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Morning Guys....
Have a good day today
Good Mor..to all
you get lost
@Richa,,,gud morning
dont spoil my day
very good morning @tushar
@Richa,,,how r u
good morning
Good Morning :)
welcome @ChiragPatel
hi @jeet
how r u ?
after long time....
Good Morning
Morning @abhi
heheh friendly fight! @Richa @Abhi @hotveryspicy Hi
@Nezam lost in water
@hotveryspicy which waters?
waters? its water only
@hotveryspicy Uh!
@Nezam Dance
by da way any of you worked on Countdown timer
@hotveryspicy not the type actually
@hotveryspicy once i cancel the timer and start it again i am not able to start
Hi @abhi ,Robin, Hotveryspicy, Nezam ,Richa
How i can use search on list with SimpleAdapter..
i made a class actually extending Countdown timer.. it works well when already initialized but when i cancel it and re initialize it again it does'nt work
@hotveryspicy wait making a full question out of it inshallah
@Richa hi, yes, sometimes you were busy, at others, I was
@Nezam Inshallah
@jeet: :)
still u can ping me
haha :D
@Richa yeah, my mistake, sorry
but i don't want to start any activity i just want to send an email along with details... — Rakesh 16 hours ago
@all can anyone help me on this...?
ActivityNotFoundException while sending email from the application
so, how are you?@Richa
@Rakesh why dont, you use javamail api
by this you can send email without starting any activity
@jeet friend earlier it was working fine, suddenly i got an error??
which api did you use?
@jeet android:minSdkVersion="8" and android:targetSdkVersion="17"
i m happy.... @jeet
how r u ?
same here, and how is work?
wo thik thak... :P
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri
aa di
why thik thak?
aise hi
nothing interesting
hi all
can any one help me android sensors
what sort of help?
@Richa make it
in android accelerometer data taking
i am creating a app using accelerometer reading
Good Morning All Have Good Day
i want to tell the user that his phone move left-right or up-down
i have coded it
but the speech is not so clear
how to get the accurate data from accelerometer
i also tried high pass and low pass filters
\no use
can any one help me?
did you ask question on stackoverflow?
yes sure
but nothing get use full
@jeet hello buddy good mornnig
@RobinHood hello
@Goofy hi
@RobinHood Good Morning please help me on this: stackoverflow.com/questions/14604349/…
@Goofy very good morning
@Rakesh Use Intent.ACTION_SEND instead of android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND, follow Sahil Mahajan Mj answer. I think it will work
@Abhi i have tried several times...but getting same error, and you will be shocked in my earlier version i have used same code to send email along with details, few days ago it was working fine and now i have seen i am getting same problem there big big trouble for me...please help
Q: CountDownTimer does'nt get refreshed/re-initialized

NezamOk what i am trying to achieve here is simple refreshing of the timer.First,i initialize the timer on starting the activity with a particular value.It ticks well now.But,as soon as i push a value from the server into this,It just wont tick. CountDownTimer: private static class MyCount extends C...

@Rakesh Did you try with Sahil Mahajan Mj answer
@Abhi yes...yesterday i tried and for surity one more time i am going to try that..just wait for me...
@Sreekanthss where is link?
A: ActivityNotFoundException while sending email from the application

RobinHoodtry something like below: public Intent sendMail1() { Intent messageIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); String aEmailList[] = { "[email protected]" }; messageIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, aEmailList); messageIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, s...

