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Good Morning
Good Morning to all
@raju hi GM
Morning guys...
Have a relaxing day today...all
Go_oD Morning Tired
Tired in morning !!!
Yeah, not feeling well
What happened ?
Body pain
Take a pain killer
go to spa
As well as yesterday night I drunk too much! (in dream :P)
leave it
@Richa Is it like a drinking place ?
Let's go for tea
you know about hard and soft cache?
Wait coming...
if we fix the hard cache capacity .. then that much amount of space is allocated for our app.. in any case??
in Android People, 1 min ago, by Abhi
can we have a print option within the app in case people want to print out their list?
no @dharmendra
its is like relaxing place
@Richa Good morning.How are you?
@Richa Where?
@venky : i m good
that's cool..
@RobinHood My friend how are you?
Hey, I am fine, thanks
what about you?
@RobinHood and @Richa if we fix the hard cache capacity .. then that much amount of space is allocated for our app.. in any case??
Not clear/
i mean even if other apps require space even then nothing will happen.. as the run in seperate instance of dalvik..?
@RobinHood did you read that..? any idea?
Little, but I have to look in deep
nice topic.
.. yes..
It is something related to performance of the app, right?
This like is Loudtalk. i want to decisions on this topic. any one has idea
u have any idea for this topic
Sorry, mate little bit busy right now
ok dude @RobinHood
Any one can help me on this topic
any one know how to get device's height and width in which app is running run time ?
i have tried this
bt i m not getting height and width
Q: Android: How to get screen dimensions

Niko GamulinI created some custom elements and I want to programatically place them to the upper right corner (n pixels from the top edge and m pixels from the right edge) therefore I need to get the screen width and screen height and then set position: int px = screenWidth - m; int py = screenWidth - n; ...

mitra i have tried this only
Thnx. @robinhood
jadu karyu
i was thinking only thnx for robin and not me... but i also gave the same link.. :D
thnx @raju
now ok
Good Morning
hello @all
@RupalThanki Welcome
Q: Maximum size of Hard cache of an ImageDownloader

rajuMy question is that.. in this ImageDownloader they are implementing cache as hard and soft cache.. and for hard cache..here // Hard cache, with a fixed maximum capacity and a life duration private final HashMap<String, Bitmap> sHardBitmapCache = new LinkedHashMap<String, Bitmap>...

see this question...
Where are you storing the images ?
Sd card ?
Then don't worry about other application
If you use the internal storage then you have to worry for out of memory
but in case of external storage you have not
k..what if i use internal memory?
Internal memory is limited so if you use for caching then probably out of memory causes
and as my knowledge the Imageloader is using the cache memory and it is only limited to 1MB
So you can not use more than 1MB
Ohh thanks..
@Dharmendra thanks
@RobinHood Hi Color
ok.. if i put more than 1 mb.. it gives error?
@Dharmendra hello, How r u?
@RupalThanki Yeah I am fine, what about you ?
@LalitPoptani and @Dharmendra.. can you please see this question...
Q: Possible BUG in Android ImageDownloader class : sHardBitmapCache NOT static when it should be?

Issa FramI have been trying to learn as much as possible about Android development with specific focus on performance since many apps in the Play store today are sluggish. I have found/been directed to many articles/videos. One specific article about image caching is at: http://android-developers.blogsp...

