@MKJParekh I go through this link stackoverflow.com/questions/6201682/… ? So cant it will be possible to do it like this instead of creating our own JAVAMAILAPI
I want to change the opacity of bitmap on change of seekbar's progress. I am using the below code.
opacityseekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener( new OnSeekBarChangeListener()
public void onStopTracki...
In my app I need to create a RadioGroup with 2 RadioButtons by code. I need to align the RadioButtons inside the RadioGroup, one to the left, and the other to the right part of RadioGruop. I know that if I add the radio-buttons to a LinearLayout these will solve this problem but in this case the ...
Hi Guys, I have used lazylist for show bulk of images, it loads most of the images successfully, but it can't load some specific images (throws OutOfMemory exception). What should be the reason for this?
@hotveryspicy @Dharmendra @pengwang Hi all, anyone has idea regarding application lock, Any thoughts on how we can achieve this, i see Smart Lock app working very nicely on my mobile
i am playing mp3 sound using default media player of android, my code for plying sound below
MediaPlayer mp=MediaPlayer.create(hello.this,R.raw.abc);
i need to play same sound on same button click. when i click continuo...
Now a days Internet access is very costly.The provider used charges like hell.
We do not use unlimited plan for internet.That's why I would like to develop an that can facilities to calculate(manage) network package/data usage.
Suppose I have activated 5GB data plan.So I need to check before su...