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1 message moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Favourite answer of the day. And the day's just starting :) Odd from a high rep user :p
1 message moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
1 message moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
2 hours later…
hey guys i am stuck on one of a competitive question can anyone please help me??
hey, i stuck on one of the competitive questions of hacker rank ... my code running complexity is O(n log n) but still hackerrank credits me 50 points out 100... is there any method to solve this question more effectively?? https://www.hackerrank.com/contests/test-contest-47/challenges/m158-multiple-euclid/problem
Here is my 2 code one is using brute force and other is using Extended Euclidean Algorithm
i solved using Brute force -> codepile.net/pile/BrBb4QrN
i solved this ques again with Extended Euclidean Algorithm -> codepile.net/pile/P4NDG1vk
@NalinNishant hello this isn't the right place to ask... which programming language are you using?
Guys, see if anyone can help me, because I believe that many here use Mac.

I bought an app at the app store, but the app doesn't open, it always keeps asking me to login.

The purchase was made on the same computer that is opening, same login.

Is there any alternative, to open the app?
@Yatin you can use any language ... i just need to know the concept to score full credits
@NalinNishant try asking here for c++
@Yatin ohk bro
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7 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
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