@Abhi ROCK
Any one can help me??
@Hardik Shake
@MurtazaMehmood we can't until and unless you do not disclose what kind of help.
@RobinHood :P
@RobinHood thanks buddy...
solved i have given your answer as useful
thanks a lot....@RobinHood @Abhi
Every class should have its own layout or we can reuse the layouts ?
any1 here?, need help
@RobinHood @Hardik @Abhi @Sreekanthss
Fire query
@AkhilJain hi , i just stated the android!!!
ok so i am trying to get records from db in list view using my own adapter
and @SAHIL- ok
i am afk nw
Hey can anyone answer me whether one can access a non static method from another class?
AFAIK you can't
but making object of class you can, and method should be publicly define
@Nezam why not?, agree with @RobinHood
@AdilSoomro aaaa dil :P
@hotveryspicy when i call ClassB.methodName() from ClassA it gives me Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method
@RobinHood nhi bhai, meine nhi aana.. :p
ClassB objClassB= new ClassB();
@hotveryspicy Will it not cause problems if Class B is a running activity?
@Nezam class and activity class are different, dont do such act. create your method non-activity class
@AdilSoomro to phir jaaaaa dil :D
@RobinHood say "Get Lost"
@RobinHood okay :|
@hotveryspicy but the methodName() on ClassB doesnt directly reference UI elements rather it calls the countdowntimer trigger which i discussed earlier
@Nezam then go for Interface rather than creating method in activity class
@Nezam a quick dirty solution is make a static instance of that Activity, like public static Activity globalInstance; set it to this in onCreate() of that Activity.
now call YourActivity.globalInstance.methodName();
not a good solution. but I think it'll work.
always perform a check about its being null or not like if(YourActivity.globalInstance != null)
@hotveryspicy the earlier way by creating instance gives me a force close @AdilSoomro

`01-31 13:31:43.792: E/AndroidRuntime(2229): android.view.ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.`
@AdilSoomro I m sure it will work, but its recommended. Memory issue
@Nezam thats the problem of threads, not the flow. you trying to access a view from background thread which is causing the problem.
@hotveryspicy yeah. thats why, I already said, dirty solution. :p
@hotveryspicy but its not recommended.
@AdilSoomro actually i am calling this method of an activity from a service.. so i am going ahead to try what you said now
@Nezam woho..!! what?? from Service ?
@AdilSoomro @hotveryspicy in the meantime can you suggest a workaround in flow of code..
@AdilSoomro i mean that class extends GCMBaseIntentService
use BroadcastReceivers buddy.
@AdilSoomro i am strictly following the googles guide to gcm
for android
@Nezam So can you show, where in the world is written to directly call an Activity's method from a Service?
somebody help me out with ListActivity+cursoradapter
@AdilSoomro No
@Nezam then simple follow the above suggestions :p in the google link. :D
@AdilSoomro The method RefreshBiz() is undefined for the type Activity
@AdilSoomro i am adding a cast

( (Business) Business.globalInstance).RefreshBiz();

