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Q: Why don't we count linear search cost as a prerequisite bottleneck for the insertion operation of a linked list, compared to ArrayList?

Sean HillI have had this question for a while but I have been unsatisfied with the answers because the distinctions appear to be arbitrary and more like conventional wisdom that is sort of blindly accepted rather than assessed critically. In an ArrayList it is said that insertion cost (for a single eleme...

I've usually seen it written with an asterisk as O(1) time, the asterisk specifying that you must have already "found" the element, which takes O(n) time. Insertion is O(n) worst case, I guess you could say
The cost of inserting an element is the cost of inserting at a particular point, i.e. for modifying the structure for the insert. The cost of finding is a different cost. It is the same rules for ArrayList and LinkedList. Insertion cost of ArrayList doesn't include the cost of finding the position either.
Well it's not much of a discussion. Insertion is O(1) if you're working for example with a ListIterator. You're just trying to add the "search the position" and other things into this discussion and muddle it up. It seems like any answers or comments aren't good enough for you, but I'm afraid you're not going to get answers that will satisfy you. What you've been told is technically correct, which is what SO is all about.
@hatchet Correct, but insertion for an ArrayList is typically defined as including the cost of copying over the suffix elements, as opposed to considering that copying as a separate runtime cost. Whereas in LinkedList, the linear search required to get the element is not counted as part of the insertion procedure. ArrayList insertion = move stuff other, then insert. LinkedList insertion = insert node after some other node... but linear search cost is conveniently ignored here.
@SeanHill - because copying the items in the list from the insertion point forward is a necessary part of the insertion operation. It has nothing to do with finding the point where the insertion is to occur.
Hint: the cost of finding the correct spot to insert ... is the same for both types of list. But for the linked list, you then update one element; whereas for the array list, you start shifting all remaining elements then.
@hatchet Please see my post. If you are inserting at the tail of an ArrayList, no copying is done, so it is not a necessary component of the insertion procedure in all cases.
@GhostCat It's not the same. Finding the correct spot to insert for a LinkedList requires linear traversal. For ArrayList, you can access the kth element in constant time (k times size of data type = position in memory to access)
@SeanHill - measuring time complexity is not cherry-picking the best possible case. Finding the very first item in a linked list is cheap too. But that case does not define the time complexity of finding an item in a linked list.
Insertion at the end of an ArrayList is a special case (and usually called "Add" or "push_back")
@hatchet But then why can't I say insertion at head or tail of a LinkedList are two "best possible cases"?
@SeanHill When you know which index you are looking for.
And: just wondering; what do you think you will gain for your every day programming style here? In other words: does this really "matter"?
The time cost for inserting at any position in a linked list is essentially identical. It's just fiddling a constant number of pointers.
@GhostCat I just think it's a funny example of conventional wisdom overriding critical thinking. People are so used to saying insertion is O(1) for LinkedLists and O(n) for ArrayLists even though they both require linear operations on average. It's like, a hard fact nobody can deny, and yet for some reason no one can answer why the operation is left out of LinkedLists other than "it just is" or "consider the head or tail" even though tail appends are constant for ArrayList all the same. So we only make that distinction because LinkedLists have a one-up over ArrayLists for head insertions? OK.
@SeanHill So you're claiming that insertion to LinkedList is not O(1)? Just because it doesn't fit into your "common sense" doesn't mean it's not true. You're just looking at it the wrong way.
@SeanHill - only because you're conflating finding an element and inserting an element to be a new "find and then insert" operation. But that's not the definition everyone else is using.
@Kayaman My claim is that insertion in a LinkedList is O(1) after you have the node just as insertion in an ArrayList is O(1) after you shift the final subarray. But if we're including those operations, insertion for LinkedList is O(n) if we count the linear operation to obtain the node in the first place, and O(n) in an ArrayList if we count the final subarray copying.
I think now is the right point to complain about this question being tagged "Java" when it has in fact, nothing to do with the programming language itself (apart from the fact that it provides implementations for "ArrayList" and "LinkedList" as part of its standard library)
@hatchet Right, but then why can't I say that for ArrayList, shifting elements and inserting are different operations?
@SeanHill why do you insist on removing the search operation from "ArrayList"?
@UnholySheep Why do you insist on removing the linear search operation from LinkedList?
