Is there a way I can access the
database file itself if it belongs to
another application?
Only if both applications share a user ID and are signed by the same signing key.
Does the file even belong to the
application or is it generally
accessible through the filesystem?
It wou...
Or you can use Content provider for read and write database of another application and also allow another application to access your database
I read something about this here
Android - Increase speed of encryption
I need to only encrypt part of the file(audio & image). Is this possible? Can somebody provide snippet of both encryption and decryption if it's possible?
Thanks in advance =)
for exaample my saveInvoice() method have 6 dbAdapter.insertRecordsInDB("WMInvoiceHeader", null, initialValues); satatement with different different paramter & tablename. I put transaction also
i currently calling 3rd insertRecordsInDB() method, that time get exception, will it rollback previous 2 table to rollback?
i have edittext and textview, i added marquee tag textview, but marquee is working only when EditText focus is false if it is true marquee for textview not working
just to scroll the text in the textview but getting issue let me explain the thing
i have edittext and textview, i added marquee tag textview, but marquee is working only when EditText focus is false if it is true marquee for textview not working
I'm trying to take a screenshot of the currently playing video. I'm trying with code that successfully takes a screenshot of web view but get not success in taking photo of currently playing video.
The code as follow for web view.
WebView w = new WebView(this);
w.setWebViewClient(new WebViewC...