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Q: Image not being displayed in jPanel

FirecatSo I'm trying to display an image, in a jPanel, within a jFrame. (I suppose it's that way you display a JPEG/PNG in a jFrame) Here's what I'm doing: In the constructor of the jFrame, I download the image, create an ImageIcon, and a jLabel dynamically (set the icon), and insert it in a jPanel. ...

Are you adding your jPanelImage to your JFrame?
Yes, I statically created it with NetBeans
You'll want to move your initialization of label and addition of the label into the try catch block. I would also move the JLabel declaration itself in there and try JLabel label = new JLabel(image); Then add label to the panel.
I go through the try block with the debugger, and I don't get any exceptions, but I tried what you said, and I get the same results
I've edited the post, and clearified some situations. Sorry, please help me out! Thanks
Here's a working example of working with JLabels as images.
Thank you @Jacob for the example, but I tried it and I get exactly the same result. An empty jFrame again
Did you try just that or did you adapt that to what you had before?
I adapted, but my frame hadn't basically any code ...
I removed the jPanelImage
I think your panel isn't being added to your JFrame. Make sure your JFrame is calling getContentPane().add(panel). You can also remove the panel.validate(), as you won't need that.
I don't know if it's relevant or not, but I'm starting the frame from a process like this
TransmissionFrame frame = new TransmissionFrame(); frame.setVisible(true);
Is it possible for you to post the whole class for me to review? I think there's an important step that was missed in the process while building the UI with Netbeans
Hey jacob
I don't know if you saw my last comment
I'm starting the jFrame in a process
Java Process or just by invoking the constructor and calling setVisible on the object it returns?
2nd way
That should be fine. What does the rest of your class look like?
You're definitely adding an image to the JPanel, but the JPanel needs to be added to the JFrame as well
I adapted the code you sent me, so here it is the final result:
check my answer
Thanks Joel for helping
I tried it
But, i got the same result
Because I created jPanelImage with NetBeans IDE, and it generated the code previously for me
And in the initComponents() method, it automatically declared and initializes the jPanelImage object
I can't quite test this other than online compilers since I'm at work, but when I get home, I should be able to figure out if there's a problem with what you have or if it's something on your end
Ok I appreciate it
update my answer, I'm also assuming that created the JPanel with id
I run?
omg joel
it actually worked
thanks dude !
It's okay. Do not forget to use layouts for all containers you use will help you better organize your ítem. Buena dude
Yeah, forgot about that. The problem was the JFrame was using a GroupLayout and when you added what I wrote, I used BorderLayout. You'd have needed to use some GroupLayout way to place the panel for the image to actually show up, or change the JFrame to use a different layout

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