It makes it this
@Nezam look, that is not correct way. you still will get it crashed, since you are trying to call a method from a background thread.
@AdilSoomro i am trying to work on your dirty solution how to quickly achieve it?
@Nezam my humble request is to have a look at some BroadcastReceivers examples and the above suggested google link.
@AdilSoomro so you're saying the dirty way won't work now?
@Nezam by adding another line, this will still work. :)
I'll not tell you that. :D
@AdilSoomro peleeze
@Nezam you go BroadcastReceivers way, very easy, smooth, Crashes se paak :p
@AdilSoomro look we are not compiling a courseware on how to Android are we? lol
@AdilSoomro i have worked on Broadcastrecievers earlier
The way you said gives me android.view.ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.
@AdilSoomro any help regarding listactivity+cursor adapter
@Nezam I already told you that this will still crash.
@AkhilJain problem?
@AdilSoomro ok
okay i have made a custom list item in a xml
@Nezam there is a method runOnUIthread(); you can use this method to get rid of this exception.
@AkhilJain okay.
and i am trying to inflate a create list view in a cursoradapter
@AdilSoomro i was just going to do that! lol
which i am adding the adapter to listactivity
@Nezam #warning: this all is not good solution :p
the problem is its not working correctly @AdilSoomro
i get error when i click to start the listactivity
something as ERROR/AndroidRuntime(339): android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x0
i used this for reference-tausiq.wordpress.com/2012/08/22/…
@AkhilJain you don't have string resources, which is being called from your code.
@AkhilJain whats the code, which producing this. can you see from logs?
@AdilSoomro just tryin to set data on textview
that is the problem, it does not show any error line from my code
@AkhilJain share your code, using pastie.org
does that resource existing in your strings.xml?
which code 1) customcursor adapter 2)custom list item xml 3)list activity
the code which is causing problem.
here you go..the code is custom adapter
i get NULL POinter exception
@AdilSoomro hey , i g0t it, fixed the error , i was playing with code and saw that i messed with the android.R.layout, instead of my layout, thanks @AdilSoomro :)
@RobinHood buddy need help...
@RobinHood i am showing total number of items in cart but now i want to show total number of items like they have shown on Cart Tab 2 in red:play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.queppelin.tastykhana how can i do that in my existing program?
code to get total number of items in cart i have pasted here: pastebin.com/G8NV1bg7
@AdilSoomro can you please help me?
i am showing total number of items in cart but now i want to show total number of items like they have shown on Cart Tab 2 in red:play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.queppelin.tastykhana code to get total number of items in cart i have pasted here:pastebin.com/G8NV1bg7
@Rakesh See this
@Rakesh Here you go
@Rakesh Here
@AdilSoomro buddy i am using your Iphone like tab sample code in my app, so can i use that code?
@Rakesh yeah, why not.
@AdilSoomro @Abhi Thanks
@AdilSoomro could you please help me on this, small change i want to do in my program please check this: stackoverflow.com/questions/14621749/…
@Abhi hi
i have an issue
i am getting the error --The element type "activity" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</activity>".
this is my manifest file
Means you didnt give end tag that is </activity>
@AdilSoomro can i get any simple badge example, like you have made Tab Sample easy to use and understand, this is very strange not getting what code i need to pick to get that...
does anyone one know how to set keyboard as the input device in emulator? i usually use keypad from emulator which takes time.
@AdilSoomro any help in badge..
Ok @AdilSoomro where are you
I need help with BroadcastRecievers now
@Nezam hmm, here.
@AdilSoomro as you said i am moving forward with BroadcastReceiver
@Rakesh you need to save the tabindicator view in some class level variable, so that you can access it later.
@Nezam thats a mature move :p
but i need to know the correct way to sendBroadcast
i defined the receiever in this manner
android:enabled="true" >
<action android:name="com.aceast.refreshCountdown" />
how do i call it or make it strike from anywhere simply sendBroadcast?
@Nezam yes.
@AdilSoomro notworking i made a sendBroadcast in a onCreate but debug point on OnReceive not getting hit
i tried this earlier
Intent intent = new Intent();
now trying with commented code
@Nezam send on Button click, not in onCreate(); and you have to specify what kind of broadcast that is.
@AdilSoomro like you want to say i need to setAction?
Have a look here
and here
@SheSmile you need to enable that while creating the AVD...
@adilSoomro i saw them man i saw them.. but what exactly i need to do !! arrrgggh! m not getting this few lines of code!!
How to pass data from FragmentActivity to ListFragment
@AdilSoomro status
@RobinHood opengles. (for very little fix :p)
@AdilSoomro hey i got it working
@Nezam happy to know..
@AdilSoomro by using this stackoverflow.com/a/8023310/1221203
@AdilSoomro BUT .. NOW IT GETS CALLED RECURSIVELY!! Help i sent broadcast onCreate
@Nezam onCreate() of what? Activity?
@AdilSoomro hummm
@AdilSoomro onReceive gets called again and again.. yes
@Nezam and how you have defined your receiver. you may be doing something which is creating loop.
debug that flow.
@AdilSoomro CLASS LEVEL DECLARATION private BroadcastReceiver _refreshReceiver = new RecvrClass();
@Adilsoomro dont worry i'm getting to the bottom of this Insha Allaah
@Nezam great.
10 mins ago, by Harish
How to pass data from FragmentActivity to ListFragment
@AdilSoomro that problem solved.. Now i get OnReceive called at the point where i want it to get HIT but now.. i wanna call the same old method which i was talking in the morning about.. so how do i call it now? Its inside that activity..
@AdilSoomro remember ClassA_activity.methodA(); ?
@Nezam hmmm.
@AdilSoomro so shall i call it like this new Business().RefreshBiz(); from onReceieve where Bussiness is an activity
@Nezam nop, make your RecvrClass as private class in your Activity and call the method. from RecvrClass's receive method.
@AdilSoomro are you sure this is gonna get hit if i call sendBroadcast from other activities as well?
@Nezam if your activity is runing and register to that broadcast.
@BomberMan hiyla!
where are you color!
I am here :D
how to send a screenshot in chat here?
@kirtiavaiya upload to imagur.com and paste the link here.
@AdilSoomro what if i wanna call inside OnReceive other classes public method?
Q: How to automatically unescape the escape characters in a string

