I am developing a NFC application. My application will process secret information and i want to store my data on my SIM card. If it is possible how can i do this?
My phone's android version is Android 2.3.5.
@jitendrasharma: i used gallery for displying images.now my problem is my images are 200x 200 that time gallery disply 2 or 3 ata time but i need onnly one image ata time. same problem in lanscape also,did you understand my problem
I have android application. I want to accept payments in this application for some services. But unfortunately I can't find solution how to provide credit card(VISA, Master Card, etc.) payment inside android app.
Can somebody help me with this? Any sample how to accept payments with any payment-...
@Dharmendra Dude, i've an example for credit Card payment from X Developer But, in that example, they've integrate webview to continue the payment. I've struck there? I don't have any webview not like that in my application.
I am using a Custom List View that contains some Text Views and Horizontal List View.
All the View for Custom List View Populating correctly and OnClick Listeners working correctly.
Now i am using Second Base Adapter for Populating Horizontal List View that contains Images.
After Populating Ho...
Well of course Android supports the blink tag out of the box! Just inflate a layout that uses it and you are done. See this commit: https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/commit/9c1223a71397b565f38015c07cae57a5015a6500.
at the bottom, I want to have small 5 windows similar to what I showed each window should display some data from databse. I have the data ready but not able to generate a view to show all 5 small windows lik this
tabs are above, I want the windows in the middle, just below the tabs
oh ok.. why not use a grid layout? but then, you'll have to create a lot of activities for all these windows/pop-ups and that means a lot of xml parsing..
are you specific about memory management, by any far chance?
I'm using this code to retrieve all contact names and phone numbers:
String[] projection = new String[]{
Cursor c = ctx.getContentResolver().query(People.CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, People.NAME +...