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Hello alvaroav
I created the room so we can discuss about it, maybe I can help you out
Great thanks
What are you exactly trying to achieve ? (excuse my english, I'm from spain)
no problem
I am working on an app that uploads excels files and saves the data to a database
I have a view that does the upload and saves the file to the db
My problem now is how to create a log everytime a file is uploaded
Are you using any kind of logging right now ?
I will like to have something similar to the one found in django admin
Django has it's own logging system already working
One easy way to do it
ok so how do I go about say displaying it on a page
The answer where you commented is a good way to achieve that
Because if you create a model for the Logs, you can set it to appear on the django admin
And the logs are stored on the database
You can just follow the answer there, and then add the Log model into the file to register the model onto the admin site
so I followed your example already, I created the model and added it to admin
Yea I did
Now to add a log when you update a file
I would recommend yo to do something like
new_log = MyLog(action="upload-file", user=request.user, message="%s file uploaded." % file_name)
assuming you have user field in your log model
and your log model is called "MyLog"
Obviously you need to change the fields "action", "user", "message" for your fields and "MyLog" for your log model name
With that a new log will be created everytime a file is uploaded and you will see the log in the admin site
Yea I am doing making adjustments
If you need anyother help just ask, I will stay here until you say it's working
I hope the room will still be open so I can let you know how it goes
ok great thanks alot
No problem
I know what it is to struggle with code
hahaha yea
I don't have much experience. Just practicing
I started with Django & Python few years back and I have to say I'm quite impressed, I really like them
I sent you a Linkedin invitation, hope you don't mind
You're awesome man
Just that I am not able to get the name of the file
Can you show me the code you're using for the file ?
Because I'm almost sure the file name is there somewhere
Are you uploading with a form ?¿
class UploadFileForm(forms.Form):
file = forms.FileField()

def import_data(request):
if request.method == "POST":
form = UploadFileForm(request.POST,
if form.is_valid():
mapdict=['first_name', 'last_name', 'age', 'gender', 'address'])
new_log = Log(action="upload-file", )

return HttpResponse("OK")
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
form = UploadFileForm()
return render_to_response('excel/upload_form.html',
Yes I am using a from
seems like there is no markdown formatting in chats
I'm not used to the chats, not sure how to markdown the code here
too bad, I don't think it exists
As they suggest in a question, you should use
Q: How can i get the file name from request.FILES?

PolHow can I get the file name from request.FILES in Django? def upload(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = UploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): upload = Upload() upload.timestamp = sav...

Totally up!
Thanks alot! You know so much django/python!
I'm happy to help
If the answer were useful to you, I would thanks for an upvote !
Don't hesitate contacting if I you need help sometime
Yea I am going back to do that!
How do we keep in touch.
I'll send you my email through linkedin
After this I am starting celery and rabbitmq
You can contact me via e-mail if you need anything
OK great will be waiting!
Quite a headache those technologies but they have very good integration with Djanog
you're awesome
Wow thanks man
I am gonna be doing a lot of practicing
In case you need there are good place to start for celery
Thanks. Bookmarked!
Thanks Alvaro!
Appreciate the help
Later man

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