@bigworld12 I just went ahead and approved, looks good. I'm not active in the Visual Studio tag, but I used it for many years, before Stack Overflow even existed! :)
Um well, that example isn't mine, so I dunno where to get that line. If you say I'll leave a line to the author to get a link. I don't have a link right now
maybe the High Order Functions one should get a rename to H.O.F. and Functional Programming... the keyword "functional programming" is good but yeah these are redundant
I haven't done much on the docs but seems like people are angry about the rep gain and how it's extremely high. Lots of people are getting huge tons for doing essentially nothing
I'd actually rather they remove it entirely if possible. Docs should be for willing members of the community who would love to contribute not because of reputational gain
But it's actually "Operations on array of Objects" which very much can be it's own topic maybe.. kind of like the functions libraries provide you.. i don't know
"Return a value that is the result of applying the left hand operand to the right hand operand, using the associated mathematical operation, normal mathematical rules of commutation hold for integers, i.e. addition and multiplication are commutative, subtraction, division and modulus are not." id say thats good text
@Zaz Thank you for you advice. The next one will be shorter. I've tried to give my point clear. Not checking logging level and logging on fine or finest is such a common mistake!
emil's is a good addition (and i learned something from it!), and its under the relevant debian section. emre's is consistent with the rest of the docs in that section, although this is a strange format and maybe it all belongs in Syntax
@Will Deleted text in title, slightly changed example description. Also it is not possible for me to grammar cleanup, im too far from native english stackoverflow.com/documentation/wpf/drafts/46007
alright I approved it @galakt. there are some improvements to be made still with grammar and formatting, but these are good examples, someone else will revise later
As part of the Documentation Beta, we’re going to be doing a series of meta posts (and blog posts in all likelihood) with what we’ve learned, and what we’re planning to change accordingly.
These posts will normally be about once a week, but since we just launched last Thursday we’ve already got ...