HI @all Good Morning. KSOAP 2.6.5 - Not Working behind proxy in 4.0 Has anyone have any idea @all
Android 4.0 Emulator is configured properly with Proxy . I can access service URL in Browser, but still when i run my application i am getting "Cache access denied"
I had this Issue with my camera.
It has colored lines on (when taking a pic), red and green lines and
the pics taken didn't come out that great, but without the lines
I searched around for a solution and after much difficulty, all I needed to do was to restart the phone, not S...
@Khan i have a scrollview inside it i have linearlayout inside it i have two webviews both must be of screen size only.. how to design it in xml? i mean what we need to pass in webview as weight?
it so easy the layout which u have made for listview item add in checkbox group with default visibility Gone and in ur getview method if it's condition satisfied than set it visibility visible and for other condition set it's visibility gone in that method@hardikjoshi
@khan now my problem is how to set id of that dynamically created checkboxes. for example if i click on first checkbox then display 1 and so one. i must give id to it and pass to next activity
ok now check query Cursor mCursor = db.query(TABLE_LANGUAGE_FR, new String[] { KEY_ID_INTERFACE_TEXT, KEY_ITEM_NAME,KEY_FORM_LABEL_ID, KEY_FORM_RANK}, KEY_FORM_LABEL_ID + "=" + rowId, null, null, null, null); and check getCount for this query
@hardikjoshi create new paste at pastebin and paste there ur code
@Khan I put a database in assets folder, then I deleted and put an other one with the same name but not the same content...now I see that my method is reading from the first database that I put on app but I DELETED it ...I don't understand why it is doing this
@Khan I'm here ...now I am fighting with another error AndroidRuntime Caused by: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: sys_interface_text: , while compiling: SELECT id_interface_text, item_name, form_label_id, form_rank FROM sys_interface_text
any ideeas why i opengl app works on the emulator but not on my phone? i know the problem is from the ondraw function, pls help someone. this is my code: paste.org/51120
hello @AkashSingh i create checkbox dynamically means checkbox chk=new Checkbox(); At that place i want to set id and if i select perticular checkbox it will be uncheck if i scroll listview
@user744610 well, the code was correct, it seems like the database was wrong...it was reading from a database that was deleted from assets, I uninstalled the app and that solved the error
@khan young developer, studying, android is my sparetime interest in developing. My job involves asp.net and c#, my school is java, but nothing android related so far