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2 hours later…
Q: Pop up window over android native incoming call screen like true caller android app

Er. Nikhil AgrawalUpdate -- 09 May 2013 I tried to implement Toast in the broadcast receiver's onReceive method because toast is a native competent of android but it also not getting displayed in jelly bean. My idea was to implement toast in broadcast receiver's onReceive method and afterwards changing its design...

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chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/9440249#9440249 @jeet, @vignesh4303, @irror, Lo enjoyee...
1 message moved from Room for Bhurdada and ihungry
4 hours later…
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<title>Love by the Numbers</title>
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<h1 id="filepos109" class="calibre1">Table of Contents</h1><ul class="calibre2"><li class="calibre3"><a href="Love_by_the_Numbers_split_003.html#filepos3059">Other Bella Books by Karin Kallmaker</a></li><li class="calibre3"><a href="Love_by_the_
1 message moved from Room for Bhurdada and ihungry
1 message moved from Room for Bhurdada and ihungry
sorry I was not on my desk - @TheMechanic
ok i 'll send you a test email @NathanLee
did u wrote and removed something? - @TheMechanic
yeah it was na
na?? - @TheMechanic
and just i have pressed enter and it prints :-)
na === nothing
your name words na :-)
@TheMechanic : NA == not applicable
What the heeeeck. I know this isn't a PHP help room, but has anyone been having problem with LESSPHP? Suddenly it doesn't compile anything anymore OR raise errors.
I am still waiting for your test email. Tell me when u send - @TheMechanic
check now @NathanLee
am just typing some lines in this email sorry for wait @NathanLee
@N̨ul̕L͑P̯͍̭ȏͣ͛iƞer but here is na == nathan :-)
I got your email S....... A..... :) @TheMechanic
Yup Dude :-)
So you can reply on that address @NathanLee
1 message moved from PHP
@TheMechanic - Sure. Btw. Mail me your ideas.
Sure but this time is now your. you have to show me some confidence in you @NathanLee
Sure. But FYI, you had ideas and I had questions, so its you who has to come first. - @TheMechanic
right now am in office when am at home i'll talk with you and you haven't told me from where are you ??? @NathanLee
I am from the same country from where you are.
where in here @NathanLee
Gujarat - @TheMechanic
sounds good so we talk any time hehehheeh :-) @NathanLee
where r u frm? - @TheMechanic
Indore (M.P)
hmm.. - @TheMechanic
Nice city - @TheMechanic
i think we should chat personally on our personal id not here :-) @NathanLee
Got to go now. Email me - @TheMechanic
sure - @TheMechanic
but you are not on gmail @NathanLee
@TheMechanic fyi you can add yahoo in google chat
oh yes. But is it possible to do?
@NathanLee i don't know i've invited you to chat in gmail
I shall see adding weather it works or not. Time to go now. TTYL - @TheMechanic
@NathanLee ok bye :-)
@N̨ul̕L͑P̯͍̭ȏͣ͛iƞer how it works ?
@N̨ul̕L͑P̯͍̭ȏͣ͛iƞer i've done it
@N̨ul̕L͑P̯͍̭ȏͣ͛iƞer from where are you ??
@TheMechanic whoa ?
46 messages moved from HTML / CSS / DOM
@N̨ul̕L͑P̯͍̭ȏͣ͛iƞer is this is you
i am
@TheMechanic ?
i mean the link you have given
is your website
@N̨ul̕L͑P̯͍̭ȏͣ͛iƞer also you are a indian
@TheMechanic yup i am human
sounds good
why you deleted all this chats and moved it to recycle bin
@TheMechanic those are off-topic for that chat room
ok i've sent and chat invitation to you
you get it or not?
@TheMechanic why you can talk here ?
????? what
@TheMechanic i mean ... i used that email by outlook so can not chat
hmnnnnnn ok
also i don't have much time to spend on internet
@BaSha there?
what you doing?
tu je ketoto ne ae j jquery
i did it
just chating and answering questions
i also tried
bt it need have form and input type submit
i used none of that :(
aaj aakho divas ae jquery j joto to
5 kalak r&d
have favi gayu ne?
- (UIImage *)croppedImage1:(UIImage *)theOriginalImage{
self.cropFrame = CGRectMake(190.0, 175.0, 358.0, 910.0);
UIImage *_croppedImage = nil;
CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect([theOriginalImage CGImage], cropFrame);
_croppedImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef];
return _croppedImage;
31 messages moved from Programming
chlo bye
bye i am also going
Can i ask question about C#
2 hours later…
8 hours later…
1 message moved from JavaScript Language & Usage

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