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hi @Dharmendra..
Hello Good morning
@Dharmendra:Good Morning
Q: How to bind any image with the captured Camera image before saving it?

iDroid ExplorerI have implement the android Camera functionality in amy application. Now i want to combine any transperent image with that captured camera Image before to save that image in to gallery, then how it can be done ?? Any code will be realy appereciated. Thanks.

@all: can anybudy help me in this ?
@Dharmendra:Good Morning
@chetanpatel : Will you please help me in this: stackoverflow.com/questions/7763026/…
@Dharmendra : hello Dharmendra, Do u have any idea about this: stackoverflow.com/questions/7763026/…
@MiteshTechMe : Hello, MiteshTech: I need help if u can about this: stackoverflow.com/questions/7763026/…
@Pinki : Do u have any idea about this: stackoverflow.com/questions/7763026/…
@chetanpatel @Pinki Good morning
@iDroidExplorer No need to ping everybody
hello @Dharmendra....
u create app for Tablets?
@Dharmendra : ok Sorry about this. But i realy need help for it so..
@MiteshTechMe No
gm 2 all
@iDroidExplorer I had given an answer on your question check it.
@LalitPoptani : hi
@LalitPoptani Ok let me see..
@LalitPoptani : Hello
I have check it. But will u do some more faver
@LalitPoptani : I want to Store the captured image with combine image.
I mean the Captured Image should be store after combine with that image. So how is it possible ?
If u want then i can give yout the Full code.
@iDroidExplorer you can get the Bitmap from the captured image and you can combine then.
@LalitPoptani : But will u please help me for My code.
I am giving you the code of it. Wait...
No buddy you try yourself.
Don't expect to get full code and try to implement yourself, I gave you the idea to do that.
If you get any query or problem let me know I will advice you further too.
@LalitPoptani ++
@LalitPoptani : i am not ascepting the full code. Just need Some help in My own code.
@iDroidExplorer yes I am here to help you out if you get any problem. But don't send the code and expect me to perform your code.
@Dharmendra Morning.
@LalitPoptani : ok. But Still if u can help me then see it: pastebin.com/qnurqtnR
@LalitPoptani I want to ask something stackoverflow.com/questions/7618227/…
@LalitPoptani : But i m trying my self. If i m not getting answer then will tell u
@LalitPoptani There ?
@Dharmendra yes
@LalitPoptani hi
@iDroidExplorer ok thats better.
@Dharmendra yes ask.
See your answer there What is the use of abstract method ? @LalitPoptani
@LalitPoptani : Ok Thanks.
@dhams Morning
@Dharmendra that is one of my nice answer :D
A: Can I combine my code into some kind of "global activity"?

Lalit PoptaniYou can create a class that extends Activity and then extend the CustomActivity to all the Activity Class like this. public abstract class CustomActivity extends Activity{ public abstract void initComponents(); // you can create a abstract method public abstract void addListner(); ...

@Ramakrishna Morning
@LalitPoptani Morning
@Dharmendra If you want to initial Components and add Listener to any view its for that use.
If you will extends your class by CustomActivity then it will ask you to add implemented methods that are initComponents() and addListener().
@LalitPoptani I want to write some code in CustomActivity and also want to override this method in my activity and there also I want to add some more stuff
yes you can write anything in CustomActivity that you want to perform in any Acitivity.
@LalitPoptani i have to show imageview at bottom of layout
Ya I get it thanks by the way nice answer :)
yeah thanks @Dharmendra
ohh this is not good @Ramakrishna
@Ramakrishna you where right, in relativelayout-> ImageView's attribute parentBottom.
Don't forget to give height fill_parent to relativeLayout though.
@LalitPoptani yes i gave height fill_parent to Relative Layout
@LalitPoptani but it is not working
show the code is pasteBin.
@Ramakrishna If you will set height and width to fill parent you will not get alignment to bottom
instead of alignParentBottom you can set gravity to bottom this will help you
And one more thing set image as src not as background
@LalitPoptani If I will create abstract method in CustomActivity then I can't add body part in that and if I create it without abstract then it will not remains compulsory to override in my Activity .I want a method in which I can add code in CustomActivity as well as If I extends this class in My Activity it ask me to compulsory override like in Interface method (Except we can't add body part in interface method)
@Dharmendra that should be an Android override method say onKeyDown().
Yes but onKeyDown is not compulsory method to override
I want to tell you that If I extends CustomActivity It will ask me to override method
@LalitPoptani : Hello Lalit, I have tryed. But not getting result. Will you please help me with my code ?? Please. stackoverflow.com/questions/7763026/…
@Dharmendra no for onKeyDown() it won't ask to override but the body part inside the onKeyDown() will be executed.
its ok that code inside onKeyDown() will execute but I want to compulsory override method in my activity
is it possible ?
which method?
@iDroidExplorer are you saving the taken picture as a Bitmap anywhere?
Any name you can consider
No. Please see my updated question. U will get the idea that what should i have to do.
No abstract methods can only be declared there you can't code them in the CustomActivity.
I want to create one method in CustomActivity which will allow me to add some code stuff and If I extends this CustomActivity in my Activity It will ask me to override that method and will allow me to add some code stuff
@iDroidExplorer I would want you to save the taken picture as Bitmap and combine the Transparent and taken picture.
I am not depend on abstract method is it any other way to do this ?
@LalitPoptani : Then How to save the Taken Image as Bitmap ?
@Dharmendra means you want to apply some code in CustomActivity also and in other class also inside the same method?
@iDroidExplorer like this pastebin.com/UP4tVWWM
@Dharmendra I guess not possible.
Tea time
@LalitPoptani : I am getting error if i use that code to save the image as bitmap
what error?
Well i am using a static method to take a picture.
@LalitPoptani : wait.
Q: Create Bitmap Image from EditText content

