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03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

Can someone help me with this answer? I'm getting too many vague answers:
A: How do I link a checkbox for every contact in populated listview?

Photondon,t go with custom list view you can use default listview having the facility of check boxes but only one with each list item read listview on android developer site for list view property. listview having checkbox you just need to set multiselection list view

Good Morning all
@Bella Good Morning
How are you?
@venky Im good buddy ,what about u ?
Yeah great thanks.. So what'z up?
Good Morning guys
Good Mmorning
Exams preparations :'( @Venky
Can someone help me with this question?
Q: Set WebView loadUrl programmatically that is in fragment class

marvzWhat I need to achieve is that in every Tab I want to display different websites, like Tab 1: http://www.stackoverflow.com Tab 2: http://www.google..com Tab 3. http://www.developers.android.com My problem is I can't access the WebView object to a loadUrl() To clarify my question here's my co...

Oh great , when is your exams?
Oh cool buddy.. You will rock in exams i know about you
Oh @venky i hope so buddy :)
@marvz No idea about Fragments
Oh that's great
hello frnds
i need a assistance regarding http request
plz help
can anyone help me with programming a checkbox in a listview?
@ALL HI Anyone work Maven on Android ?
Haven't worked with maven :(
good morning all
@JayeshPatel morning
How are you?
Hi all
Im doing ok. Having trouble with my programming problem
Which issue?
A: How do I link a checkbox for every contact in populated listview?

Photondon,t go with custom list view you can use default listview having the facility of check boxes but only one with each list item read listview on android developer site for list view property. listview having checkbox you just need to set multiselection list view Edit 1: follow the link : click...

@jayeshPatel trying to program the checkboxes in my listview. The checkboxes shows when run the app, but I cant figure out how to connect them to each contact item
why you are not making a custom adapter for listview?
@JayeshPatel Im trying, but the examples I've seen are had to interpret
can someone help me with this?
Q: Set WebView loadUrl programmatically that is in fragment class

marvzWhat I need to achieve is that in every Tab I want to display different websites, like Tab 1: http://www.stackoverflow.com Tab 2: http://www.google..com Tab 3. http://www.developers.android.com My problem is I can't access the WebView object to a loadUrl() To clarify my question here's my co...

@JayeshPatel plus its hard to reconfigure how I populate my list of contacts to work with the examples too (if I need to)
@ChocoMan not getting you buddy. create one layout for row which you want to display on list-view. and use that layout in getView() method of the adapter
Hi anybody please help me with this stackoverflow.com/questions/10495966/…
@JayeshPatel I have (in this order) ImageView(contact pic) TextView(shows contact name & works), TextView (for counting), and Checkbox. None of the examples I've seen explains clearly how to make those rows
@JayeshPatel hi
Hi all ..
Hope you guyz doing great
is there any one intrested to help me ... if yes plz help me solve my problem
@jayesh patel hi
hw ru?
hi @c
@RaagaSudha Hello @ManojPal
@ChocoMan Its simple. I am not getting why you feeling difficulty ?
he @ChocoMan @JayeshPatel @RaagaSudha
can someone help me with this?
Q: Set WebView loadUrl programmatically that is in fragment class

marvzWhat I need to achieve is that in every Tab I want to display different websites, like Tab 1: http://www.stackoverflow.com Tab 2: http://www.google..com Tab 3. http://www.developers.android.com My problem is I can't access the WebView object to a loadUrl() To clarify my question here's my co...

@JayeshPatel i need your help , plz help me
@JayeshPatel its the way I populate my listview with my contacts and to get each checkbox and one of my textviews to connect to the contact's info
@JayeshPatel I am able to display the video in emulator and but when i installed my apk it is displaying a blank screen...why is it so? Please help me...I am struggling with this issue
@ManojPal Ask your qus
@ChocoMan Yes you can
@RaagaSudha May be there is no video on your device
@JayeshPatel hi it is working fine in emulator...but when i am testing in device it is displaying blank screen...
can you show me code?
@JayeshPatel hi i tested my apk in samsung galaxy 2 ....it is supporting mp4 files...but still it is displaying blank screen in the device
@JayeshPatel hi there
@ all please check it and guide me
@RaagaSudha First change the static path file:///sdcard/sample.3gp
HI all
Use the Environment to get the sd card
@Kiran_b why you are pasting your link again and again
You need to find the distance between two points right?
@JayeshPatel yaa first i need point it and then i need distance
Handle the touch event of the overlay and find the la, lon of the point using the Geo-coder class
Hello all
Hi @JayeshPatel
same way for other and then find the distance using the lat and lon. @Kiranb
@Illusionist Hello
@JayeshPatel please can u provide any sample/link for that i am very new to this
Finally I got access here, thanks
@JayeshPatel hi i used the environment but still the same blank screen in device pastebin.com/1MkHTN17
Q: Get the distance between two geo points

Chmouel BoudjnahI want to make a apps that check what's the nearest place from where the user is. I can easily get the location of the user and I have a list of places with latitude and longitude. What would be the best way to know the nearest place of the list against the current position. I could not find a...

