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@BeginningMath That's why solution which I posted is better.
Use en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/data to get const char * from std::string.
So, i read from [here](https://stackoverflow.com/a/24067599/2675672) that:

> the usual arithmetic conversions, are defined as follows:

> ...

> — Otherwise, if either operand is float, the other shall be converted to float.
so now I have this code:
#include  <stdio.h>
int main(void )
	int i_value = 16777217;
	float f_value = 16777216.0 ;
	printf("The integer is: %d  \n " , i_value);
	printf("The float is: %f \n " , f_value);
	printf("Their equality: %d \n " , i_value  ==  f_value);
Why does it output:
The integer is: 16777217
 The float is: 16777216.000000
 Their equality: 1
According to me, when it tries to convert the int value to a float value while == comparison
the int value somehow reduces in value by 1
however can anyone explain why that happens?
I know that i_value = 2^24+1. and also that float value has only 6 digits of precision (after that it should give garbage value in LSB). but then how does it print out an exact value in the print statement?
Conversion from int to IEEE float is probably specified in IEEE papers - whether it's converted to nearest representative or nearest downwards etc.
Float only has 24 bit fraction, that's probably something what you know.
@GaurangTandon printing a float does not require any conversion, can't see why it should.
It is incorrect to say that float has 6 decimal digits of precision as it's not decimal.
i think the way i've handeled it is incorrect
could someone please tell me if my strategy is correct?
if i want to get input into a tree, i should first read line by line. then i should take the line, make a vector of words out of it, when the first words is the instruction(insert, remove etc..), the second and third words are parameters, and then go on to the next line until eof
is this a correct way to approach it?
1 hour later…
By tree do you mean binary tree?
i wish lol. threaded binary search tree
It sounds reasonable to read a file line by line and treat the first word as an instruction
But where exactly is a problem arising? On the reading? On the insertions?
on the functions that aid the implementation in main
text editing and such
care to take a quick look for a certain problem i don't catch?
If it's small enough, sure, though I'm not great at reading other peoples' code.
std::vector<std::string> getArgs()
std::string line;
std::getline(std::cin >> std::ws, line);
auto results = split(line);
return results;

std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& s)
std::vector<std::string> setArgs;
std::string token;
std::istringstream tokenStream(s);
while (std::getline(tokenStream >> std::ws, token, ' '))
return setArgs;
do you spot any mistake i've done here? it's getting a string input and making a vector of words out of it
Have you checked the vector of words and what it looks like on the inside?
A common trip up when reading input are line endings.
i'll try to create a new program that takes the input and print it after words
just to check it's functioning properly
You don't really need to create a whole new program
In your while loop you could just do a
printf("%s\n", token);
Give yourself a sanity check.
In fact you should make it a bit more obvious
printf("This is a word: %s\n", token);
thanks, you're correct
Cool. What was the actual issue? Not detecting a line ending?
it's working, so i don't know lol. i have to dig deeper
@BeginningMath Have you thought about running the online code on your own PC? I always find it easier to do it offline when the program turns out to be harder to get right than expected.
yes, i'm doing it in parallel lol. but if i want to share code it's easier to share it in a way it could be compiled or seen as nicely as possible by the other person, i think
Well, ok
anyway, when I run into a problem, I tend to comment out lines of code, until the problem disappears, so I usually find out where the problem lies, if the compiler isn't helpful
I would like to go ahead and ask my own question.

I'm not sure about all the terminology but I am debugging a program I made in Visual Studio using C++ and some libraries.

I am getting a "heap abort" during the debugging. I think I can treat this as a good old fashioned 'segmentation fault' since I believe the root of the issue is a double deletion of memory, but that's only a hunch.

While I was chasing the problem around, by commenting out code and finding the culprit, the location of the heap abort moved to be inside one of the library functions I was using.
Here is a stripped down example of what I was doing, in terms of how the classes were laid out and how they were being used.


The only significant differences between this and my own code is that the classes are not inside the same file. That's probably not important but worth saying.
Another thing worth adding is I never use the delete keyword anywhere. So my stuff is freed naturally by going out of scope.
That sounds like a SO question (I don't see a question, though ^^). Never heard of "heap abort", but it sounds kinda nasty.
@ZoSal Try to reproduce the error on coliru.
which library function did you call, by the way?
@MiroslavCetojevic It's from the OpenCV library. Now that I'm thinking about it more it's actually a call on a class method (provided by this library).

