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@Tredged Well just make a new column which is Wensweek - calcField as [NewFieldName] .... ORDER BY [NewFieldName]
ah, so I do get to interview the new dev.
difficult part is that we are hiring him to work on systems I don't understand.
so how do I interview him aside from just personality
Does anyone here know HighCharts well? Is there a way to get a stacked percentage column chart to go over 100%?
Like I'd like to show some columns that "overflow" to go higher than 100%
@rlemon eh, you ranked up
@rlemon send him for elbow grease?
@rlemon How does every HR department in the world do it ;-)
u goota now the topic well ..
damn, that is a good deal
@billmalarky they get a developer to interview second round
1. Go to Youtube. 2. Find a video. 3. Pause it. 4. Type 1980. 5. Press play. 6. You're welcome.
@rlemon Not always from what I hear.
So that's a nogo on highcharts anyone here?
Does anyone here know HighCharts well? Is there a way to get a stacked percentage column chart to go over 100%?
Like I'd like to show some columns that "overflow" to go higher than 100%
@cx I'm the lead / only developer
so there is no where else to move
@mikedidthis I was thinking of sending him to the shop for a "long stand"
can i offer a bounty to an answer which was answered before i placed my bounty?
@rlemon Best to look at his actual experience then. and verify it isn't made up.
that isn't very helpful.
@rlemon ba bum!
cx, wht were you saying before you deleted?
messed up
Damn. Is it possible?
1 message moved from PHP
where's that message?
why am I asking
@Loktar @rlemon JS13K is on!
Is there any benefit of becoming a certified JavaScript programmer?
Hahaha, certified by whom?
I hear no one will hear you if you aren't W3Schools certified.
Depends. There's W3Schools (which sucks). Then there are a bunch of other sites too, which in my opinion suck even more.
@AaditMShah If certification gives you an incentive to learn the language, then yes.
Sometimes, knowing that you have to pass a test gives you motivation to learn the material.
Fair point.
@Michael I already know JavaScript very well and I wouldn't learn a language just to get a certificate. That's just stupid.
But I think in this case, he knows the language, so being certified would be borderline useless.
Well, you never know what new tidbits of knowledge you will learn.
All I want to know is whether getting a JavaScript certificate will fetch me better job opportunities.
@AaditMShah Probably not, I would say.
Most programmers do not have such certificates.
Hmm... well people are weird and interviews in companies are usually handled by the HR department of the company. I don't trust HR managers to separate the wheat from the chaffe.
@Michael Lol. Look at the JavaScript room group description. =P
Getting a certificate certainly wouldn't hurt.
No one does, really.
@SomeGuy nice
I might enter it
@AaditMShah I think they're being sarcastic... xD
quite a good benefit in certificate, you don't have to be checked so much in interviews
@Loktar WOOHOO!
I like the theme. Bad luck.
You need to pay $95 to take the W3Schools certification test. That's gonna hurt.
I was actually thinking about a game that's just really annoying because it keeps throwing obstacles whenever you get to the end.
@AaditMShah Hahahahahaha, hadn't seen that before. XD
@cx I decent GitHub profile goes a long way too.
I didnt notice a theme
damn it
well idk if Ill enter nowlol
lets create a SO-JS-certificate !
Oh, it's just an optional theme!
besides the fact no one would pass it.. its a good idea
@Loktar I command you to enter!
@jAndy I concur. That's a great idea.
Some guy commands you to enter! How can you not listen?!
I might :P just noticed you cant use outside resources
I was going to use retroships for an idea I have
@jAndy A certification course needs to have a high failure rate. If everybody passes then what's the point?
@AaditMShah yes, but some highly good people just don't take time to put their projects, well formatted etc.. on github
@AaditMShah trust me... if this channel creates a "test" or whatnot for a certificate, not even Douglas Crockford would pass it :P
I'm hoping that I can think of an idea and just make a prototype for this competition, and the actual game after.
anyway any documentation on your work, shoud do that
@cx As long as they display their skills somehow it doesn't matter. I wouldn't mind browsing SourceForge either.
yep ^
reminds me I have to do that
@AaditMShah .... most certs I know of do not have high failure rates
@jAndy What kind of questions are you talking about? I took a test written by Nicholas Zakas once and I did pretty well.
@Loktar Which is precisely why we need a certification which does have a high failure rate. Separate the competent from the incompetent.
Certs in looking at candidates are almost meaningless
I'm not worried about the questions I can think of right now, I'd be worried about the questions I can't :p
Yeah, I'm sure Crockford would pass it. jAndy's only exaggerating.
@AaditMShah no, it wont help at all, because there are boot camps
you go to a boot camp for a week and take the test on Friday they guarantee a pass.
