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morning morning
Good Morning :)
@hotveryspicy @Abhi @jeet good morning
@Goofy morning
@hotveryspicy i have a query thats is talking lot of time to resolve please help on this stackoverflow.com/questions/14235074/…
answer seems correct, setLayoutParams()
@hotveryspicy yes but what if the webview contains 3 lines then it wil have a scroll so i want to set some minimum height
@Goofy hmm need to see (you do)
Good Morning Everyone ... Have nice day .. :)
@hotveryspicy Good Morning
Good Morning Everyone.. :)
@MiteshAgrawal morning
ki haal hain
@hotveryspicy hello MR.hotveryspicy Good Noon
@chintankhetiya seems normal abnormal
@hotveryspicy why ?
@chintankhetiya nothing
Q: How to prevent repeated Data while searching using BaseAdapter Android

Mitesh AgrawalI am trying to search from CustomListView implementing Filterable in BaseAdapter, but it provides repeated search data.. @Override public Filter getFilter() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // Here myList contains Original data return new MyFilter(my...

3 hours later…
@MiteshAgrawal why you are not clearing the myList when you are adding all myValues ?
Hi all
@developer hello
@AdilSoomro :)
i want to make a program that secure the images by a password, so no one can view it without the pass,
what is the first step to go, any good references
@developer first of all try to show images in your app.
later secure them :D
@AdilSoomro what an idea sir G
Thanks @AdilSoomro
i think it easy to view images :), my idea is to make a program that mark an image in the studio with a private flag then make a restriction on that pic so the studio will not view it, finally with my app i will retrieve all images with that flag to show it :)
@AdilSoomro Have you worked on shake listener ?
@AdilSoomro i think it easy to view images :), my idea is to make a program that mark an image in the studio with a private flag then make a restriction on that pic so the studio will not view it, finally with my app i will retrieve all images with that flag to show it :)
Hi all anybody have idea about play video as live wallpaper ?
Hello Guys....
@developer studio??
1 message moved to DUST
Room cleaner wow
Where is Dharmendra?
@hotveryspicy do you know what is the mean of this The following classes could not be instantiated &
Tip: Use View.isInEditMode() in your custom views to skip code when shown in Eclipse i am getting this in editor when i am using custom view in my app .. :(
@MKJParekh chat is banned in his company forget him/
@RobinHood @AdilSoomro @MKJParekh have you ever face this type of issue ?
hello all, is it possible to show action bar on customized title bar?
or have to provide some virtual/soft button there on the title bar to invoke the action bar?
yes, the app will be able to view all images saved in the defualt studio, and then select some of them to be private, next time the images will be hiddin from the image studio.
so is it possible to make this? any references :)
Q: how to play video as live wallpaper android?

HardikAnybody know how to play .mp4 video as live wallpaper ? I search a lot but cant find solution. I find this one but not get idea from it. Please help me to find this.

@AdilSoomro i mean the gallery :)
@chintankhetiya its kinda warning, but when you run it will run
anybody have idea about canvas
@hotveryspicy no bro its not happening in my case. i have a one project name as visualizer when i run it will run perfect but when i just add that files and view in my other project then it shows me this . there are no error but when i run my app that doesn't show me visualizer
@hotveryspicy buddy are you there?
@chintankhetiya see properly, are you right?
@Goofy yes
@hotveryspicy stackoverflow.com/questions/14257222/… can you please help me on this
@hotveryspicy may be. testing ,...
hey room
good eve
i m cavallow
nice to meet you all
i need some help with my xml layout
@Goofy dint get you
@chintankhetiya keep testing
I need some help with android layout
i spent all day
i am not able to find it
@hotveryspicy i need your help on this stackoverflow.com/questions/14257222/…
i mean fix it, can any body help me with my layout
@Goofy horizontal or vertical?
@hotveryspicy vertical
hello @cavallo, welcome, good evening..
whats you xml layout problem?
@adil thank god u came to my rescu
pls help me
i have to create a layout like
@cavallo hi
@Goofy so what happening?
How can I embed code for automatic update of new messages in my showinbox application.Please refer me a link.thanks!
@CoolJatt @AdilSoomro pls help me guys
@cavallo you still didn't tell us about your layout problem
i have to create a layout cell to inflate into a listview similar to this image
@hotveryspicy its not alligning to center its always on top
can you see ?
@Goofy show more cod
@AdilSoomro been doing it whole day
but could not
@hotveryspicy its the same which i have added here stackoverflow.com/questions/14257222/…
@BomberMan @BomberMan
@cavallo hmm. so what you have tried so far?
i have tried almost but the gap above the name
cannot be done
would u like to take a look at my layout?
@Goofy having separate Linearlayout for each webview?
@cavallo sure, share your code using pastie.org
@hotveryspicy okay. i get the point where i is the problem . that new needs fill parent .
pastie.org/5661099 @AdilSoomro
please see this
i have to make the profile name appear a little above the name
did u check @AdilSoomro
@hotveryspicy yes each time i am adding a linear layout and inside that webview
@cavallo and how does it look like, can you paste a snapshot too??
@Goofy set gravity of each LinearLayout
@AdilSoomro check this out
@AdilSoomro can you help me
what ecactly did i miss
not ecactly, exactly*
ohh sorry
can you help me
@AdilSoomro ?
@cavallo hmm.
Take a RelativeLayout and have add an ImageView and LinearLayout inside it.
align ImageView to the top left corner.
align LinearLayout in center with margin to top and left of your desire.
now add another LinearLayout (we will call it child) and ImageView to the above LinearLayout.
now add 3 TextView to child Layout..
set parent LinearLayout's orientation to vertical.
thats all
I can suggest.
this layout can still be optimized. but its okay for you.
@Hardik yes
@BomberMan nandlal here
Q: How to draw an arrow with shapes in Android

