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A: Redux reducer not updating state object

martriayImmutable.js does not mutate your state, it returns a mutated copy of the original object. state = state.set('isFetching', true); state = state.set('deparments', List(depts)); state = state.set('products', List(products)); or state = state .set('isFetching', true) .set('deparments', List(...

it works now, thank you very much.
@kobe mark it as accepted then ^-^
nope, what about it
its isomorphic app, so i changed reducer to have complex object like this, do i need to change anything else to make it work
I don't follow, does it works?
Hi Martriay
do you have couple of minutes?
so i was following that example and changed code to my object structure as i asked n the question
if you know that example thought of asking if i need to make any other changes
did you try it?
i mean, i did not look the code yet but I don't think they alter react's state lifecycle
so it should work
the best way to find out is to try it
yeah it should definitely work
i changed my code the console prints the state corrects but painting fails saying this
Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
i will debug some more time
the code person replied like this
i didn't unerstanding the second one
Also if you have maps in maps you’ll need state.mergeDeep.
where in your code the error is raising?
what does that mean
console doesn't say anything
mergeDeep is for merging two objects
with more than 1 level
this is with nested objects
do you follow?
oh ok
a "deep merge" is a merge that takes this depth into account
i can't help you further without any code
yeah i understand
for your "cannot read property map of undefined", i'd need to know what's the thing you're trying to map
export default connect(state => ({ products: }))(Home)
i am doing this in the user control
and then rendering as follows, index) => {
return (
<div style={btnStyle} key={index}>
that's the render body of Home?
it used to work, when i changed default state as my object it stopped working
may be its not map anymore
can you check what is in props?
it looks like there is a problem when connecting the store
the products inside store is undefined
but is that ok?
i mean, is ok for the products in the store to be undefined?
or that's the real problem?
why shouldn't be undefined?
i have to find out that only, in the reducer state has products which is array of product objects
i asume that this is the same code from the question, isnt it?
can you console log within the action?
action is depatching event
can you console log the returned value?
what's in it?
export function getSearchData() {
return {
promise: request.get(API_URL)
that is action which fires and gets data and goes through reducer correctly
its getting fired as follows
static needs = [
but wait
in the reducer action
is the data in the action?
where does the data come from?
the network?
if it does, it makes it to the action handler?
its restful service
something wrong here
export default connect(state => ({ products: }))(Home)
i'm not sure about that
in your action
what's the return value?
the return state
export function getSearchData() {
return {
promise: request.get(API_URL)
it uses axios
i mean the action handler
as the one in your question
export default function searchReducer(state = defaultState, action) {
switch(action.type) {

//console.log("-- api success handler--");

var depts = getGalleryParsedData(;
var products = getProducts(;
var breadcrumb = getBreadcrumbs(;

state = state.set('isFetching', true);
state = state.set('deparments', List(depts))
state = state.set('products', List(products))
state = state.set('breadcrumb', List(breadcrumb))
const defaultState = Map({
deparments: List(),
and what's logging?
export { default as search } from './SearchReducer';
whats logging means?
what is its output
state has all the values
it is a Map
it is a Map which as all keys i set above
so there is data in the store
just to be sure
could it be a timing problem?
as in there is no data yet to be displayed?
what happens if you check for products to be populated before rendering anything?
let me check that
if (products === undefined ) return <div>:)</div>
Thanks for your valuable time, i will debug furthur
did it work?
you mean undefined check?
are you there?
i think that the code looks good, plus you're getting the data in the action handler
so the timing problem sounds right
did you test it?
somewhere mapping or conversion is problem
reducer action handler has the data correctly
this is isomorphic stuff
but does it have it in time?
so may be i have to change some code else where also
his example shows only simple array of strings which is list
render is only in call back
try console.log from the map
export default connect(state => { console.log(state) ; return {products: } }(Home)
check if it doesn't print undefined the first time
let me try that
if you have mac you can run that code locally, its very easy
i do
basically in the Todoreducer, i want to change the dataType as my object structure
have you tried the former?
null check i haven't tried
your statement is throwing error
i missed a parenthesis
check for null!!!!
didn't you try it?
i was sure it was that
now the page loads fine with empty div which is expected
The search object is coming as Map instead of List
i think that might be the problem
its what i thought
do you understand why is happening?
the way i am reading products is wrong, its immutable so i need to read it differentls
but that's another problem
i mean, the undefined was because the timing
wasn't it?
i'm trying to get this right
btw, can you mark my answer as accepted? the original problem is solved
yeah sure
I will do that
it is coming as Map instead of List,
we're almost there
why is it a map?
what is coming as a map?
the entire search object
is ok for it to be a Map
so it contains the products
it says it has 4 items count
redux has soemthing called mapStatetoProps
i think i may have to use it
is not a special function
is a name convention
you already have one
state => ({ products: })
oh ok
that's your mapStateToProps function, but anonymous
Got it
are you able to run it locally?
do you know this isomprhic stuff
didnt try
lets see, i should clone that repo?
you can clone and run locally
are you able to ?
11 hours later…
did you try?

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