« first day (26 days earlier)   

@sarat: sorry, I didn't see your message right away
It can affect it if the merge tool isn't a three-way merge tool
In which case, it wouldn't be able to merge as effectively than the default ClearCase merge.
(Oh I understand, you didn't put a @VonC in your message)
3 hours later…
@VonC Thank you. I am using Beyond compare 3. It's default settings seems ignoring the unimportant changes hence my merges are nightmares. I restored back to clearcase default diff tool
1 hour later…
@Sarat: ok. It should be able to tailored the settings of BC3 to make sure it works appropriatly.
@VonC thank you. Do you know what all we should take care before using Beyond Compare 3 with clearcase?
@sarat: mainly making sure you don't ignore differences due to case, space or eol, because I don't believe the clearcase diff does that. Plus, you can start by using BC3 only in the graphical merge (xdiff and xmerge of the map file).

« first day (26 days earlier)