Lalit PoptaniI have an simple EditText inside an Activity and I want to create a Bitmap Image from that EditText and content of the EditText. The Image should look same as the EditText and its content. Here is how I want the Image should look like, though this is an EditText but I want a Bitmap which should ...

@LalitPoptani:good morning
@Dharmendra:good morning
@LalitPoptani : see this pastebin.com/CVHqfxAR
@iDroidExplorer try to check where you are getting null and sort out buddy.
@skbishi Morning
@Dharmendra give suggestion about my question.
WHich ?
Q: Create Bitmap Image from EditText & its content

Lalit PoptaniI have an simple EditText inside an Activity and I want to create a Bitmap Image from that EditText and content of the EditText. The Image should look same as the EditText and its content. Here is how I want the Image should look like, though this is an EditText but I want a Bitmap which should ...

Create drawable with exact same parameters like edittext and create bitmap from drawable
@Dharmendra I am able to do that but the text inside the editText comes in a singlle line though the EditText has 4 lines.
@LalitPoptani Set maxLine to 4 and sigleline to false
yeah but while creating the Image the text comes in Single line only.
How you are creating image ?
Simply taking a white image and posting the text on it.
@LalitPoptani : I have tryed Much but not getting the result.
@all anybody have idea to bring android or own keyboad to center of the screen?
Create your own custom keyboard
@Dharmendra : You there?
Can any budy help me in this: I will be realy thank full to them.
Q: How to bind any image with the captured Camera image before saving it?

iDroid ExplorerI have implement the android Camera functionality in amy application. Now i want to combine any transperent image with that captured camera Image before to save that image in to gallery, then how it can be done ?? Any code will be realy appereciated. Thanks. Edit: I am using this Code to captu...

Do you know the uri for Installed applications like this - Uri.parse("content://sms/inbox")
@Dharmendra I created own keyboad.I want to know how to bring the center of the screen?
@Dharmendra I'll check that and let you know
@NagkeeranPiraba Which layout you used to create custom keyboard
@Dharmendra Can you tell me which activity is very useful to develop an application. ListActivity or Activity
@SPK According to your requirement
@Dharmendra Okay
@Dharmendra Thanks its helpful for me also
@NagkeeranPiraba Try to use gravity if not work then change it to Relative Layout
@Dharmendra : I can't fetch any application's uri man.
@Dharmendra I got the answer man, I know it was very easy but didn't have an idea about that. But I love the way that guy explained.
Q: Abstract class issue

DharmendraI am creating one parent Activity(Class) and then want to extends this class to another Activity(Class). I have some controls in all the Activities(Classes) so I decide to use Abstract class so that I need not write some common code in all the classes.I created below classes and one of it is abst...

good mor all
please ans the following
Q: how to sign out in LinkedIn using authrequest using android?

dangii developed one app integrated with linkedIn..! i do SignIn authentication in linkedIn using OAuth Service to post the Network Update..but now how to sign out (de-authenticate) to the LinkedIn automatically? Thanks in adv..

@Dharmendra there
How do you do? man.
@RobinHood I am fine
@Dharmendra Not working.I have tried with RelativeLayout. my own keyboard always show bottom of the screen...
Doing experiment on Abstract class
Q: Abstract class issue

DharmendraI am creating one parent Activity(Class) and then want to extends this class to another Activity(Class). I have some controls in all the Activities(Classes) so I decide to use Abstract class so that I need not write some common code in all the classes.I created below classes and one of it is abst...