Specifically I'm calling this. https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/objdetect/doc/cascade_classification.html?highlight=cascadeclassifier#cascadeclassifier-detectmultiscale
It's difficult for me to phrase this as a SO question because I lack the descriptive skills to make it a good question.
"Why does this cause heap abort and this doesn't?"
@ZoSal well, you were descriptive enough with your problem earlier
What title should I give it?
Eh, I would include the OpenCV library function and ask why it causes problems one way, but not the other way
the exact wording is up to you
Alright. Also to reply to @nwp I don't think I could recreate it because of the library function call, and exactly what it's doing.

I was hoping by showing people the code they could just say "Oh that variable is no longer in scope" or "that variable is being automatically freed upon return".
sure, if the library function in question was from the STL
OpenCV seems a little different, the link you provided didn't show much documentation
Na, it's OpenCV
@ZoSal Stripping down code is good, but you stripped too much. It's ok if your example code uses OpenCV if it's necessary to reproduce a crash.
Fairly sure I can install OpenCV on my machine
ve got a choco package for it now, to make the whole thing simpler
Assuming you use Windows of course.
@milleniumbug If you have Windows and Visual Studio I could just zip up the whole solution for you?
If you're fine with it then ok, but it would be better if you reduce it so I don't have to come up with inputs that should crash the program
i have a question guys
if i do checkings and for instance an object is not initialized, how should i break the function correctly?
@milleniumbug I'm happy to zip it all up. The program takes no arguments but it does depend on resources.
(That can be in the zip)
@BeginningMath Sounds like you need an assert()
Go ahead. I can't make any promises, but I can try.
@BeginningMath if the object is in your control, just initialize it
yes, that's what i want to do. instead of terminating the whole program, i want to print an error and let the program continue it's flow. however, if bad argument was given, i want to discard it and continue the regular flow
and not only throw messages around
Here is my solution ufile.io/cbblh, some linker and library settings will have to be changed to point to the correct location, but that should be it.
Hey guys!
std::array<std::array<int, 3>, 2> a1 = {{{{1, 2, 3}}, {{4, 5, 6}}}};
std::array<std::array<int, 3>, 2> a2 = {{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}};
std::array<std::array<int, 3>, 2> a3 = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};
std::array<std::array<int, 3>, 2> a4 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
Why do `a1`, `a2` and `a4` work, but `a3` does not? It says "error: too many initializers for 'std::array<std::array<int, 3>, 2>'". I looked over this question, its answer and all the comments but I still don't understand. https://stackoverflow.com/q/12844475
Essentially std::array is just a struct with a C array inside.
The outer {} initialize the std::array struct. The inner {} initialize the C array.
Yup, that's what I understood. So without so-called brace elision, only a1 should work. But I don't quite understand the brace elision rules :/
Under some conditions that I'm not quite sure about you can leave out some braces. This is not one of them.
It tries to initialize the inner C array with {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6} and that doesn't compile.
It's particularly annoying because only a3 seems "natural" to me if you know what I mean
To further investigate: If I leave out the outer struct, behavior somehow is a little different:
std::array<int, 3> b3[2] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};
std::array<int, 3> b4[2] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
Both `b3` and `b4` work, so in this case the C array can be initialized with `{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}`!
could somebody please look at tbst.h and tbst.cpp in onlinegdb.com/S1rzqCTim and tell me what i could improve? want to make it more efficient
sorry, I meant 8 bits, and not in printing, but in general. See this:

float f = 16777218.2256;
printf("The float is: %f \n " , f);

The output given is `16777218.000000`. If we adjust the value of `f` before and after the decimal point, to make it something like `1677721.82256`, we'll observe that the value printed has only the first 8 digits as meaningful, after that the rest of the digits are all garbage.

Is that correct interpretation of mine?
@EuriPinhollow I'm sorry I still don't understand how that helps :/
@GaurangTandon Going to reuse my previous sample I had linked you before coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/730539586fc19011
@BeginningMath Step1: Benchmark it (make a relevant example and time it). Step2: Profile it (figure out which parts take a lot of time and try to improve those). Step3: Benchmark again and check if you made progress. If you made enough progress or run out of time you give up, otherwise you start again at step1.
Try to resist "I made this change because the code looks faster but I don't actually know".
with which tools would you recommend me doing so?
For profiling Visual Studio has a tool built in and valgrind/cachegrind exist on linux.
For benchmarking you could use google benchmark. In a pinch std::chrono will do, but you need to be careful that the compiler doesn't optimize away the benchmark because it figures out that you never look at the result.
The framework lets you use benchmark::DoNotOptimize to avoid that.
It's a lot of work and the gain may not be much. It is perfectly fine to say that you don't care that much about performance.
At least not until you run into practical problems caused by your tree being too slow.
(which profiling will detect for you)
@BeginningMath Your std::string* s_Name allocation seems unnecessary. Instead just use an std::string member (no pointer!). This will reduce memory allocation overhead slightly. But as nwp said, profile.
does reducing the amount of safeguards(ifndef and all that) or changing from a c kind of syntax to a more modern c++ will improve something?
@GaurangTandon Float can only represent integer numbers from -2^24 (or so) to 2^24 (or so) exactly. When you convert anything bigger than that to float, you loose precision. Nothing spectacular here.
You have been told countless times that these "include guards" around standard library headers are fucking retarded, because these headers already do it better than you do
And yet, these are still there
@GaurangTandon printing a float number as decimal never causes any loss of precision because base10 is a superset of base2 and even then it only relates to fractions.
@EuriPinhollow unless you round
@ratchetfreak and unless I use non-ECC memory and get a flipped bit.
Read this:
I cannot understand your perspective and what you are trying to say. There are numbers which IEEE754 float can represent exactly and any other number should be mapped onto this space of exact numbers.
Two problems with what you write:
- you say "garbage". In reality, there is a well-defined mapping from all numbers to float numbers, there is never garbage in the end of number unless implementation is incorrect
- you use decimal notation to describe binary number. IEEE754 single-precision float is binary: (2^exponent)*fraction, and both fraction and exponent are binary.
1 hour later…
What you need to understand is that when you say