@Dharmendra i am good
@Dharmendra there? did you see the question?
@Dharmendra are you there ?
Sleep Mode
hey i am facing problem
yes say!
i want to catch log when Wifi or Gprs enable / diable using wifi
whether wifi is enable or disable?
ya i wrote souce but its buggy
using broadcastreceiver
You are not able to trace?
buddy i am able to trace but problem is that Service Created Log in calling 3 times in program
@Rstar What you need exactly?
@Frankenstein see buddy i want to fetch wifi or gprs enable or disable in service as well as when phone boot
work in background as well as must work when phone boot
just need to display wifi enable or disable , gprs enable or disable
thats why i wrote above code but in Log service created is called 3 times
so buddy can u able to track code ?
For Internet Check I have Done pastebin.com/T3Y6K5fH
You Can Add one more thing to get Type of the Network int type = info.getType();
@Frankenstein thanks for code buddy but in my source what is problem
I haven't check it yet :P
please kindly check buddy if u are free coz its work of 1 day
I think this line registerReceiver(br, ifilter); should have been written after you wrote br = new Broadcast...
In short that should be the last line..in doTask()
buddy now trying
buddy i got this logs pastebin.com/6jB6VtYM
writing registerReceiver(br, ifilter); after broadcast receiver block
Q: How to display multiple lines of text with scrolling in android?

sanchitsinghI want to display multiple lines of text in my application in particular range such that user can scroll to view other lines. I have tried edittext, but it generates keyboard on tap on it and doesn't scroll properly. Then I tried textview, it also doesnot scrolls the text properly as I wanted. is...

@Frankenstein getting me ?
@Dharmendra status?
Nothing special @RobinHood
Then why inactive now a days?
@Dharmendra did you see the question?
@RobinHood I had to complete a small app in two days so was busy
but now I am free :)
@raju No man
Q: Possible BUG in Android ImageDownloader class : sHardBitmapCache NOT static when it should be?

Issa FramI have been trying to learn as much as possible about Android development with specific focus on performance since many apps in the Play store today are sluggish. I have found/been directed to many articles/videos. One specific article about image caching is at: http://android-developers.blogsp...

pls see if you have sm time.. :S
@Dharmendra is it publish?
No not yet
It will be a publish?
Wrong question was! my question should be this :P
Still this is the first step and there is a plan two put multiple functionality in this
@Dharmendra today you are free i want to meet you
o_0 ?
Q: How to display multiple lines of text with scrolling in android?

sanchitsinghI want to display multiple lines of text in my application in particular range such that user can scroll to view other lines. I have tried edittext, but it generates keyboard on tap on it and doesn't scroll properly. Then I tried textview, it also doesnot scrolls the text properly as I wanted. is...

need help here
what u say ?
Hi @Dharmendra
May be, call me after 8
dude but if we meet i want to show my sorce
Is it any issue ?
so it may contain bug
so just guide me thats i want to
Ok will see.
@RobinHood do you have any problem ?
RobinHood now a days feeling bad :(
@Dharmendra why ?
@Dharmendra r u fine? please help me if u ?
5 messages moved to DUST
1 message moved to DUST
@Dharmendra why should I?
Is there possible to change the image as well as text color of the button using selector ?
I know only change the image using selector
Yeah, possible
Before your query, look at my query
I am trying to get sim card number, it gives me null.
Have you insert it ? :P
I referred this answer.
No, I mean cell number
IMEI number ?
No phone number
Contact number
Q: Get Phone Number in Android SDK

jkapIs there a way to get the phone that is running my app's number within the app?