@SeanHill 1. I didn't 2. The search cost for ArrayList is also linear, hence the result doesn't change
@because the shifting is a neccessary and essential component of the insertion operation. If you don't do that, it's a replace, not an insert.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's about semantics rather than actual programming problem.
@hatchet It's not required if you're inserting at the end of an ArrayList. If you're going to count that as a special case for ArrayList I can say the exact same thing about LinkedList. For all elements in between, linear search is needed.
How do you intend to perform a valid insertion on an ArrayList without a copy?
I can do it at the tail. How do you intend to perform a valid insertion on a LinkedList without a linear search?
You are trying to discuss a topic using terminology in ways that are not the accepted terminology. A book, like the one I linked to, will help you get on the same page with others, so when you talk apples, others will know you are actually talking about apples. It will also help you understand time complexity, and the analysis of standard algorithms and data structures. Sorry if that comes off as snark.
@SeanHill "How do you intend to perform a valid insertion on a LinkedList without a linear search?" at the tail (provided you've got a direct reference to the tail, as java.util.LinkedList does).
Because I can have a pointer/reference to an element of a LinkedList from somewhere else?
@hatchet I've already read Intro to Algorithms and I already understand all the arguments you have all put forth, but I feel like nobody here is actually listening to my counterpoints here. We're all on the same page if we abide by those definitions. I'm asking why we make that distinction when I can clearly raise some obvious counterpoints that show internal inconsistency.
@UnholySheep Yes but if you're going to use the tail as an example, I can use it as an example in ArrayList. Insertion at the tail is O(1) for both LinkedList and ArrayList (amortized)
Also if you claim that an "insertion" at the end of an ArrayList is a valid point for not needing to include copying into the cost, then so is "insertion" at the head of a LinkedList a valid argument for not including searching into the cost
@UnholySheep I'm saying that the tail needs to be excluded from the argument since the expected runtime is the same in both cases, so it does no good to bring it up.
I didn't claim I was inserting at the tail. I can have a reference to any element of a LinkedList without needing to search the List.
Then perhaps this is where my understanding needs to be corrected: In what kind of situation would you have a reference to an element of a LinkedList that you did not acquire from some kind of linear traversal? In what kind of practical instance?
@SeanHill a practical example is that java.util.LinkedList has a reference to the last element, so that insertions at the end of the list, well, don't involve a linear search.
@UnholySheep Also sorry my initial tail comment earlier was directed at AndyTurner but I had mistakenly assumed it was you
@AndyTurner Yes but I am ignoring the tail case here since it's constant time on average for both LinkedList and ArrayList. I'm mostly talking about situations for elements that aren't the head or tail, which I consider "edge cases" in both instances with respect to the algorithmic analysis.
@SeanHill ok, java.util.LinkedList has a reference to the first element.
Again, I'm not referring to head and tail, which only comprise 2/n elements.
A cache can be implemented by using both a dictionary and a linked list together. The dictionary lookup resolves to a node object from the linked list. That is an example where you would have a reference to an element of a linked list without linear traversal.
@SeanHill Your analogy of "insert to ArrayList is constant after I shift the suffix elements" is not really valid. Since the shift is equivalent to inserting a null in the list, it would be an insert and a replacement instead of a single insert. Whereas if we assume that given a position (not last or first) insertion is O(n) vs. O(1). The difference is that the position cannot be given as an index to the LinkedList. It would have to be given as a node (possibly through a secondary data structure).
@Kayaman why not just overwrite? No need to place null first. For a single insert though it is still constant time even with null insert.
@hatchet agreed. I had made a similar comment in another thread. I'm not sure if this becomes a new data structure overall though.
@SeanHill Well you're essentially inserting a null when you're shifting the array: add(3, null); set(3, foo); is equivalent to add(3, foo).
I.e. if you're claiming that we can ignore the array shifting, then you're talking about set and not add.
or replace instead of insert rather.
As for an example of holding a reference to an element of a linked list without searching: A stack for work/job-scheduling. Each job may have a reference to its own element inside that stack and if it needs to add (enqueue) another job, it can just insert it after (or before, depending on exact needs) itself in the list
@Kayaman right
@UnholySheep what do you mean? A job referencing it's own element inside that stack? Can you give an example?

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