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Q: Can I combine result sets in Solr

mickeyI want to do the following: Let A be the set of documents, each with the field important:true, and with a date beginning with this year, or previous year. The result set should be ordered by date. In pseudo code: Result set A: q="testquery" +important:true AND +(date:2015* OR date:2016*) sort=d...

@Alexandre Rafalovitch. Maybe I wasn't clear, set B is the set of all documents matching query that doesn't already appear in set A, ordered by date desc. Set A are all documents from 2015 up until now that has the important flag set, ordered by date desc. Maybe I misunderstood your question..
Is there any reason why you would not do this client-side?
@AlexandreRafalovitch, I just realized the problem was not stated correctly. I made some clarifications (in italicized bold). I hope you have ideas for a solution if you see this :) I'm stuck
@Mico, I would really like to have the pagination feature left in Solr. It gets really messy since I would have to rewrite lots logic. If it can be done in the database, it is a oneliner, if not it is more like a 1k-liner...
Combine the queries with an OR and use boosts to order the items returned by query A first? Example: q="testquery" ((+important:true AND +(date:2015* OR date:2016*))^10000 OR (+important:false)) ? And order by score+date
@Mico, but wouldn't the "sort on date" disrespect the score? The query i have now actually returns the correct documents, but in the wrong order.
@mickey could you order by score first, then by date? You might need to add constant score for other fields (^=1.0)
@Mico, to me it looks like the results are not sorted by date when I choose to sort first on score, and then on date. I would like two distinct groups, both sorted by date only. This is really hard, haha. Thanks a bunch for you helping out!
Could I sort on my boolean field, and score on date?
What were you exactly trying again? You want items with +important:true AND +(date:2015* OR date:2016*) first, then all non importants after them?
I want first items with +important:true AND +(date:2015* OR date:2016*), then I wan't all remaining items, not only importan:false, but also important:true, but with these the order should only be with respect to date, it should disregard the importantflag
So basically, the priority is this:
1: important and recent
2: unimportant and recent
3: important OR important but not recent
Bah, maybe that last comment only made it harder to understand..
I tested something like this: (important: true AND date:2016)^3 (important: false AND date:2016)^2 OR date_i:* and then sort: score desc, date desc
which may be something what you want?
it showed importants with 2016 as year first, then nonimportants with year 2016, and then everything sorted by date..
missing an OR between the first 2 clauses, but assuming OR is default operator it will work.. :D
date_i what is that?
oops, simply change it to date
i used date_i in my own tests
Is OR the default operator if I leave it our? This syntax is really messing with my eyeballs haha
ok! :)
(important: true AND date:2016)^3 OR (important: false AND date:2016)^2 OR date:*
that should be ok
And together with all my other clauses (we have a gazillion of them for other fields), should all of what you typed be and:ed to them?
I understand it is hard for you to say anything about maybe
Hard to say without seeing but yes,

`((important: true AND date:2016)^3 OR (important: false AND date:2016)^2 OR date:*) AND something:"foo"`
should work
I don't know how much scores do the clauses give, but you might need to increase those ^3 and ^2 boosts if getting weird results OR use a constant score ^=1.0 for the additional clauses
It doesn't work :(
I get (important month year):
true mar 2016
true jan 2016
true apr 2016
true mar 2016
true feb 2016
false feb 2014
true may 2016
So I guess the other clauses weigh in.
is your sort score desc, date_i desc
date desc*
try to put higher boosts?
like ^1001 and ^1000
It really seems to start working now! However, this is not including documents from 2015 now does it?
nope. pretty sure you can just replace date:2016 with (date:2016 OR date:2015)
or 2016* whatever you need
I'll try that! It is really confusing for newbies, haha. HUGE thanxfor your time!
haha :P been there. No problem!
Can I post the query as an answer to the question if it solved your problem?
Yes you may! Although it is not sorting strictly by date, it is jumping. It is however sorting the years and importants correctly, but I'm pretty sure it is our other clauses that causes the erratic response I'm seeing.
You can include the score in the results if that helps to spot any problems using fl=score,*
In your answer, you might want to clarify that "something foo" pertains to the rest of the query as I have it, and something we discussed here in the chat...
Yes, and I know about the explain and explain others, but the query is soooooo complex
I count 30 OR's and 27 AND's, haha
Ouch.. Remember to use the filter query for any clauses that should not impact the score and are exact matches (no tokenization)
Yep, I have it in my todo to talk to the lead dev about fq and possible refactoring. I guess it might have been for cache reasons beyond my knowledge why it is put in the query. But it might also be that he was also a noob that got it to work. The cool thing though is how good results we actually get, and it is fast as well! It feels like magic!
But it might also be that he was also a noob when he wrote it, i meant to sayt
Yeah, always use filterquery when possible it should be a lot faster and it uses filterCache internally

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