I love/hate android :P
@Dharmendra hi
@RobinHood is it your question?
@RobinHood Provide permission READ_PHONE_STATE ?
@sanchitsingh i have solution of ur Question
No @jeet
Dhama I given already
@sanchitsingh r u there?
@Dharmendra i have to view all json data in listview data is fetching but not viewing in listview its giving catch android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.
@RobinHood see commonsware's comment
I am waiting for you comment.
Hmm ok
@furqi You are trying to access listview from thread
coz phone number are not necessary stored in SIM
you should access the views from main thread @furqi
so when phone number info is not stored into sim, how and which api can read out this
So what should I do now?
I think you now understand the reason
Yeah got it.
@Dharmendra i am using progessdialog in it m calling my function
Yeah this is your issue then progress dialog is also a view
@furqi where r u declare U r progress dialog in thread method or not .. if u declare Progress dialog in thread then problem come in there.
so declare in outside of thread method
@Akash i declared outside
this is tab application or not
@Akash yes its tab app
dont use the getparent();
1 message moved to DUST
@Akash then ?
PD = ProgressDialog.show(BookSellerTabbar.tabContext, "", "Loading....");
where BookSellerTabber class is root class
of tab
u got it
@Akash i have already use it on my another activity its working but only problem is that its going in catch
@Akash done just i use Activity_Name.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
sory yr i have no idea
@furqi If you are using tab then you will have to get parent context rather than using the current activitiy context
@Dharmendra yes
@Dharmendra how are you?
Fine, but now ?
Nothing ignore.
I think I got the solution for both set color and image using selector
woooow great
What is this ? wow, great, awesome ?:P
I think today you have no work
I have thats why ;;)
Message admin
@RobinHood hi Color
@RadheMohan What's your issue?
@RobinHood how is Samsung S Plus? ;)
haha @RobinHood I knew your review ;)
@LalitPoptani hi Color
kya chal raha
bas badia
you say?
ohh no plan was dropped
Lacks a wifi hotspot & Significantly slower processor
Can't set text color on imageview
Q: Android: Using selector to set background color for image view

NamrathaI am trying to set the background color of an image view. <ImageView android:id="@+id/my_image" android:src="@drawable/my_icon" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_weight="1" android:clickable="true" ...

Means! you are not able to pass two argument?
I means there is a custom imageview class and I want to set text inside that
And I have done it
instead of Imageview extends Button
@Dharmendra hello
have you released your app on Google play?
can you help me?
yeah he will surely :)
i asked my boss to open a google play account
Digital delivery 1Android - Developer Registration Fee for <his name>@gmail.com $25.00
Order date: Feb 15, 2012
do i get any confirmation or some thing from google that the account is created or what?
how do i upload my app to the app store?
Pallavi actually I have not created any account my team leader had opened so I have no idea how it works
ok, then how did you upload it to google play?
But ya after successfully created you can expect one successful mail
@all: bye bye frends :)
ok.. after that what all changes happen?
@Pallavi I just sent apk file to TL and he had uploaded it to market
Changes means ?
oh! is your TL in this room?
can you ask him?
@RobinHood hi
do you want me to beat by my TL ?
@Dharmendra then what do i do?! you were my only hope!
Where you are facing problem ?
well actually he said that he paid the initial 25$
Then are you sure your account is opened completely ?
but then when i sign in into play.google.com/apps/publish/…
it asks me for the card number again and again!
@Pallavi Who had opened your a/c ?
my boss, he's in US
my boss in my left side :P
ok. concentrate on the problem guys...
@Pallavi Ask your boss to confirm the account if it is not correctly opened
@Abhi I am also in your left side :P
how do i know if it is correctly opened or not?
By checking mail of your boss :P
@Dharmendra you are on my top Moderators will sit on top :P
but then " Digital delivery 1Android - Developer Registration Fee for [email protected] $25.00 "
so can i track the delivery?
When you opened your a/c ?
around the same time @Dharmendra
today only ?
@dharmendra.. hii
Order date: Feb 15, 2012
so some time around that
May be after order there will be a order confirmation
Q: Possible BUG in Android ImageDownloader class : sHardBitmapCache NOT static when it should be?

Issa FramI have been trying to learn as much as possible about Android development with specific focus on performance since many apps in the Play store today are sluggish. I have found/been directed to many articles/videos. One specific article about image caching is at: http://android-developers.blogsp...

dharmendra.. i really dont want to disturb you.. but jus once.. please spare some time and see this one...
Already seen but getting the question :P
i didn't get you.. "getting the question"??
Its typo, I am can not getting the question.
Bye Guys
@Dharmendra have written a mail to my boss.. let's c what happens :) thanks :)
@Abhi bye
@Pallavi Best of luck :)
@Dharmendra thank :)
@Abhi Bye
@Pallavi WC

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