I have a qs to all of you. Some apk file download from server some apk file are may be update.How can I show a notification to user.Is it possible to download and install automatically?@All
I want to change the opacity of bitmap on change of seekbar's progress. I am using the below code.
opacityseekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener( new OnSeekBarChangeListener()
public void onStopTracki...
you can use setClassName() of Intent this will definitely fits your solution.
mIntent.setClassName(getApplicationContext(), getApplicationContext().getPackageName()+"."+resultPhone);
Note: Class must exists and must having entry in Android Manifest file
@AdilSoomro Yeah..........right now i am trying to consume a web service from android by the method soap This is the exact web service i am trying to consume ..........
@AdilSoomro I am getting this error on my emulator ....I don't know what it is saying ....ERROR:org.ksoap2.SoapFault:Server was unable to read request.---> There is an error in XML document(1,319).--->the string '0' is not a valid ALLXsd value.
@AdilSoomro The input values for the above web service are fd: 01/01/2012 td : 07/07/2012
@AdilSoomro It should return some values in the form of xml format
@Richa pastie.org/4615214 i have this kind of json output i know how to retrieve it but one thing is that in that i have only the arrayname is change all other that is key-value pairs are same so how can i retrieve them ?
@Richa Yes i know how to retrieve it but is there any simple way because in my case like that i have multiple arrays but the key-value pairs are same so here the array name only change so for that is there any simple way for i'm trying?
@CapDroid pastie.org/4615214 i have this kind of json output i know how to retrieve it but one thing is that in that i have only the arrayname is change all other that is key-value pairs are same so how can i retrieve them ?
@CapDroid Yes i know how to retrieve it but is there any simple way because in my case like that i have multiple arrays but the key-value pairs are same so here the array name only change so for that is there any simple way for i'm trying?
I am hitting a particular URL and getting some response from it. I am storing the response into a string. But my string stores about 3500 characters and then shows ... . How can I make it to store all the response data into the String? Please note that response is a JSON
Hi, have anyone tried this https://github.com/Sheikh-Aman/Android_Samples/blob/master/1.%20Sign-inWithTwitterT4J/src/com/aman/samples/t4jsignin/Main.java. I have the exact same program but it is not doing callback.
Infact from line 64, that getAuthenticationUrl() take you to the login page. If I change to getAutherizatoinUrl() it takes me to the page where it prompts me to allow/disallow the app. However after that both of them redirects to the mobile.twtter.com. Any idea?
Regarding twitter integration. It is necessary that we need to give a valid callback URL at twitter website. Am doing the way it is mentioned in github.com/Sheikh-Aman/Android_Samples/blob/master/…. But it is redirecting to the twitter homepage. does anyone have a clue?
in adding calendar events getting1) Failed to find provider info for calendar 2) Failed to find provider info for com.android.calendar @CapDroid @hotveryspicy @LalitPoptani @Dharmendra
am getting an error desktop applications only support the oauth_callback value 'oob'. I get this error when I dont specify any callback url the twitter page of my android app. How exactly do we specify the oob url?
Use case :
Facing a problem while setting events for the android calendar for GMT- (minus) countries through my app. It works fine for the GMT +5:30 as i ve done development in India. Neva thought of the fact. But tested the app on the GMT +11 and +12 timezones. It works fine.
Problem faced is ...
"I haven't made any assumption at all" - if you knew that it was a bad practice but decided to just answer the straight question anyway without even mentioning the option of parameterized SQL, what was the basis of that decision? Surely whereas I assumed that people would want to know if they were doing something bad, either you assumed that they wouldn't want to know, or you just didn't care.
I have an url which returns an HTML page, I am trying to get the response through HttpPost request, but getting java.net.unknownhostexception @LalitPoptani, @RobinHood, @AdilSoomro, @Abhi
This is definitely subjective, but I'd like to try to avoid it becoming argumentative. I think it could be an interesting question if people treat it appropriately.
Please present your opinion and reasoning - I would encourage people to vote for opinions which are well-argued and interesting, wh...
@zmw_android, I have an url which returns an HTML page, I am trying to get the response through HttpPost request, but getting java.net.unknownhostexception
Vitamio works like the Android's default MediaPlayer except that it includes much more powerful features. Nothing is special in that it supports live streaming
hi, I'm investigating building an app that will use some command line tools...using sl4a i know i can run normal bash commands such as hexdump and grep. however there are some other command line tools i'd like to use such as antiword. since these packages are compatable with linux can i easily install them on the user's handset so that I can run scripts inside my own app?