@Loktar I agree. However the job market is loaded with employers who are looking for certifications.
oh myy gghaaadd who created this chat ! how can you overlook something like... "opening a flyout for editing your post".. which NOT autoscrolls
thats so annoying
I've interviewed people with MS certs (MCSD , MTCP etc) and they have been clueless.
Then dont work for those people
if a place wants their devs to have certs.. and they arent MS shops, they are stupid
Nobody know if it's possible to get the audio output live from a youtube video?
@Loktar Well that depends upon the certification test doesn't it. We just need to be innovative and create a test that tricks people.
After git reset HEAD~2 (to delete the last 2 commits) locally, how do I propagate this deletion to GitHub?
It's difficult but not impossible.
git push origin master doesn't do it.
A test is to test someone in their skill, not to see how good they are at reading and figuring out what a question means
Im glad certs arent prevalent in the development world. I came from the networking world where they are mandatory.
90% are just a racket to make money
Certifications only test your programming knowledge. In a real office environment, programming knowledge is only 10% of the job. The other 90% is how well you get along with your co-workers.
You cant really test creativity honestly. Developers are closer to artists, it would be like testing all artists and judging them on a rigid scale, just doesnt work. You would weed out some great people who happen to think differently.
@Michael theres that too.
Id rather work with someone I can get along with who is less knowledgeable than a douche :P
@Loktar Indeed they are. Unfortunately that's the way most of the industry works however. Employers usually look for certifications instead of googling potential candidates and looking at their GitHub profiles.
@RyanKinal I was about to do the same, but seems like creativeness would fit too!
Real companies don't want mavericks, they want team players.
I'm not sure that's a word?
@AaditMShah eh I guess it depends who you are trying to get a job with
I havent seen any companies looking for programming certs, unless they are .net shops
@Loktar Indian companies. FML.
Q: Snake body segments not appending to snake correctly

GrowlerI'm trying to port my working java Snake game to JavaScript so people can play it on my website. DEMO TO GAME HERE... Press arrow keys and try to run over the sprites. For this Snake, I wanted to get the hang of cameras... so I implemented a camera that follows the snake (snake is in the middle...

I'd enjoy working with a guy like Linus Torvalds.. he will obviously be a douche but also be genius :-P
ah well that sucks then :P I wouldnt want to work anywhere that required me to have some BS cert honestly.
@AaditMShah Such as?
Tata or something?
> yo we know you're a decent dev, but we just need you to take this test, its only $250 and the study material is another $250, good luck!
@jAndy Linus can afford to be a douche because he's in charge of one of the most popular operating systems.
nah forget about his achievements, the guy has an IQ like 224
@SomeGuy I would assume so. My professor told me to do certifications so that I may get a placement next year. I don't know which companies will be recruiting from my college though.
Which college are you in, again?
The answer is git push -f.
@SomeGuy MPSTME. Please don't google it. It's not worth your time.
@AaditMShah What do I do if I want to study in Mumbai?
About to give my SYJC boards this Feb.
Well it depends on what you wish to do. I wanted to program ever since I was in 8th grade. Hence after my 10th grade board exams I joined a 3 year diploma course. Now I'm in 3rd year of degree.
@SomeGuy What is it that you like to do?
Are you more interested in computing or in creating applications?
BTW, has anybody taken "The Quiz"?
I'm interested in both, really.
Yeah, I can't really choose between the two.
@AaditMShah Oh, yeah, that was a good one.
@AaditMShah u talked to me?
I get full points on all the quizzes
@MikeBoutin You have to forgive me. My memory is very fuzzy.
@AaditMShah Help, please. I'm at a real loss for what I can do about education. The system here is so freaking confusing.
@AaditMShah i'm not sure if you were answering my question. Is it possible to get the audio output live from a youtube video?
@SomeGuy There's not much you can do after junior college. If you want to do more of computing then you should do Computer Science. If you want to do application development then go for Information Technology.
Mind you there's a lot of difference between CS in India and CS in other countries.
Yeah? What kinds of differences?
Also AFAIK IT is a course only offered by Indian colleges.
I have CS as a subject right now, so I do have a rough idea.
More interested in CS.
@MikeBoutin No. I wasn't talking to you then.
@AaditMShah ok
@SomeGuy CS in India is geared towards computer hardware, microprocessors, robots, etc. CS in other countries is geared towards Automata Theory, Programming Language Theory, etc.
does same thing..
@AaditMShah What the?
@SomeGuy I know. I feel your pain.
All of them?
@SomeGuy From my research CS in US is divided into 4 broad categories:
1. Artificial Intelligence
2. Theoretical Computer Science
3. Programming Languages
4. Systems Development
In India CS has more to do with hardware.
The field of PL theory is pretty much closed though.
(For the good and for the bad)
@Aadit you can hit alt + enter to write a multi-line message
Or is it shift?
Shit + Enter.
alt + enter is open terminal
Mobile, so can't tell right now.
