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Swing needs to be a topic :/
Who approves the edits?
If you are good with swing, I proposed a Swing topic.. Going to begin filling it out.
Unfortunately my Swing is very rusty, I haven't touched it in the last 8 years I think.
That's fine, hopefully more people will utilize tag specific chat rooms for reviewing/editing.
@DarkV1 question... why did you approve the change to SwitchCase? it was just the same thing as fallthrough in the example right above
for reference: talking about this one
wrt. Swing,... IIRC there should be a topic about swing layout managers already
Yeah. Found the layout managers one
The root cause of the problem of too many fudging topics is that there's no way to create a proper hierarchy...
Java > Swing > Layout Managers
And yes I did note the previous example being a bit similar, I felt that the one I approved was adequate for another example, you can deny it if you feel otherwise
@DarkV1 I can't... because the change is fully approved for whatever reason...
That's odd
BTW. It might prove useful to weed out the duplicates and general non-java stuff from the Topic Requests
does that include requests for popular design patterns?
because I'm generally getting really twitchy about those
MVP, MVC, Prototype Pattern, Factory Pattern, ...
those are all real or requested topics under java... I think they don't really belong there
they should be in some ... "OOP Patterns" Category instead
I don't know about those topics.. I have little to no experience with some of those. My opinion on that would have little value
are they relevant to what you (might) want to know about java?
2/4 I have looked at and they do have some holding under the java category
The other two i have never seen in my life haha
Well, Ima log, Be good if we could get more java programmers to utilize this documentation chat room
I can try to do some advertising in the Java Room, but ...
there's no chat-community for Java on SO
True haha.
Java developers are getting things done, we don't have time to chat ;) Seriously though, this is probably one of the few times I joined chat on SO for anything other than helping someone on a question.

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