rekireI'm trying to build a simple arrow with Android XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rotate xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:fromDegrees="10" android:toDegrees="45"> <layer-list> <item> <...

do you guys have an idea?
@cavallo,,,,,,,do u have gtalk
Hello guys.. It's been 3 hours and no one has answered my question
@BLOB did you try a relative layout where you put controls on the top?
Yes... I am using relative layout...
Please add your xml to your question
@rekire Edited... but there is no xml stuff to add..
@rekire Hope my question is clearer now
yes it is. I think it would be simpler to do in xml but this does not matter
I see no problem is doing it in this way you should only use handlers to avoid cross thread access
@rekire Since the added UI elements are simple, i am not using xml
handlers? like runOnUiThread()?
IMHO it is much simpler to use the graphical designer than adding views with all its properties by code
yes I normally use Handler ui=new Handler(); and execute than the ui updates on that handler
I hav no experience with this Handler class.. Is it similar to runOnUiThread() ?
I think so
It's just important that you handle ui access seperatly
allright... Won't it cause lag if i am updating TextView each frame?
of cause this will produce some lag. you have more code which needs to be executed ;)
hahah.. not meant that way
year I know, I'm not sure if this is signigicant
But.. Is this how other games do it? that is all i want to know
@rekire ?
I did not write games yet but I would guess that they are written on the texture level
I mean the fps are just for debugging so who cares?
ya.. fps is for testing purposes.. It will also be accompanied with Time and other stuff
in the actual game
anywayz.. Relative Layout is a good thing then.. ok.. solves my questoin
Thanx @rekire
no problem if you could slove my problem haha: stackoverflow.com/q/14258123/995926
Hello everyone
are you all experienced android developers? any beginners?
me beginner
In some parts expert in other beginner^^
@rekire where are u saving this xml file? in drawable directory?
ok.. trying
really just starting, have any applications out @BLOB and @rekire
Hi i need to display normal png, jpg and gif images in my application
am using image view now
you mean if I have published apps?
it displays the gif image just like a image
I hav one published game...
any custom components for gif
forget gif animations almost not possible
just if you convert it internally to a video
yea published applications?
Hi i need to display normal png, jpg and gif images in my application
am using image view now
it displays the gif image just like a image
any custom components for gif
@BLOB that is cool
how long did that take you
thanx :) but I hav made rendering the wrong way... learning the right way now
@KPath001 gif animations are not supported by android
@BLOB did I read correctly that you have to pay a 25 USD fee for publishing?
haha what i meant did you publish any applications
yes that right is there any other way to use gif? @rekire
@rekire yes.. 25$
@arnp just in static way. you could use a webview if you really need this
ok thank you
@rekire good idea.. a gif inside webview
really android is $25 for every application?
@arnp I guess you can show gif easily
using web view
@arnp it's also a big problem to display simple svg files
@KPath001 not every application.. only for initial registration
its just 25 not bad
@BLOB ok than I got the point correctly. did you try the amazon app store too?
i had to pay $100 for windows phone
wow should have took time to learn android
@MKJParekh i cannot use webview in the place where i need
i am using a listview to display list
and i need gif image to displayed in the list item
I'm not sure if 100$ needs to been paid or not I don't under stand law likly texts
@KPath001 .. I hav no idea on WP development.. which programming language do u use?
C# for the programming and Xaml for the UI
its pretty fun
@arnp If you get a simple and working solution please inform me ;)
C# is similar to java.. so cool
@rekire yes sure
yea so you should be able to pick it up easily
@arnp .. u can make custom list view right?
