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I would like to know if is normal for ofstream to go on memory violation writing 1B byte or (ESC).
After hitting breakpoint on line 36 I know I will write a 0x1B byte
after that file out stream will crash, until that no 1b occurence and works normal
what is so special about this and why ostream does not handle properly I could not find any reference to this
@LXSoft shouldn't be special, do you pipe the output into some other process?
Not sure about the weird things you're doing with "functionSamples", it's a VLA and you're not really bounds-checking it
so I could easily see that corrupting stuff
if you're writing wav files though, you need to make sure to open the file stream as binary if you're on windows
Yeah, if you comment out the "functionSamples[arrayIndex] = " lines it seems to return fine, so you're corrupting memory
Hi, I am experimenting FFT and I am trying to compose sound waves back to representable wawe by complex sine functions
I have realized that also like 10 min ago
somehou array gets out out bounds like a memory violation and will break stack for ostream somehow
It should not be the case when I hit breakpoint array index is 244
and I have 500 elements for storage
you don't have 500
uint8 numberOfSamples = 500; is not 500
and the compiler warns you about that
uint8 can't hold the value 500
man i am so idiot I now realize
it is overflow
so it is almost half
The warning is right there in the link you posted
Thanks a lot @PeterT for pointing out I really didn't realize :O
I rectified example
Now makes sense a full sine wave :D
I have played a lot with MSB and LSB until I reached the result
Importing sound.raw in audaci normal sampling looks great

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