In India IT has more to do with software. However no college will teach you any decent programming language (and contrary to what they would have you believe, Java is not a decent programming language).
@AaditMShah So what do you think I should do, then? Any colleges that'd even be decent in India?
@copy no, super + enter is
@SomeGuy Apply to Germany.
@FlorianMargaine Oh, I changed it
@BadgerGirl Good morning
@BadgerGirl My mum doesn't seem too keen on letting me go abroad just yet.
@SomeGuy tell her I said yes
@copy Hi :)
@SomeGuy All colleges are equally pathetic. Most colleges however operate under Mumbai University. The best of these colleges for CS and IT are D.J. Sanghvi and VJTI.
@SomeGuy are you <18?
VJTI is a better college according to their cut off and the quality of education. However I assume that it's equally bad when it actually comes down to programming.
Germany is free.
@SomeKittens I am going to murder you!
@cx Yep.
just keep learning...
cs.ontario seems rly good indeed
@AaditMShah Thanks. I'll keep those in mind.
ontario is awesome
@AaditMShah So, basically, I'm going to have to study CS on my own, apart from the crap they'll teach me?
@SomeKittens I agree though, Java is a fair language for learning to code
why hello friends
@SomeGuy My advice to you is this - learn by yourself. Colleges won't teach you anything worth learning. Start writing code from right now and keep writing. You'll be far ahead of everyone else when you get into a degree college.
Or we could adopt you.
indeed you better start with java than javascript as a beginner
@AaditMShah Oh, yeah, yeah, I've been coding for a few years now.
See, I'd probably choose something like Python for beginners. There's none of the frustration of missing brackets or semicolons.
@AaditMShah College makes sense, colleges teach you theory well... not anyone could read Sipser or Corman on their own
I don't like Python much.
I'd choose JavaScript for a first language.
It was my first language too.
If you want bare minimalism I would suggest Forth or Factor as a first language. It's unconventional but you might become a better programmer.
JS was my first as well. Oddly, QBASIC was my second.
let Badger and copy adopt you
Brainfuck is pretty minimalistic, too
@BenjaminGruenbaum I agree. Colleges introduce you to things you would not have known before. However the learning is in your hands. What you learn in Indian colleges at least is crap.
@BadgerGirl When are you guys moving in together?
basic was my first language
@SomeGuy is there anything to replace string.split('') in python ?
@SomeGuy Next year, but not sure when.
Basic was probably my first language too, or Logo
loved it then, looking back, hate it now
@Darkyen a what now? Why replace it?
@AaditMShah I'll try and avoid it.
@Darkyen Pretty sure there is.
@BenjaminGruenbaum when i try string.split('')
it says empty separator ?
@JanDvorak Brainfuck as a first language would ensure that you lose all your sanity and/or become a psychopath.
oh fuck nvm
lol... headhunters are worse than any stalker. I just got a call from our phone-central, that "Jakob" from "XXX" wants to talk to me. That asshole just looked up our company phone number and calls here
I don't believe it
@AaditMShah I thought that the latter implied the former?
@SomeKittens Avoid what?
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry need quick help :P
@jAndy haha :P
@AaditMShah Getting murdered.
Why didn't you just Google it?
@SomeGuy I DIDNT find anything on google
@JanDvorak Not necessarily. Having a nervous breakdown or an epileptic fit would necessarily make you a psychopath.
'abhishek' -> ['a','b','h', ... ]
!!tell Darkyen google String split in Python
Take Will Graham for example. He's not sane, however he's not a psychopath either.
@Darkyen Why are you doing this? Anyway try list(yourstr)
@BenjaminGruenbaum got it :->
can a sane person be a psychopath?
what is sane?
@AaditMShah I meant, being a psychopath normally implies you're insane
def square_in_place(n):
	return math.pow(n,2)

def John_Number(number):
	resultant = number
	while not resultant is 0 or not resultant is 4:
		digits = list(str(resultant))
		sqaured = map(square_in_place,digits)
		resultant = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,squared,0)
	if resultant is 1:
		return "John_Number"
@AaditMShah Do you know what the cut off for D. J. Sanghvi and VJTI would be?
@SomeKittens Avoid Java instead. Avoid it like the bubonic plague.
philosophical adil
Tcl was my first language
@AaditMShah I went to college, and learned Java. Did you read the link?
be back later
@SomeGuy Last I checked the cutoff for D.J. Sanghvi was 80% for IT and the cutoff for VJTI was 90%.
How about CS?
No idea.
colorbrewer2.org if you need some gradients
So, I'm most likely screwed.
Unless, you know, management quota gets me in.
@JanDvorak No. Hannibal Lecter is a psychopath. However he's not insane.
@SomeKittens I pity you. Start learning Scheme. It will definitely help you undo the damage learning Java as a first language did.
I'll be back in a little while. I'm having dinner.

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