@BLOB do you have any good resources for me, i want to pick up android
@BLOB is you game a pay app?
no.. free app
@BLOB yes am using custom list view
@KPath001 the official android docs
really is it easy to pick up from the examples
custom list views are pritty simple I wrote 10 yet
@arnp You can stackoverflow.com/questions/12159336/… show gif in listview
ya.. official android docs and I learnt game programming from this book "Beginning Android Games"
how long did it take you to build a game for that?
4 months..
wow haha
It was my first game so.. 4 months
the only useful answer about gif is this here: stackoverflow.com/a/12820658/995926
haha nice thanks @BLOB and @rekire for your help
do you guys mind if i stay here and watch the questions that pop
cause i am just trying to pick up android dev
@rekire .. for which element are u using this 'drawable' ?
for a simple ImageView I don't want to use the svgs which I use now.
@MKJParekh in my case, Please have a look at this
now am using imageview there
@rekire , so one imageView is blue and another is red in ur case right?
no I want to build an drawable wich containes two simple lines which should build a simple arrow
trying! this will be fun.. and tell me if u get solution
bhai @AdilSoomro
@RobinHood. ??
@AdilSoomro getting bore:P
@RobinHood start you own product :p
@AdilSoomro going home,
@rekire u still here?
rekire.. what is this <layer-list> ?
If i understand the documentation correctly a way to use multiple layers for drawables
and every layer is identified by an item tag
plz giv link to documentation
for the moment I dropped the idea and I'm trying to use the same <layer-list> tag for adding a single line to the top and the bottem of a control but this does not work... arg!
why not?
and i dont understand toDegrees and fromDegrees
why I dropped the idea or why the borders does not work?
trying to figure all this.. It will be useful in future
I mean.. Create one drawable layout to top part of arrow and another drawable layout for bottom part of arrow
is it possible to use fast scroll and alphabetical section index in customlistview
@rekire i got one idea.. wait
@MiteshAgrawal I think so, but never done it.
I think this is a plain and simple way for a drawable I'm pritty sure this can be code by code with just some lines. but this will not be shown in the ui of eclipse
curriently I'm using a about 200byte big svg for that but I miss the preview^^
@BLOB I'll have to go on 4pm utc+1
ya.. i hav no idea on svg though
i figured it out
ya.. almost
I managed to do it in cross shape..
I had also a cross shape but the result was not scalable
no.. this is good
can i post xml here?
is it valid to do so?
well you could use pastbin or so
k.. thanx for info
@rekire .. how to make it arrow like?
A: How to prevent repeated Data while searching using BaseAdapter Android

Mitesh AgrawalFinally i am able to solve my own question.. Here are few things that solved my problem.. @Override public Filter getFilter() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return new MyFilter(); } private class MyFilter extends Filter { @Override protected FilterResults performFilteri...

ah of cou
Finally i am able to solve my own question with your help.. so Thanks Bro.
dammed enter key
I crossed it in the same way but I did't get it managed to limit to this area I want maybe with the scale tag not sure
@rekire I think we should trial and error with pivotX and pivotY values
I did not make this work
@MiteshAgrawal great.
@rekire what to do to solve?
this is what I got yet then I tried to play with pivotX/Y but the lines disappierd and this was the point where I gived up
I would say that shapes sucks
why is it we can set width but not height? using android:height ?
I don't know the documentation is not very helpful
however I'll finish my work for today
8,5 hours are enough
almost got it
got it
it might not be correct way
but got it!
thank you for your help @BLOB, if you got a final solution please write it as an answer I'll accept it tomorrow at 9:00 utc
but.. it is not correct method i am sure
let me pastebin it to u
hm I cannot guess it, let's discuss it tomorrow

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