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A: Custom ListView is repeating one row

FirecatTry extending your adapter from the class BaseAdapter And also, try making a local MonsterLink array list to contain the list in the adapter Guessing you're not going to show tons of data, it's ok if you don't recycle your views, because if thats what you want, I highly recommend you Recycl...

What do you mean? You can see that Im sending MonsterLink[] MonsterNames as a parameter to the adapter. This array is already filled. Inside MonsterLink[] I have two objects (two names), but ListView is showing the same name on every line.
edited the comment
Works? @Somachr
No, I can´t get through super(context); It says that I cannot use context here.
Excuse me, remove the super. It doesn't need to call the parent constructor
Edited question Now I don´t see any ListView (no rows). I have changed the MonsterLink[] to ArrayList<MonsterLink> and checked if it is filled.
I forgot, if you don't override the function getCount, it automatically returns 0, so I've added a function called getCount in the adapter, check the edit @Somachr
Now I have the same problem as before. Two lines with the same name. pic
Show me the constructor of the fragment please
Do you mean the fragment which I use to calll the adapter?
That is empty
public class ListFragment extends Fragment {

private OnFragmentInteractionListener mListener;

/** ----- My global variables ----- **/
/** For log **/
private String TAG = "Monster list";
/** For view changes **/
private View MyView = null;
/** For DB query **/
private String CategoryID = null;
/** DB **/
private SQLiteDatabase MyDatabase = null;

public ListFragment() {
// Required empty public constructor
//Change the category label

//Load DB;

//Create list for MonsterList
MonsterLink[] MonsterLinkList = LoadMonsterLinkList();
MonsterAdapter monsteradapter = new MonsterAdapter(this.getContext(), MonsterLinkList);
ListView MonsterList = (ListView) MyView.findViewById(;

// Inflate the layout for this fragment
return this.MyView; //inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_list, container, false);
where do you have that?
right after my last post. Wait I will show you the whole thing
public class ListFragment extends Fragment {

private OnFragmentInteractionListener mListener;

/** ----- My global variables ----- **/
/** For log **/
private String TAG = "Monster list";
/** For view changes **/
private View MyView = null;
/** For DB query **/
private String CategoryID = null;
/** DB **/
private SQLiteDatabase MyDatabase = null;

public ListFragment() {
// Required empty public constructor

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_list, container,false);



ArrayList<MonsterLink> monsterLinkList = LoadMonsterLinkList();
MonsterAdapter monsterAdapter = new MonsterAdapter(this.getContext(), monsterLinkList);
ListView monsterListView = (ListView) v.findViewById(;

return v; //inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_list, container, false);
try that
I'm going to smoke now, brb 5 minutes
Ok have to change SetCategoryLabel a little give me a moment
No, now the app crashes on that fragment
Ok I found the error. But it is still the same
Two lines, one name
Does monsterLinkList have the information properly ordered?
Debug it and check its values
Are they being loaded as desired?
There are only two lines, they are not the same
this is log
09-04 00:56:01.400 11473-11473/com.example.somap.witcher3creatures I/Monster list (elementals): djinn Djinn null
09-04 00:56:01.400 11473-11473/com.example.somap.witcher3creatures I/Monster list (elementals): Djinn
09-04 00:56:01.400 11473-11473/com.example.somap.witcher3creatures I/Monster list (elementals): gargoyle Gargoyle null
09-04 00:56:01.400 11473-11473/com.example.somap.witcher3creatures I/Monster list (elementals): Gargoyle
Djinn and gargoyle
Please use the debugger to make sure
don't rely on the logs
But when I use debugger I can´t really see details about stored objects. Only IDs, I can´t see any names etc.
?? :/ set a debug point in the constructor of the adapter to see whats being passed to the adapter please
Please populate it like this
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_list, container,false);



ArrayList<MonsterLink> monsterLinkList = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
mosterLinkList.add(new MonsterLink(detail1, detail2, detail3));
MonsterAdapter monsterAdapter = new MonsterAdapter(this.getContext(), monsterLinkList);
ListView monsterListView = (ListView) v.findViewById(;
and see the results
well I used for cycle to show mi objects inside ArrayList and it´s wrong
09-04 01:03:40.399 11473-11473/com.example.somap.witcher3creatures I/Monster list (elementals): ------------------------
09-04 01:03:40.399 11473-11473/com.example.somap.witcher3creatures I/Monster list (elementals): Gargoyle
09-04 01:03:40.399 11473-11473/com.example.somap.witcher3creatures I/Monster list (elementals): Gargoyle
exactly what I though ...
Where did you do the cycle? In the adapter's constructor?
after this:
public ArrayList<MonsterLink> LoadMonsterLinkList() {
Log.i(this.TAG, "LoadMonsterLinkList");

String Table = "Monster";
String[] Columns = {"ID", "Displayname", "ImagePath"};
String Where = "Category=\"" + this.CategoryID + "\"";

Cursor cursor = this.MyDatabase.query(Table,Columns,Where,null,null,null,null);
//MonsterLink[] List = new MonsterLink[cursor.getCount()];
ArrayList<MonsterLink> List = new ArrayList<MonsterLink>();

//int i = 0;
while (cursor.moveToNext()){
// Log.i(this.TAG, Integer.toString(i));
Is this wrong?
Set a debug breakpoint at List.add(monsterlink); and see whats being added
Yeah but from that I cannot recognize what object (monsters name, ID) it is
minime shadow kiss
like that
it should show the properties
It´s not. Its the same as
Well I can't help you out from now on
It's android studio's problem :/
I have changed the cycle to this:
while (cursor.moveToNext()){
List.add(new MonsterLink(cursor.getString(0),cursor.getString(1),cursor.getString(2)));
I'm doing stuff right now
thank anyway
but the adapter is correct
it's your objects loading the problem
Yeah I will focus on this now
give rep please :(
:) *

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