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@CapDroid Hi CD :)
@Abhi hi "AB"
JS came :P
Good morning
Very good morning @jeet Short cut for your name
@Abhi ohk, I thought JavaScript :)
@Abhi @jeet @hotveryspicy @RobinHood @RadheMohan @CapDroid
**Good Morning**
@MKJParekh Very Good Morning
@MKJParekh very good morning
take mine too
@MKJParekh Good morning mate
Good Morning
very good morning welcome
good morning to all
Q: how to add events for a android4.0 default calendar?

venkat In android 4.0 default calendar if we want to move to next month then we need to scroll the calendar but I need to move to the next or previous month by pressing arrows existed in the above image. And also I want to add to the default calendar. If add the event then that date should be marke...

@MKJParekh morning..
@Dharmendra: good morning.. I'm cool, thanks, what about you?
Morning My Friend.
how are you? @MKJParekh
@AdilSoomro I am fine, thanks & yourself? :P
@RobinHood Me keeping well. :p
@AdilSoomro Good....
@AdilSoomro I am fine thanks
@hotveryspicy Thanks for formality
Start eclipse and start developing and make it working :)
@MKJParekh nop :)
Good Morning...
I seen your comment on that kind of answer....so I thought you would have...
morning @Mihir..
@MKJParekh that was just leaps in the dark :p
violence is not allowed here, please keep your gun down :D
AK87 :P
@AdilSoomro I want one leap for my issue :)
General take the position :D
Captain Halt!
@Dharmendra status?
Q: Override method but parameter is arg0

pengwangi use eclipse auto Override a method: @Override public void draw(Canvas arg0, MapView arg1, boolean arg2) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.draw(arg0, arg1, arg2); } you see ,the parameter is arg0,arg1,arg2,it is hard to read.i think if my eclipse is have mistake, because i t...

hey friends, any one know how to get notification of facebook in android app?
@pengwang thats common, I think..
@pengwang Actually data types matters. not the variable names..
@hotveryspicy Going for picnic on Sunday :P
@pengwang adil is correct.
@hotveryspicy :P
@AdilSoomro your mean it is right?
@Dharmendra what the hell?, where?
@pengwang Yes.. That is just my opinion :)
@hotveryspicy Kenya Mt. Abu.
No more K, pathetic :P
@AdilSoomro I am expecting your participation.
@RobinHood Hold your words
@Dharmendra you too
@AdilSoomro yes that right.. that is not a mistake of eclipse, we have to pass parameter of that type during call or get that type of parameter on overridden of that method
@LalitPoptani come @Dharmendra planning picnic with you
How to insert a date directly in the database using query ? (Date format must be yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
using ContentValue and simpleDateformattter @Dharmendra
@Dharmendra you have to serialize the date........... and place them in to query string.... regarding query you can get guideline from google
@RobinHood where? in that picnic? Yes I'm willing.
@AdilSoomro but some pc is different me
@AdilSoomro No
@RobinHood @amity Hmm. Thanks
@Dharmendra say Thanks to me also
@RobinHood forever alone @Dharmendra
@pengwang Hi
@rajpara wadakam wadakum...
Q: Data not loading in WebView but it loads after lock - unlock device

rajparaI have data with some of the html tag, and I want to display it in webView. I tried below code: String html = "<html><body><font face=\"verdana\" size=\"" + getResources().getString(R.string.WebView_Font_Size) + "\" color=\"rgb(64,64,64)\">" ...

@AdilSoomro @Abhi @CapDroid Did u work on telephony manager ?
@Maidul Little bit just to get Deviceid
@Abhi Ok no issue
Could someone please assist me with this problem stackoverflow.com/questions/12155245/…
Q: Do not understand java.lang.ClassCastException error in Android

RynardtI received an error report for an Android application via Acra. There is no reference to a line number in my code in the stack trace. How do I know were the problem lies with my code? Could anyone please assist me. Stack trace: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{...

@RobinHood @hotveryspicy Where is @LalitPoptani ?
@Dharmendra Good afternoon
Good Afternoon
@Dharmendra Come come
hi dd
Exception processing async thread queue
Exception processing async thread queue
@ankitmakwana Dont use same object try with different object every time
k @abi
Hello guys
Any guys know how to convert milliseconds from the database to date using a sqlite query ?
i know that @Dharmendra
@ankitmakwana Yeah tell me
Good Evening Guys....
Hi Richa
Good Evening
How are you?
Getting trouble into this
Q: Using Sqlite query, Get a Date from stored milliseconds

DharmendraI am using sqlite database in my application in which I am storing a Date and Time in milli-seconds. Now using Sqlite query I am trying to get this datetime from milliseconds to date in format "yyyy-MM-dd" but not getting a proper result. I want to do this using a Sqlite query. Your help will b...

@Dharmendra code?
paste code in your query :P
@Dharmendra have you tried CONVERT func ?
Now getting approch how can I use that
CONVERT function takes date as argument but I have milliseconds
Too much high level of english.
SO how I can use this ?
It takes any type...
@hotveryspicy hello u there?
You can convert and cast any type to any other..I guess
@MKJParekh Yes but only for Date to Date convert
Not from long to date
You can also convert String to Date..
You are mistaking something..I think..
or I am..
Hello, can somebody please help me to solve this problem? I cannot find any way....thank you. stackoverflow.com/questions/12157378/…
@MKJParekh Well, Thanks for your effort. I have got the answer
select datetime(milliseconds / 1000, "unixepoch", "localtime")
This is working fine
Q: How to dynamically change the opacity of the bitmap in android

sanchitsinghI want to change the opacity of bitmap on change of seekbar's progress. I am using the below code. opacityseekbar.setMax(255); opacityseekbar.setMax(255); opacityseekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener( new OnSeekBarChangeListener() { public void onStopTrackingTou...

Please provide help at above
@Dharmendra That's Good.
Dance then
And its famous also
any 1 there?
@PareshMayani Oho Paresh is here.
clap clap
@Dharmendra Kyu be tera room and tu admin he to me nahi aa sakta? Just keep one thing in mind "Jo tera he wo mera he, jo mera he wo mera hi he" #JustChill Dhondhu
@PareshMayani Hahaha
Q: Executing Multiple AsyncTask's Parallely

SrhtI'm using Android SDK 4.0.3 API15 and I want to run multiple AsyncTasks parallely. I'm getting my data from web server and animating(10 fps) it real-time. But depending on user operations I need to send some data to web server also. When this occurs my animation pauses for a short time (sending d...

@hotveryspicy hey!
@Srht use this Asyntask grepcode.com/file/repository.grepcode.com/java/ext/… and also download dependies from their itself
@hotveryspicy its quite confusing for a newbie like me :) Is it Android's asynctask class or a custom class?
@Srht it is a Android's asynctask class but with some extra feature that make it capable to run two instance parallely
@hotveryspicy Do I add it as a class to my project? and it has the same name with androids AsyncTask class. It may mix up with the original class?
yes, you have to add this file and do import in your class file
@hotveryspicy I also don't understand what you mean with "also download dependies from their itself"
Arraydeque, deque etc class need to be download externally
@hotveryspicy I'm a little bit confused. But I don't want to take your time :) Thanks anyway.
you will get through, so long
hi @all
i need to create one calender sample application it have remainder,alert,notices the event
EX : jan 23 myfriend birthday
any one can help me

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