PragnaniI am receiving the data from the service with the escape sequence characters...I have managed to elemenate them by this code results=results.replace("\\\"", "\""); if(results.startsWith("\"")) { results=results.substring(1,results.length()); ...

@BomberMan then you would have been remained invisible.. I couldn't see you :p
@AdilSoomro hehe yeah a bit busy.
@Nezam nop. you need to register that class agains the broadcast.
@AdilSoomro:hello bhai
@skbishi hey
@skbishi I'm good, you say.
@AdilSoomro thanks again i have done with Badge by using same code...
@Rakesh great. Happy coding :)
@AdilSoomro:m good
@AdilSoomro:Android upload image to server using BasicNameValuePair??? any idea
i mean bytearray
@AdilSoomro GOT IT WORK ALHUMDULILLAH!! ,,,, May Allah Guide you to Islam and give you the understand of religion.Ameen
@Nezam I am not against to any religion, But i dont like it from you, very often you using these words. Adil is my jaan. But try not to use often
@Nezam Ameen. :) I appreciate your islamic spirit. but this is a technical public forum.
:) Ameen. I like this word very much , Amen is also there another religion will use this
@Abhi yeah..
@Abhi its how i am.Accept it or reject it! Would have supplicated for you as well had you been able to help solve my problem.
@Nezam Dont be serious This is public forum. You are not supposed to use. So i told.For more ask adil.
@Nezam yeah well, you can't force anyone to Islam. and never express your wish about them in the first place. Would you like anyone praying for you to convert into non-islamic religion?
@chintankhetiya: you there?
@AdilSoomro can you help me
@MahaveerMuttha YES
@MahaveerMuttha will try.
@AdilSoomro: i am working on one application and i have upgraded the adt , now this point of time its not generating R.java i tried cleaning project then removing and again adding project also deleted .metadata also but still same error @chintankhetiya
@AdilSoomro @chintankhetiya: updated sdk
@MahaveerMuttha then make new project and move all sources/resources into that project.
@AdilSoomro Ofcourse not.But as i said,i express the Truth everywhere in the world.Wherever The Truth (this deen) goes i follow..
@MahaveerMuttha Agree :(
@AdilSoomro: but it will make difficulty for SVN ..
@Nezam by doing this, you can't let others to believe in your ideas/thoughts.
@AdilSoomro @chintankhetiya: still will try
@AdilSoomro it doesnt make sense that i want people to believe in my thoughts.Which can vary.. I wish people would believe in what has been revealed whether it goes against me or them.This is global / rather universal law.
@Nezam you want others to follow your religion! doesn't it bothers you if other want/ rather express their thoughts to convince you follow their religion
@AdilSoomro no it does not bother me.Rather,i am always ready for a nice and peaceful discussion.
@Nezam okay, is it the correct place for the expression of your thoughts?
@jeet there,.?
Bye Bye Guys
4 hours later…
hello guys
Unable to play audio on my PC that was recorded on Android using MediaRecorder

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