WHat is this ?
Wanna trim till extension
I want till .mp4 and rest of the character will be trim.
mVideothumnialUrl=mVideothumnialUrl.substring(mVideothumnialUrl.indexOf("?"), mVideothumnialUrl.lastIndexOf("?"));
Is it right?
@RobinHood No idea :P
get idea.
@RobinHood Change first index to 0 means mVideothumnialUrl=mVideothumnialUrl.substring(0, mVideothumnialUrl.indexOf("?")
lemme check
@LalitPoptani @RobinHood see on my question
yeah looking that only.
@Dharmendra that can't be done buddy, you are not inflating or setting any xml and finding the id of radio button. How can that be possible?
Ofcurse I am setting view and finding id
where you are setting your xml?
@Dharmendra I will say its not possible to do that.
@LalitPoptani @RobinHood
@Dharmendra is it working?
Working means abstract method is not calling for toast
I won't work in this way I will say.
I have some controls common in all activity so I want to use like this to reduce code
@Dharmendra: Makanmalik na gare jamva chal
@Dharmendra check my answer.
@LalitPoptani : you there?
hi all
is anyone have code how to record video using media recorder
@SPK hello
@LalitPoptani Hai man
I've successfully complete one part of my project
But, i've struck in little place
I can't take backup for installed application. From very long time i've successfully take the sms backup using this uri -Uri smsuri = Uri.parse("content://sms/inbox");
I don't have idea about that sorry buddy.
Time to lunch. I'l see you soon.
@Dharmendra have you developed any own keyboard?
custom keyboard
@LalitPoptani are you there?
@george hello
yes I am here only :D
any idea about page curl in android?
source code/ reference/ tutorial
page curl?
Q: Android page Curl animation

Meymann Is there a simple way to do the Curl page flipping animation? A Curl animation is animation of pages flipping, including the page above rolling and the shadows over the lower page. What is the recommended way to do a "gallery" that displays two pages at a time (just like a book)? Is it: Lett...

Q: Implement page curl on android?

HamidI was surfing the net looking for a nice effect for turning pages on Android and there just doesn't seem to be one. Since I'm learning the platform it seemed like a nice thing to be able to do is this. I managed to find a page here: http://wdnuon.blogspot.com/2010/05/implementing-ibooks-page-cur...