@JayeshPatel one help
@RaagaSudha Try this
@Illusionist yes tell me friend
check this
@Illusionist Can you show image?
How to show I don't know
I also don't know
Bol bhai
Why you revoke my access again, now what's issue? @Lucifer
You are curious person.
Thats what you think, I told you the reason
Please wait till Monday
But wha't the reason? why should I wait till monday
@Illusionist Try this
You dont need to know the reason. and there are other chat rooms you can find the solution for your question
Mine room is for casual chat
Which room@Illusionist ?
@Lucifer so I will aslo interested in casual chat.
@JayeshPatel thank your let me check first
wowzers lol
@JayeshPatel I got it work finally. Now I need to rework my contacts into an Arraylist
@JayeshPatel hi i tried with that code....this time it displayed video cant be played...I am testing in samsung galaxy 2 tablet
@JayeshPatel now its not fill values, showing blank.
I have r.array string, which I have to set on spinner
Are you getting me? @JayeshPatel
@Illusionist Yes but to use my code you just have to make the array from your resource array.
@Illusionist String[] names = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.arrayname);
Lemme try this
@JayeshPatel thank its working fine
Good welcome.
But why we have to do like this, any reason?
next question pls. :D
@JayeshPatel Are you android developer properly?
hi @Agarwal How are you?
@JayeshPatel hi do I need to change the format?
hi @all! I need your help!
Q: Set WebView loadUrl programmatically that is in fragment class

marvzWhat I need to achieve is that in every Tab I want to display different websites, like Tab 1: http://www.stackoverflow.com Tab 2: http://www.google..com Tab 3. http://www.developers.android.com My problem is I can't access the WebView object to a loadUrl() To clarify my question here's my co...

@Illusionist yes
How much experinece you have?
@marvz You had paste your link 3 times. I am sure everyone had seen your link
@Illusionist 1yr.
hello all
New problem. I need a different way to populate my list's contact names...
hi @Lucifer yet you didn't tell me the reason/
@Illusionist I dont think it is necessary for it
you are cheater, you cheat me
you asked me about myself and i knew you, and then after knowing you again revoke my access.
Being human.
You should first gain the confidence before you say those words
You Should be Nice and Civic, and not use such words
Same to you @Lucifer
yeah, you are not nice guy, you cheat me.
I am owner of a chat room, so i knew that already
@Lucifer any issue?
you are misusing your ownership. @Lucifer
Not to me, this new user called Illusionist has a problem i think
Yeah i am seeing it
@Agarwal when i went in his room he asked about myself, after knowing he revoke my access without any reason, you tell is it fair?
@Agarwal you first know issue dude.
Its call a Strickness in some situation
I didn't mis behave in his room, then also he revoke my access. why the hell he done?
I asked Normal, Intro to everybody, not only to you,
I knew you everything whatever you asked, did I? @Lucifer
I know you didnt, that's why i said , wait till monday, some problem is going on in the room
But i think you revoke my access only, other users are doing chat there, so why I can't?
@Agarwal why you silent now?
They are all regular users , you are new one
See Agrawal is also there in access list
I didnt removed him
then why you removed me?
Read the above sentense
you are new user
so how I will be a regular without having access?
chat regularly from the monday :)
If user don't have access then why he will visit at your room, of course he won't.
ya, if user having access then user will be regular.
sense matter.
as you wish
@Lucifer ignore
It depends on your choice, i didnt force you to join my chat room
and even you cant read the title of it
@Illusionist and you too ignore
@Agarwal Can you tell me where I am wrong?
@Illusionist depends on your words you are using
@Lucifer if you can't give access then no one like to visit your room
@Illusionist If user don't have access then why he will visit at your room, of course he won't.
he make me angry and nothing. @Agarwal sorry for such words
should not use these sentenes
why so?
@Agarwal if i have any room and I won't give you access in my room, then you will visit at my room, tell me dear?
These room for discussion on issues and queries only
of course you won't
because you don't have access
if your it depends on your wish
non force you to give access
but @Agarwal sense matter
anyway! as you wish
good for you
@Agarwal Yes
I am leaving bye
bye :)
anyone know how to populate a listview with contacts within a ViewHolder?
Hi All
Q: Displaying Alert Dialog within Dialog in Android?

