe should I change all my raw pointers by smart pointers ?
And see if it still crashes ?
This would not explain why it crashed in the first place :o
Because I guess that I have problems with that, my destructors are all empty so it means I have memory loss.
That's true.
I will create a copy of my current project, to be sure I don't destroy it x)
Could you ass a breakpoint in your Game.cpp at line 87?
The problem is, I will have difficulties to make the game crash.
This function is called 2000 times a second.
Ah, it's not crashing every time, is it?
No, it only crashes when there is two projectiles
Launched at the same time (~500ms)
Okay, two projectiles mean that m_entities.size() == 4?
(2 bombers and 2 projectiles?)
But if instead of std::vector I use two sprites, it works properly
Okay, here's what you can do
add a test in the first lines of Game::getSprites()
A test ?
`if (m_entities.size() >= 4) {
In that block put something useless
int x = 0, whatever
and put a break point there
And then trigger it, launching 2 bombs
Ok I'm there
okay, what does m_entities look like ?
You won't believe me.
Does it have the same address twice?
It doesn't exist .-.
Or maybe I don't know how to use debug
Maybe :p
Don't worry, send a screenshot if you're not sure
I sent
Don't hit me ;-;
Sorry, I didn't see it was a link
No problem x)
Okay, do you debugger give you any mean to watch this->m_entities ?
maybe there's an option if you right click on m_entities in the source code.
:D ?
Need help?
No xD
Errr, I think it's not what you wanted
That's it
Oh, okay xD
Btw, you're looking at the entrails of std vector
Oh, okay :D
I'm going to remove this lung and replace this heart (okay, this joke wasn't fun)
Maybe should I put the breakpoint when the sprites vector is full ?
do that
step further in the code
std::vector of length 1152, capacity 1152
The goal is to try to see for which Sprite there is a problem
There is a problem, right ?
Which vector?
The vector I return to draw everything
Can you run to the next line ?
Maybe it's not been initialized yet
I don't have breakpoint further
If I add one now, will it stop ?
And tbh, I think it is
well, as long as the breakpoint is AFTER where you are
Look at where the breakpoint is
Just before the return statement
I put another breakpoint on the return statement
Still the same
What is there in m_items usually?
Most of the time, nothing.
Every ~50s, a bonus pop
And it's in item.
Only bonuses, but they're kinda rare.
Okay, so not enough to get to 1148
There is something strange
When I print sprites.size()
It says 4.
Ah, of course
1024 + 128 = 1152.
capacity is not the length
I mean : is not the size
Yeah, that's what I just realized
Since it preallocate a bunch of memory to avoid resizing too often
Maybe a sprite has a capacity of 288
No ?
It's unrelated :)
Oh, okay :o
Vector are simply wrappers around a raw array
It's a huge loss of memory ?
No ?
There's a loss, but it's small.
See, the amount of memory to store a thousand pointers is pretty low. It was years ago, still is today.
What is costly it the time it takes to allocate such memory.
I'm back sorry
So most of the time, it's better to do less allocations (which equates to resizing the vector less often).
So I guess it's a little bit the same for chained lists ?
And even if you take 20 times the space you need... most of the time it doesn't matter
Well, chained list are somewhat the opposite
Mmh okay ^^
The allocate excatly the memory you need
Why am I always guessing the wrong thing... xD
BUT need to allocate a block each time you add something
That's why it's better to use vectors when you can ?
There's no implementation I know of that does otherwise.
Yes :)
Okay ^^
So, my problem isn't because of this vector, right ?
Some very smart people say that if you don't know what you need, then what you need is a vector.
To be honest, I don't know what's wrong so far.
Propably not this vector.
I don't no neither... xD
know *
I hope it's "that" omg moment :)
What is it?
No, it was just my typing going so bad ;-;
sorry xD
Sorry as well >_<
Can we do a cout of an iterator to see its address?
Which address?
That of the iterator? Or its content?
Its content, sorry.
I thought of &*it
But it seems weird.
You already get it Entity *e = *it;
I mean, the content is already an address.
I realized something
Ah no, nevermind.
I'm out of ideas.
Do you mind sharing the whole thing?
(I'd understand if you do)
No I don't xD
I mean, if someone wanted to steal my work, he'd be both crazy and noob xD
Ok, my code::blocks doesn't like debugging.
My breakpoint made him crash
Wait a second, i try something
There is a problem somewhere
std::vector<sf::Sprite> sprites = game.getSprites();
std::vector<sf::Sprite>::iterator it;

for (it = sprites.begin(); it != sprites.end(); it++) {
sf::Sprite s = *it;
if (sprites.size() >= 4) {
std::cout << &s << std::endl;
I have this function
The only output I get is 0x7fffffffd920
Repeated n times.
Where n is between 10 and 100 xD (too lazy to count)
So you are inserting the same Sprite in the vector over and over
But the problem is
and too many times at that.
How can I see two different sprites ?
Simple :)
And I think that it shows it too many times because it's in the rendering loop.
Don't print "&s"
Print "s"
I can't print it.
Still not that
There is no operator << for sf::Sprite.
Where is this code you're showing me?
In the main loop.
Just before widow.display.
Well, wait.
First, there is A LOT of bad things in my codee.
If you see it, it's good. :)
If you see it: fix it!
I can't fix it now.
Because the problem I have is exactly the problem I try to solve.
But not for Projectiles.
And when I fix that, I can fix the rest :D
As you can see, I have too many Textures. I could fix it now, but as long as it works correctly I don't need it. I will fix it when my program will be stable.
Do you still have Game.cpp and Game.h or do I send it again ?
Still have those
NOT FROM ME : Collision.cpp
You now have the whole project.
I try to keep it documented but I forgot sometimes, and I plan to rewrite some parts ^^
That's a crowd, but I should have it all
You can forget Log.cpp and Log.h, it's only the class I use to get the hour with my log messages.
And I should rewrite it to allow me to print numbers and things like that, it would be very helpful.
woops, forgot to save Game.h and Game.cpp
It's fine, found them
Okay ^^
if you see something wrong or that should've been wrote better, just tell me and I'll fix it ^^
What flags to you use to link with sfml ?
I also use pthread
oh btw
there is two lines commented in the main that provides another projectile creation
These lines work fine, but it's a "manual" creation
I need to create one sprite for each one
It builds and all :)
All is missing are the assets
Yep ^^
Oh, sorry.
I might not need thos
but you won't see the thing ;(
yeah :(
And you'll get an error too
It's.... very white
You need 4 things
Where can I send you the files ?
contact <at>
or a public share
Okay wait
If you don't fancy using an emal
I warn you
It's ugly af
I sent.
Tbh, I feel so confident about sharing those, because it's only a prototype and nothing is final xD
Oh, btw, the landmine is not mine, I found it on google, I'm not even sure if it's free of charges.
I think my window manager is making your game crash :)
Just give me a moment, I'll log out and use another one to check
Okay xD
weeeird crash ahoy!
[xcb] Most likely this is a multi-threaded client and XInitThreads has not been called
[xcb] Aborting, sorry about that.
test: ../../src/xcb_io.c:179: dequeue_pending_request: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_unknown_req_in_deq' failed.
Don't think you've seen this one.
Neither did I
(test is the name of the program when I compiled)
I've read through the thread, but I'm afraid I don't know enough about sfml
And this doesn't help you in any way
13:00 - 15:0015:00 - 17:00

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