float f = 16777218.2256;

the digits after the decimal point simply don't fit into the float. It can't represent them! This is why they are meaningless and (float)16777218.2256 == (float)16777218, for example. It's basically the same here:

int i = 16777218.2256;

Of course the int can only represent the digits before the decimal point. It's just less obvious in the floating point case *where* the significant digits end, i.e. where the implementation has to round to fit them into the float representation. For ints it's always the same, digit
2 hours later…
so what's the solution for implementing a meaningful comparison between float values(and double, for that matter)?
take the difference and see if it's below a certain epsilon. Or take the ratio between them and see if it's close enough to 1
Depends on your use case
== is perfectly fine in certain situations
also if a == b and b == c, then a == c, and you can't always say this about alternatives
comparing an absolute difference with an certain value makes sense sometimes, but people rarely pick good values
far more often you'll be comparing if it's less or greater than some float value
and these are perfectly fine
hmm, and what about the bit-representation, wouldn't bitwise comparison ensure that float values are actually equal?
Only for some edge cases like +0 or -0, different floats might compare equal, otherwise you're fine.
not good enough
bitwise comparison distinguishes between negative zero and positive zero
So yeah, you shouldn't rely on the bit representation
this is why EPSILON exists
so you can subtract and see if they are "Close enough"
1 hour later…
@MiroslavCetojevic If they compare equal bitwise, they're definitely equal. If they compare unequal bitwise, they might still represent equal values.
@Mgetz At least in my experience, epsilon turns out to be of surprisingly little use for that task. It does help you compute a lower bound on the difference you could represent for a particular magnitude of operands, but in most cases a really meaningful number is based on the accuracy of your input, and a decent estimate of how much you might lose in your calculations. But epsilon of 1e-15 means little of your measurement has an accuracy of 1e-7.
@JerryCoffin like in the case of negative and positive zero?
is there a guide or something that advises you on using std::chrono?
@MiroslavCetojevic Among others, yes--but there are many others. For example, all anything with an exponent of all zeros, and any non-zero mantissa is a NaN. Although it's not exactly the same, there are also cases where it can (for example) make sense to treat positive and negative infinity as equal as well.
@MiroslavCetojevic There are lots of people who will be happy to advise that you should use it. Far fewer give solid advice about how to do so.
surely the following general idea isn't the worst way to measure how long a code snippet takes to perform?
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

// insert code, preferably done in a loop for like a million times

auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - start).count() << std::endl;
anybody knows what CMAKE_NM is?
I could certainly come up with worse ones, yes
or even /usr/bin/nm
@MiroslavCetojevic Make sure the compiler doesn't simply optimize out the code.
@traducerad nm is a tool that allows you to list all the symbols in an .a file
@milleniumbug Thx!
@nwp I will post again for feedback, once I'm done with my little private benchmark party
I need a sanity check
I wrote the following code:
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <random>
#include <vector>

int main() {
	const int container_size = 100000;
	const int runs = 1000;

	std::default_random_engine rng;

	std::vector<int> v(container_size);
	std::generate(v.begin(), v.end(), [&] { return rng(); });
	auto v1 = v;
	auto v2 = v;

	std::vector<std::chrono::milliseconds> v1_times(runs);