PirabaI have dialog box, its a calculator.Once user click OK button from that calculator, have to calculate free issue/discount , depends on the flag need to show the conformation alter dialog. Up to design & showing alert dialog is ok. My problem is Dialog calculator is displayed, in there I clic...

please help me out from above question
@Lucifer I have not access in your room. Can you give me access ?
Sorry Friend, at present I am not allowing any new user, i will give you access after some time :)
As you like.
Thank you for your kind co-operation friend
@JayeshPatel hi
@Lucifer Thanks.
@RaagaSudha Hello
@JayeshPatel I did as ur code...this time it displayed cannot play this video...i tested my app in samsung galaxy 2....I tried with 3gp videos also but not worked...What should I do?
Anyone know a solution to displaying a list of contact names within getView()?
@JayeshPatel do i need to change the format other than 3gp and mp4?
@RaagaSudha You should change your code of playing the video
@JayeshPatel I had gone through many examples...I tried all those I found...but they didnt work on the device...please help me
@RaagaSudha Give me some time
any body work with framing to images?
anybody works ina game?
@JayeshPatel ok :)....
Q: How can I populate a listview with contacts within a custom adapter class?

ChocoManI have a custom adapter. Within my getView(), I'm trying to populate "holder.contact" with a list of my contacts, but with no success. I do have this method of populating my listview with contacts, but it disrupts the functionality of my checkboxes. This code is outside of my CustomAdapter class...

HI ALL Can anybody how to set background image for a view
@user972890 can you be more specific?
Hello, @JayeshPatel
Hi can any body have idea about page curling ?
does anyone know how to extract data from a cursor and put it into an arraylist<string>?
@sony you can find samples
@Abhi I asked question in SO .stackoverflow.com/q/10549348/874752 .suggest me if you have any idea
@Abhi hi
any idea of Displaying Alert Dialog within Dialog in Android?
@Piraba u mean ?
inside the dialog it can show alert dialog
anyone know how to take strings from a cursor and put them into an ArrayList<String>?
dialog calculator is showing from there user click on OK button , it prompt user to Discount msg. if they click yes need to do some discount calculation otherwise nedd to do rest of the functionality
but my problem is before user select YES,NO , it finish all the thing whatever we written in the Dialog OK button implementation
@sony did u get it my requirements?
@Piraba Actually android displays one dialog at a time. so it is better to populate calculator within antoher activity with transaparent background, and then you can do u it whatever. i just suggest that only.
ok thanks a lot
@Illusionist Hi
ok thanks a lot
can someone please help with a problem?
I need to convert the data from this cursor to an arraylist<string>:
public Cursor getContacts()
// Run query
Uri uri = ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI;
String[] projection = new String[] {

String selection = ContactsContract.Contacts.IN_VISIBLE_GROUP + " = '" +
(false ? "0" : "1") + "'";
String[] selectionArgs = null;
String sortOrder = ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME + " COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC";

return managedQuery(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder);
@JayeshPatel How to change text color on selection of listview?
Can you help me?
@Illusionist nobody is about helping lately, but those same people will always ask questions...
Hi @All I want to add places,Events etc in Google Places API .I want to android sample code.Please any one can help me from this?
@ChocoMan What do you mean?
Hi @All I want to add places,Events etc in Google Places API .I want to android sample code.Please any one can help me from this?
They come, but they ignore until they have a problem of their own
Now what we do? where to go? who will give us solution?
Im searching for alternatives to SO
Then refer Google :P
SO is largely overrated
And the C++ Lounge? Egos from hell!!! lol
why so?
@ChocoMan If somebody is not replying that does not mean that he don't want to give you solution. He/She can be bust with stuff or other.
@JayeshPatel This room has honestly been degrading from a month of ago
@Illusionist see you search same on google you can find this
@JayeshPatel nice one
@ChocoMan you can find the tutorial of getting contacts in developers docs itself...
@Abhi I see you finally woke up lol
@ChocoMan dont make fun
@Abhi Can you help me please?
@ChocoMan I don't know, I am new here.
@Illusionist i have you the link
Dont know why you are taking offense to what I said. Just stating the facts that this room used to be full of active talkers from every angle exchanging theories and ideas
where it is I can't see any link? @Abhi
@Abhi I already solved my problem, thank you
5 mins ago, by Abhi
@Illusionist see you search same on google you can find this
@ChocoMan What do you mean. Are you saying that this room is not active now a days?
aah. thank you @Abhi let me check
@JayeshPatel Not like it used to be. The screen used to look like the Matrix movie lol
Bouncer :P
How @ChocoMan
Did you pissed any matrix here?
@Abhi Its a google search but I am looking for code, can you give me please?
hi @abhi
@Illusionist no code i never if want to do i will search first
hi @Krishna
Do you know how to start media player after setting a particular time using alarm manager
@Krishna nopes but many samples i have seen
do you know how to use alarm manager.?
@Krishna what time are you trying to start the alarm? (as an example)
@ChocoMan: that may be choose using a timepicker.like 3.30pm etc
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
Date alarmTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
System.out.println("My hour is "+tHour+"My minute is "+tMinute);

