I have developed three different versions(as different projects) of an app(large,normal,small). How can I upload them as a single app with multiple apk's. Do I need to change package names? How about Keystore? Do I need to use same keystore or different keystores for different versions. And what ...
i have one issue when i instal my app using eclipse its working fine ..but if i take that apk file and send that to email and again i installed if i do like that its showing force close can you help..
i am porting my cocos2d game to android platform using cocos2d-x. and i want to notify user to play the game every 2 days. (like local notification on the iPhone). i tried Alarm Manager and added that to my Cocos2dActivity but failed. any good tutorial on that? please help!!!
public void...
I am getting the infamous java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget error. I have several XML layouts and a lot of the elements have images (button backgrounds, Linear layout backgrounds, etc.) After going through the questions posted, like Android: Strange out of memory issue wh...
@hotveryspicy for instance I have images set as backgrounds in linearlayouts and images set as background in buttons and other imageViews how do I set all of these images programatically
@hotveryspicy I tried unbinding my drawables by giving an id to the root xml element as suggested on the forums, but I didn't try recycling, could you please post a code sample or a link? Or explain further?
@Dharmendra @hotveryspicy I have a max of 3-4 levels in my hierarchy
@Dharmendra @hotveryspicy I understand that I should use bitmaps and recycle and set the sampling, all of this might solve my OOM problem. My question is how do I reproduce my xml layout (with all its drawables) from my code?
@Dharmendra @hotveryspicy for example I have a root element which is a linearlayout with a background image and inside it I have another linearlayout with another background image and then I have two buttons and two EditTexts with background images
@Dharmendra @hotveryspicy how do I set all of these images from inside my code?
depends: if your bitmap is already small then no need of use samplesize, and image which is uniform(no complex shape) try to make ninipatch image for the same and i hope you will get through
@hotveryspicy @Dharmendra thank you very much for your replies. I have one last question, isn't setting the images from within the code somehow not seperating the layouting from the code logic anymore? Everytime something in the layout changes I have to go back to my code and reflect that change