like this
any idea about source code?
No idea, haven't used before.
@LalitPoptani can you ask others for me?:D
yeah sure but let everyone come. :D
@LalitPoptani ask in reno's room for this
You do that :P
@LalitPoptani I don't have write acces in that room
But you should ask a question on StackOverflow first.
And who took your write access there?
@LalitPoptani I don't know....But question like this have already been asked on SO
Then refer on the answer's there.
@LalitPoptani I need source code, but there are read-only or files have been deleted
So ask again on SO.
@LalitPoptani ok
I'd seen this link,all source codes are read only.
George,you could have ask question with posting links of question and what issues are you facing mention there.
@想的不一样 I still can:)
Have you searched on Google?
@想的不一样 from where are you?
I am from China and you?
@想的不一样 thank you for support in reno's room:)
europe, romania
Please don't ping me directly,I hate ding sound.
@george hi
@想的不一样 Me too
@ChiragPatel hi:)
@Dharmendra there?
@LalitPoptani Thanks for help me
Dharmendra,Help George if you can.
@Dharmendra I got solution for your problem, you can use a method for both.
@LalitPoptani Thanks for help me
@Dharmendra should I post the updated answer?
@george How to Play flash video in Android Application?
@LalitPoptani Yeah
@Dharmendra are you there?
@ChiragPatel I don't have a clue.Ask @LalitPoptani he is more experienced
@george Yeah
@george k
@LalitPoptani I'm never rude
because there is no reason @LalitPoptani
@LalitPoptani tell him I'm european..at least for that he could give me acces
@george well someone has a feeling that you where rude last time in Android Room.
@LalitPoptani well, I manage
@Dharmendra have you any idea about curly pages
@Dharmendra wait a while I am going to post a nice answer I guess. :D
@LalitPoptani the thing is, I'm never rude
I know.
@LalitPoptani Okay
@george No man
@Dharmendra what is wanted doing?
@george He is on leave
@Dharmendra how is he?
Tell him that manjot23 and I miss him:)
@Dharmendra give wanted this link thoughtwaver.com/index.html
@Dharmendra check my updated answer buddy.
@LalitPoptani I start to feel sorry, I leave the iphone room;))
Sorry for what?
@LalitPoptani tell Octavian he could try to give me write acces and he can take it right away if I don't behave
@george well, he is not interested anymore to give access.
in Android, 5 mins ago, by Octavian Damiean
Just a reminder. You guys don't want to go down that path again. This time I'll be way quicker on the read access button.
@chetanpatel have you take lunch from room owner ?
Not room owner.. only Makanmalik
@Dharmendra: i m The room owner
@chetanpatel lol!!!!
@chetanpatel you own this room?
No no he is not talking about SO room its different matter @george`
@chetanpatel COLOR
@Dharmendra have you gave wanted that link?
I will give him later
@george: i m not talking about SO room
sorry for that
@chetanpatel ok
@Dharmendra i have one doubt..pls clarify me..i have the create the program using json..In that program all the item r displayed by using json.... Now i want to conver the json to database..pls tell some idea
@Dharmendra: COLOR ???
@Dharmendra I would like you to update your question about Abstract class to help future user's, as it was not having anything to do with Abstract class. It should be something like this - "Create a Custom Class global listeners and methods".
pls anyone helpme for my project
@LalitPoptani No no
@Dharmendra what no.
It is the the issue of abstract class
There is nothing about abstract class that I had used.
@LalitPoptani One good news
Update your answer to change the parent activity to be abstract
@SPK Yeah really tell us
@SPK what?
@Dharmendra color But it has nothing to do with Abstract I guess.
I can copy the installed application package. But, that will be copy as file format. How can i change this to .apk format
have you changed the extension of file with apk ?
no. That's i don't know. Is this possible?
@Dharmendra majur
@SPK Yeah change the extension with apk
@RobinHood You too :D
Yes. Do you know how to change as .apk
If you tell me means. i'll finish half of my project
@lalit poptani I have the create the program using json..In that program all the item r displayed by using json.... Now i want to convert the item to database..pls tell some idea
@Dharmendra Okay. I'll try and let you know
@Dharmendra gallery view
@Dharmendra I have the create the program using json..In that program all the item r displayed by using json.... Now i want to convert the item to database..pls tell some idea
vi= mInflater.inflate(R.layout.row_file, null); wanna inflate gallery view in adpater.
I can't assign gallery in main xml.
If I do so then My view will be change. You know change, change means change.
@Uthra You have to get values from json and save it to database
@RobinHood Listview
yup in main.xml
I have one global listview which is set by three different adpater
@Dharmendra yes
@RobinHood But what is the issue ?
@Dharmendra there are three section in my listview.
IN first section I am displaying a thumbnail images, using adpater.
In second and third section view is just like a listview
I have only listview in main.xml
Now in section first I want to display gallery instead of image.
hahahhaha majur
Not getting you
let me take a cup of tea first
koi baat nahi
@LalitPoptani We inflate image and text in adapter like that can we inflate a galleryview?
which will add gallery in lisivew
pls help me for my project..If i finished the part then the whole project will be finished.pls tell some idea
@Uthra Hi..
@Uthra What you need?
@Venky I have the create the program using json..In that program all the item r displayed by using json.... Now i want to convert the item to database..pls tell some idea
@Uthra Need to insert all values from JSON to DB right?
@Uthra have you tried anything?
@Venky correct
@Uthra ??
I want to conver the json item to database
@Uthra Conver in the sense??
@Venky I want to convert the json item to database
@Venky hey COLOR, how are you.
@Uthra Whether you parse values from JSON?
@LalitPoptani Great machan.. How r u?
I am fine too, not there in casual chat ah.
@LalitPoptani I am there only da..
@Uthra There?
@Venky i got all the values from json and now i want to convert it to database..
@Uthra You need to use SQLite database.. Okay then have you tried anything?
@Uthra Check this V
@Dharmendra : You there?
@SPK Yeah
@Dharmendra I've a Nullpointer Exception
@Dharmendra I have to go.Wait i'll be here within 15 mins.
Hi every does any body know about print via bluetooth in android
@Dharmendra worked with k-soap?
@Dharmendra let's play a game.
@LalitPoptani No
@RobinHood No
@Dharmendra mujhe listview scroll ka solution mil gaya. :D
@LalitPoptani Wo wala ?
but abhi dekhna baki hai ke work kaise karta hai.
Yeah will try sure
Q: How to display only one item at a time on the screen in gallery in android?

SandyI have a gallery, Which contains some items. I want that only one item should be display at a time on the screen other should be invisible. When user do next then only next item should be displayed on the screen. How is it possible?

@RobinHood You can specify how many item you want to display in gallery view
@Dharmendra I have to load the progressbar when i click the button, my problem is when i click the button the progressbar is displayed in the next layout. but i want it the first layout only..
@Dharmendra it comes at run time
@RobinHood android:numColumns="1"
for display one item in gallery view and also set layput parameter of gallery item to fill_parent
@Uthra Not getting
@Dharmendra no effect, use x-effect.
@Dharmendra you there?
@Dharmendra After loading the progressbar ,then the second layout will be display..wat can i do?
@Dharmendra when i click the button in the first layout then the progressbar will be loaded.After finsihing the progressbar loading ,second layout will be displayed..
@Dharmendra: when will you come at room today?
@Dharmendra this is my DBAdapter class
that class doesn't contain Trasaction
@chetanpatel Today I will be late
Sorry little bit busy
@Dharmendra hahahahha majur

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