Intent alaramService =
new Intent(getApplicationContext(), StartMusic.class);
alaramService.putExtra("alarm_message", "O'Doyle Rules!");

PendingIntent pendingAlaramService =
PendingIntent.getService(Jogging.this, 0, alaramService ,
this is the sample..but actually the broadcast receiver is not calling the activity.
@ChocoMan : any idea?
@Krishna maybe when realtime is equal to the time you set, start an intent to play the media player
but actually ..the below code is not working
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();

String message = bundle.getString("alarm_message");
System.out.println("Intent message is "+message);
Intent newIntent = new Intent(context, AlarmReceiverActivity.class);
newIntent.putExtra("alarm_message", message);
@Krishna do you know what triggers the sound of the alarm?
and do you have all the proper permission?
thats a tough one...
@JayeshPatel hi
@ChocoMan:let me try that
@Rosalie heyyyyyyyyy
@Abhi yes
@Abhi Can give link from where I get source code please
Im cranky. Its my b-day. Someone unwind me lol
hmmmm Here
Ahh. happy birthday to you
@Illusionist thx
where is my chocolate? :P
Still at the store lol
The store does accept 5-finger discounts
@Rosalie enti votes ala thappu kadhu :P
@Abhi votes aa?
hmmm nee votes reputation
ha em aindi?
Serial votes -270 :P and daily oka 30 mins votes..., evvaro vesthunatu unnaru
nee reputation chusuko
ha 1407
ade kada undedi
4m long tym
Feb 28 na em aindhi chudu
in which language you guys are discussing?
apr 21 em aindhi chudu
emo mari
i came aftr long tym here
so nak na repu enta undedo kuda saringa gurtledu
naku gurthu undhi neku 2000+ undedhi...., sudden ga decrease aindhi...., so check chesa nuv vachaka adugudham anukuna
2k undeda emo le nak gurtledu
i dont use this site dat much now a days
its nt so useful now like how it used to be
verey valaki ichava?
@ChocoMan Its your b'day?
@RaagaSudha Hi
@JayeshPatel yup
@JayeshPatel Do i need to make any changes in the code?
@Rosalie nee login verey valu evvaraina use chestunara?
@Abhi ha oka ammai ki ichenu long back
but i dont thnk she ll rem it still
bcz AFAIK she used once
hmmm sare ley
hmm aina lite wat ll i do wid repu? wat matters is how much v learn
@ChocoMan Happy B'day dude, Live a long life with full of happiness.
@RaagaSudha Which code mate ?
aithey naku iche @Rosalie
@Abhi enti?
@JayeshPatel video displaying code
@Rosalie nee reputation naku ichey antuna
@Abhi Are doing coding here?
@Abhi how?
in which language you are sucking here?
Please use english
mee mama @Illusionist
@Rosalie saradha ga ana ley :P leave it
@RaagaSudha Ohh yes. You have to change the code
@Illusionist This room is for Android discussion and it is language independent room (If you have problem in explaining your problem).
@Abhi ok
Nice punch
i have problem :P
But I think you both guys know english, so its better to use.
@Abhi What punch? who given? and to whom?
@Abhi Are you okay?
@Illusionist i think you got the response
@RaagaSudha Try this
If it is Android People i can tell @Illusionist
But I rejectecd you issue.
@Rosalie I don't know your language. Better you talk in English.
Guys it will better for other users too, if you discusing on any topic then use english
03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

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