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Good Morning Android Developers
Very Good Morning @CapdDroid
@sanjaymanvani :)
very good morning
Very Good Morning to all
Very Good Morning to all
good morning
@jeet vgm bro
@CapDroid thank you
same to you
very good morning
@Venky @Dharmendra @hotveryspicy @asha Good Morning
very gm
how to call skype using intent with skype id from application ?
@Dharmendra status?
On the way to tea :p
can any one please clear my doubt in android login page?
What is the doubt?
@Abhi actually i have one login page for my project,here i am trying to keep my login page always wants to be logged in once if i logged in with the proper inputs....
when ever i try to access my application
@Rohith Store status in Shared Preferences or SQLite.Each time check if user is Logged in. if Yes skip log in page
@Abhi do u know how to call skype and gtalk from their id in application ?
No idea never worked
@Abhi actually i am using shared preference concept and did code too, but i am getting the login page again and again ,when ever i try to access the application
Check and debug Either you are not saving correctly or not getting
@Abhi will i show you source for reference?
See here nice example
@Abhi will i get you back after following your suggestion?
@jeet do u know how to call skype and gtalk from their id from application ?
@Kutbi no, actully its a long time, I have implemented chat
@Abhi do u worked on achart engine
@Abhi i need ur guidance for bar chart
@jeet no no i just want to open skype same way open email from application using intent
@asha Sure
@Abhi can u see that?
Seen Nice :P
@Abhi wat nice ?
What you want here, That is nice :P
@Abhi dont kidding
Then say your issue
@Abhi k my series1 @ series2 values are same 73 , 73
i got bar for the same values
but its shows upto 73 only can i exceed that upto 80 in y axis
and i ve to increse my bar chart width too
its very lean
If you value is 73 then why to show uptp 80
For width show your setChartSettings() line
@Abhi can u get me nw?
Yes Answer my question
@Abhi bcoz it ll b finished upto 73 only there is no space thereafter
How you are adding bar graph, is it intent or graphview?
no i ll show in current activity
no intent
Then you are adding graph view to some Layout right? increase the height of that layout
@Abhi i got it
@Abhi nw i want to increase bar width
show your setChartSettings() line
hm chk this
@RobinHood Had lunch.
I am back
Welcome :P
I am back too
Go to hell :D
@Dharmendra thank you
@jeet do u have any idea about my question ?
@Kutbi what question?
@jeet i just want to open skype same way open email from application using intent
@Kutbi find out what activity name and data and action Skype application is using to launch
and invoke same intent
Hi all, I want to take snapshot of my device screen's snapshot on Button click
any suggestions
@DeepikaLalra no idea but good question let me think...
@DeepikaLalra getRootView
and get a Canvas from that view
and save that canvas into bitmap
@jeet i use this link
@DeepikaLalra search before you ask
this question has been asked before
++ @DineshVenkata
@Kutbi okay
have you get any lead?
thank you @Dharmendra :)
@DeepikaLalra this can help u seehttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/3067586/how-to-capture-the-android-device-screen-content
@Dharmendra is this the way to trreat?
i searched before already.but not get any satisfactory answer thats why i asked it again. and i don't think so there should be any problem to discuss it again on this chat room. Any way thanks @DineshVenkata
thanks @Dipu i am trying
@jeet gives force close
no any activity found for this intent
@Kutbi have you installed Skype application on device
@jeet yes..i installed it
@jeet i dont know what i have to do in manifest file
@Kutbi I dont think there is any isssue with manifest
so @jeet whats the problem..i did same given in ans
@hotveryspicy I have 14K. Do you want it?
@Dharmendra whats today?
How is my new avatar?
@Dharmendra not now, you want more?
Did not match with your personality. :P
hahaha :D, a star for you
@hotveryspicy Not now. May be next month.
It match, go to little back and then think.
A person with a sword can match with your personality.
Anyway who is this person ?
Pen is mightier than sword :P
Iron Man
correct, but basically he is sherlock holmes
a person who has develoed sherelock lib ?
lol Eee
Lets solve puzzle
Sorry, doing titanium.
puzzle solved :P
: /
hello ..anyone there ???
here lots of mad programmer around me :P and there?
(including me)
ahh got it
thank god ;)
hahaha :D
we got a king and RobinHood also :P
and or =?
and :P
actually "than" is most prefered.
ya you are right, in you case, it should be "than"
Q: What is doing Recent app button ICS 4.0?

DuyguKIn my app, I have sqlite db.When user login first time,i write to SQLite db userid.And i am looking all screen,user login before or not.My question is,if user close this app recent app button,I redirect login button all time. What is my mistake? Recent app buton working like a force stop? Can any...