	std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start, end;
does the last for loop actually print the time in milliseconds?
why wouldn't it
because I don't know how the chrono stuff works, I just got by with examples
anyway, I guess, now is a good time to try and get average time and mean
std::accumulate(v1_times.begin(), v1_times.end(), 0, [] (auto& x, auto& y) { return x.count() + y.count(); }); won't compile
error: request for member ‘count’ in ‘x’, which is of non-class type ‘int’
milliseconds can be added together
std::accumulate(v1_times.begin(), v1_times.end(), std::chrono::milliseconds(0))
ugh, that's why I asked for a guide
chrono has "clocks", "time points" and "durations". Clocks provide you with time points. You can subtract two time points to get a duration. You can add a duration to a time point to get a time point that's later by that duration.
A duration is basically a number with a time unit, you can do all arithmetic operations on them, as opposed to a dimensionless number - 1 second, 5 milliseconds, are all durations.
.count() gets you a dimensionless number. That's a lossy operation, because the information whether "42" was a millisecond, microsecond, or a second is lost that way.
does std::cout << sum.count() / static_cast<double>(runs) << std::endl; count as lossy?
I mean, the number was cast with duration<sth, milli>
yes. it's also unnecessary because you can divide a duration by a dimensionless number
std::vector<std::chrono::milliseconds> v1_times(runs);
auto sum = std::accumulate(v1_times.begin(), v1_times.end(), std::chrono::milliseconds());

std::cout << sum.count() / static_cast<double>(runs) << std::endl;
that is
"2 seconds" divided by 2 get you "1 second"
Disclaimer: Stupid question coming.
To make a very long story short I understand the following things about the fixed point and floating point consensus:

- (single/double precision) floating point variables allow a much bigger range of possible values. Because of the way they are stored $mantissa * base ^{exp}$
- the way floats are stored is defined by IEEE
- there are rounding errors hence you have pragma directives to eg prohibit the compiler to generate instructions that will round floating values between every operations
i downloaded a project from internet and compiled it and gave an exe file
No fixed point types in the standard library.
People have been writing their own typically... or using languages that already provide these.
Btw, for financial applications, you don't even need fixed point. It's enough to have floating point, but base-10, and not base-2
also i found its winmain
but when i try to debug it i recieve this error
Unable to start program 'C:\Users\Amir\Desktop\vnc_winsrc\winvnc\Debug\VNCHooks.dll'.
@milleniumbug you mean there is no datatype in the whole C/C++ standards that allow us to declare a fixed point variable?
@milleniumbug but if I want to compute the average duration of each run in milliseconds, it seems I kind of have to use count()
@milleniumbug "don't even need", because the deviation due to the rounding error is so small that floating point is good enough?
@traducerad Indeed. You have to write your own (on top of regular integers, maybe?), or use a library.
i downloaded a project from internet and compiled it and gave an exe file
also i found its winmain
but when i try to debug it i recieve this error
Unable to start program 'C:\Users\Amir\Desktop\vnc_winsrc\winvnc\Debug\VNCHooks.dll'.
go to https://tightvnc.com/download-old.php
and download Source code in Zip archive
@MiroslavCetojevic sum all durations, divide by a dimensionless number, resulting in a duration. That's all doable without using count(). The only part that can't be done (at least, not until C++20), is printing the duration. At that point, you have to use count().
@traducerad In base-2 floating point, I can't represent 0.1 as a number. I can represent it perfectly fine in base-10 floating point with 1 * 10^(-1)
i found it
@milleniumbug that explains why you'd switch to another base but not why you'd stick with floating point instead of fixed point for a banking application :p
given that sum is a duration, does the following computation make sense if my intent is to get the average in ms? auto avg = sum / static_cast<double>(runs);
runs is a simple int
oh crap, nevermind, ignore the question
@traducerad Floating point makes sense here because different currencies have different denominations, it also makes sense because the magnitude of involved numbers can change signficantly
If you consider Patients and Treatments. A Patient can be on a Treatment plan. Is this kind of relationship a composite relationship?
A patient HAS A treatment but isn't bound by a specific treatment
Well, a treatment can be done for more than one patient
I forget what composite relationship means
Caps are not being aggressive btw.. it's just how i see it written on the web :P
Then I guess, it's a composite relationship
OK. So Patient should hold reference to a Treatment instance right?
I don't know if it SHOULD, but it seems to make sense.
good enough for me
are several instances of the same kind of treatment different from each other?
like, say, two patients require the same kind of chemotherapy
do these two patiens hold a reference to one instance of chemo or do they each have one instance?
just wondering idly ^^
I guess it could work as either
I've mocked a minimal example here
A patient has Covariate instances which make up things such as age, bmi etc
Then a Patient has a Treatment (which can have an impact on said persons covariate values)
Although it would be nice for a Covariate to have access to the Treatment without having to pass a reference down the chain.. Not sure if there's a design flaw there
Actually I guess it kinda makes sense that the Treatment object needs to be passed to the Covariate

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