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Q: Model callbacks not working with self referential association

rahulI am having a model Evaluation that has many sub evaluations (self refential) class Evaluation < ApplicationRecord has_many :sub_evaluations, class_name: "Evaluation", foreign_key: "parent_id", dependent: :destroy before_save :calculate_score def calculate_score # do something end...

Could you show how you are updating sub evaluations ?
I am using nested form to update it. I have updated the question with the evaluation form.
I'm not able to reproduce this. before_save is getting called for every child whose content is updated. One thing to check is if you have permitted id in sub_evaluations_attributes
I have permitted id in sub_evaluations_attributes. I guess you are checking it in Rails 5.
Yes, I'm checking it in Rails 5.0.0.beta3.
Check if you are able to reproduce this on console using below steps, evaluation = Evaluation.first sub_evaluation = evaluation.sub_evaluations.first sub_evaluation.any_attribute = 'any_value' evaluation.sub_evaluations = [sub_evaluation]
Yes I am able to reproduce it with an integer field on the console. B/w my rails version is 5.0.0.rc1
that means before_save is not getting called on console too ?
I upgraded my Rails version to 5.0.0.rc1, but still not able to repro it. Weird.
Here is my model

class Evaluation < ApplicationRecord
has_many :sub_evaluations, class_name: "Evaluation", foreign_key: "parent_id", dependent: :destroy

# Fields
# count - integer

accepts_nested_attributes_for :sub_evaluations
before_save :check


def check
p '==================='
p id
Yes, this is same as mine.
Finally I found it
A: Model callbacks not working with self referential association

rahulThis arcticle helped me to fix the issue. Child callback isn't triggered because the parent isn't "dirty". The solution in the article is to "force" it to be dirty by calling attr_name_will_change! on a parent attribute that, in fact, does not change. Here is updated model code: class Evaluat...

Thanks for your help @YogeshKhater
3 hours later…
Great :)

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