can anyone tell me what he trying to cooking?
@RobinHood fixed. :p
Where you were? you missed fun :P
@RobinHood I was here, in Lahore, Pakistan.
clap clap, but you wont get any price :P
hi can any one tell me how to set Notification when application Update and Upload it in google play User will Notify that Update this application
This is the feature of "Google play" application so don't worry.
When market app will found a new update of your app then it will notify the user to update the application. In your application there is no any need to handle for that.
Hello, There?
OK Thanx
hmm.you don't have to worry about that.read this support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/bin/…
I have one question regarding "List View"
Go ahead
hii to all
how to get the video thumbnail by using the video url?
which url
i get the list of videos urls from service @DineshVenkata
@All hi
anybody have knowledge of Titanium?
@venkat @DineshVenkata @Dharmendra
Don't ping the user
Yes I am learning Titanium
okay sry
Hello all
can u pls help me
I will help if I can. now just go ahead.
hiii @DeepikaLalra
@hotveryspicy hey friend i got the solution for how to catch snapshot
I am playing a youtube video in webview so I am able to listen the sound but video is not visible
on android device
same video is visible in native android
do you know any thing about my question @DeepikaLalra
@Dharmendra hi
@Dharmendra can you give me good tutorial link to lear titanium?
@fou Hey!!, How are you?
fine and you
I am fine.
@sampathpremarathna First read this API doc
@Dharmendra can u pls help me
@NiteshMeshram Why you are trying to play video on webview.
its a youtube video
You have a Media API I think so you why can not use that API ?
I am just giving url to webview
I have one question regarding List View
Is any body there to help me?
28 mins ago, by Dharmendra
Go ahead
is there any possible way in Listview ,I am able to focus on both .
row & row item
hii can any one tell me how to set Notification if some new data will Upload in api then application show NOtification?
@user1748932 which type of notification you want? for data or use alret?
no what ?
ok tell me alert type of notification"?
like .Toast or Alertbox , progress bar that you inform user that something is updated.
we want notification on notifcation area not toat and alertbox
k ill come to you after that .
then . set your adapter to notify to see changes.
i am trying but i get solution for only for getting thumnail of Youtube video
Question is for venkat or solution is for venkat?
@DeepikaLalra see you get the thumbnail of a youtube video using a specific url right?
yessss :(
so implement the same thing have a url for your image
make a thumbnail for the video and use a url to get it
yeah that is already implemented. but we are finding is there a way to get thumbnail from a video URL, in a way youtube provide
@DeepikaLalra Can you show me your youtube url?
now that is something related to videos and images
you gotta ask a web guy or probably seasoned image & video guys
I asked you tube video url
here it is
@Abhi she wants url for any video
1 message moved to DUST
I mean thumbnail url
so do you have any solution?
Wait a bit let me search.
pls help
I am playing a youtube video in webview so I am able to listen the sound but video is not visible
on android device
how to get the thumbnail for this url
yeah venkat i am also searching to get thumnail from any video URL
ok carry on @DeepikaLalra if you get any solution plz inform me
Have anyone come through javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Not trusted server certificate ?
@venkat sure venkat
@DeepikaLalra Say you have one you tube video url, from that you need to get Thumb nail of that video.., Right?
nooo Abhi ji
i want to get thumbnail from this video url
No you tube url?
yes no youtube url
Got it.., You can not get thumb
yes @Abhi she want thumbnail not thumb
@PiedPiper hi
@hardikjoshi fine too. :) where are u from?
@RobinHood Hi
@RobinHood Why you are trying to wakeup sid? :P
@Dharmendra Have you come through javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Not trusted server certificate ?
Thor hammer
@PiedPiper Not me but we both are passed through it
@venkat As for as i know You cant get thumb nail from video urls
@Dharmendra It's back.
@Abhi hi may I ask u something about the sharedPref ?
ok thank you @Abhi
@answer88 Ask robin :P
okay Abhi
@Abhi what does it mean robin :) ?
Robinhood :P
@PiedPiper Have you checked this?
@Abhi and to whom I will asks?
@answer88 just something, not more than that,
@RobinHood PiedPiper :D
@Abhi whatever I am trying to save the username and password in my app by using a check box but when when I uncheck the box the username and the password can not be erased. What I want to do is erasing the username and password when the box is unchecked.
@RobinHood here is the real one @Abhi :D
A: how to use getSharedPreferences in android

DharmendraSharedPreferences userDetails = context.getSharedPreferences("userdetails", MODE_PRIVATE); Editor edit = userDetails.edit(); edit.clear(); edit.putString("username", txtUname.getText().toString().trim()); edit.putString("password", txtPass.getText().toString().trim()); edit.commit(); Toast.makeTe...

@Dharmendra if so, then questioner will forget his question :P
@Dharmendra Thanks.
thanks so much! you really help a lot! (: — CMAñora May 10 '11 at 14:02
@DeepikaLalra don't forget
@HoneyH Hiii m from ahmedabad, India
and You?
Hollywood :P
@Abhi I did the same way with the above but something is wrong
@Abhi would u like to see my code ?
I am finding issues in my code itself :). Once check Shared preferences,You can find many samples
@Abhi hii ROCK
Will shake :P
@HoneyH r you woring as android dev?
@Dharmendra can it be possible to call single service with two different pending intent?
You mean use pendingIntent.getService() method?
some what like
actually has to fire notification hourly basis and second has to perform background functionality daily basis means after 24 hours
from two different class ,m calling same service.
First# Utility.setNotification(this);
second# HourNotificationUtility.setNotification(ScheduelScreen.this);
@Dharmendra hey BB :P
@Dharmendra I tried the way u have done but still when the box is unchecked the username and password does not disappear could you please help me?
@RobinHood Is you service handle both functionality ?
@LalitPoptani Hey Popat!!!.
@answer88 Are you able to handle the event of checkbox ?
@Dharmendra no I am looking with an if loop.
@Dharmendra yes
@answer88 Got your issue
3 mins ago, by RobinHood
@Dharmendra yes
@Dharmendra what is the problem?
When you are fetching the preference for check then you are using the getDefaultSharedPreferences method but when you are saving the preferences you are using getSharedPreferences method.
@RobinHood Then no issue. you are on wright way.
@Dharmendra so should I use getSharedPref instead of getDefaultSharedPref?
@Dharmendra it cancel first one when second cal
@answer88 yup
@Dharmendra got it lemme try
@RobinHood Change the id which you are passing in the method
Check the pendingIntent.getService() method
@Dharmendra the result is the same with the previous one :(
Show me your updated code.
Not for you. :P
@Dharmendra pastie.org/5078638
@Dharmendra I think I found the problem thanks for helping!
Time to leave.
Good bye all
thnx see u later

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