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2:32 AM
How to swap two elements which belong to the same std::forward_list? I am afraid that the std::swap may also swap the pointers which belongs to the interator.
4 hours later…
6:09 AM
@John Just std::swap(element1, element2);. The location of the elements doesn't matter.
After the std::swap(element1, element2) has been invoked, the iterator acquired before is still valid or not?
Say std::forward_list<int> fw_lst{1,2,3};
auto itr = fw_lst.begin();
std::swap(*itr, *(itr+1));
Is the `itr` still valid?
`itr+1` is wrong in my last comment.
Here is the [example code](godbolt.org/z/cbn1Kx5vo):

int main()
    std::forward_list<int> fw_lst{1,2,3};
    auto itr1 = fw_lst.begin();
    auto itr2 = std::next(itr1);
    std::swap(*itr1, *itr2);

    auto show_itr_pointed=[](decltype(itr1) itr){
        std::cout << *itr << std::endl;

2 hours later…
8:26 AM
@John Yes, it's still valid. std::swap doesn't even know there was an iterator involved and the iterator doesn't keep track of value changes, it just returns a T & upon dereferencing and has no idea about the value of it.

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