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A: Find closest date/time in Array of Objects

BenMThe following function will take your array as the first argument, and the Meeting ID as the second, and will in turn return the nearest meeting to the earliest meeting whose ID is not $id: function get_nearest_meeting($meetings, $id) { // Start by sorting the meetings: function sorter($...

Hey BenM - Thanks for this. However could it work a little differently, so when the id is passed it will check the earliest startTime then it will check the rest to find the closest start time which is greater than the endTime of the chosen earliest time based on the passed id?
Okay, so you wish to find the earliest start time for meeting_id == 1812, and then find the closest next meeting whose ID != 1812?
Exactly that :)
However the next meet whose ID != 1812 has to have a start time greater than the end time in the selected meeting with ID == 1812
@ChrisBeckett Please see the edited answer. It should work as you expect now.
Thank you so much! :)
No problem, glad to help!
Sorry to keep bothering you, have you an idea how I would adapt what you have to have something like.... If I wanted to book 4 people, so the first person would be the earliest time selected on meeting_id == 1812 then 2nd person would be meeting_id == 1813 then 3rd person would be meeting_id == 1814 and 4th person would be meeting_id == 1815?
Hey Ben :)
Okay basically what you have is amazing and couldn't be more thankful
No problem!
So you essentially want to return X number of elements for the number of people specified?
So i'll have X = 4 (X being people)
X == 1 then ID will be 1812 (This will return the earliest time)
What defines the ID to use?
(for the first iteration)
I pass array with all the meetings
each meeting will have 4 slots
Okay, so do you still wish to add the starting meeting_id in the params?
so meeting 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815 will all have 4 slots
Okay, so 1812 should always be the starting point?
And the function should handle any number of people between 1 and 4, correct?
So the function should handle if it starts with 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815
it could start with any of them values
And how should it return?
An array of dates?
person1: [meeting],
person2: [meeting]
Yes :)
and would I be able to have it check if the closest time is either before or after the endTime of the first selected time?
So for example if meeting 1812 has startTime of 2016-10-07 14:00:00 and endTime of 2016-10-07 14:05:00 but 1813 has endTime of 2016-10-07 13:55:00 then that would be closest time for that meeting. Then if meeting 1814 has startTime greater than the endTime of 1812 like 2016-10-07 14:10:00 that would be the closest time
If that makes sense?
When you decide which meeting to select for Person 4 (i.e. ID = 1815) is that still the closest start time to the end time for the FIRST meeting?
So 1st = 1812, 2nd = 1813, 3rd = 1814, 4rd = 1815 -> 2nd will check if there is slot nearest to 1812 smaller than startTime or greater than endTime. Then 3rd will check if the nearest 1812 doing the same etc.
but the times need to all be different because the 4 people are going to be children of a parent
Okay, so they're all nearest to 1812?
it's going to be like a parents evening meeting
Yeh all nearest to the first ID
Okay, try this for starters:
function get_nearest_meeting( $meetings, $start, $people = 4 )
// Start by sorting the meetings:
function sorter($a, $b) { return strtotime($a['startTime']) - strtotime($b['startTime']); }
usort($meetings, 'sorter');

// An array of meeting IDs to ignore as we iterate:
$ignore = array();

// An array containing the return:
$return = array();

foreach( $meetings as $meeting )
if( $meeting['meeting_id'] == $start)
$earliest = strtotime( $meeting['endTime'] );
$ignore[] = $meeting['meeting_id'];
Okay that works great -> Now if there was a person with a meeting ID 1812 and 1815. I wanted to book for both them times would this function give me that ability?
It would just check the nearest Times
and I would just book that person in twice right?
Yeah exacrly.
So is people basically how many slots I'm looking for?
Yep, exactly :)
So if there was 3 people all with 2 slots each
Just run it twice with 3 people :)
1st person IDs = 1812, 1813 2nd person IDs = 1812, 1813, 3rd person IDs = 1812, 1814
So I would just run it twice with 3 people?
So run it once, book the slots
then run it for second time to find the next slots?
or just run it twice before booking slots?
Sorry to keep bothering you...

Person 1: grade_id = 87

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