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@caps lol
8 hours later…
what is the problem
I can't understand this two lines in the New() method
result = free_list_;
free_list_ = *(reinterpret_cast<void**>(result));
they stored a next pointer at the start of a free block to make a linked list of free blocks
what happens when dereferencing a void * casted to void**?
it interprets the data at the pointer as a pointer
so result = free_list_ makes result point to the top of the list
it only works when sizeof(T)>=sizeof(void*)
so *(reinterpret_cast<void**>(result)) what contains?
a pointer to the next item in the freelist
the address of the block pointed from freelist
you see the reverse happening in Delete
*(reinterpret_cast<void**>(p)) = free_list_;
free_list_ = p;
ok thanks
one more thing.. you said that it only works when sizeof(T)>=sizeof(void*)
because sizeof(T) is how big the blocks are, and you can't store a pointer where there isn't room for it
Ok, but is this a considerable problem?
i mean
though you really should not be doing allocation of types smaller than pointers
could exist something smaller than a voiod*?
char, short (int and float on 64 bit)
I never thought about it
In this context it cannot cause problems because this page_heap_allocator is used to get Span objects
that are surely larger than char, short (int and float on 64 bit)
what is in a Span?
yeah that's fine
a struct is at least as large as the sum of the sizes of the fields
and there is a void* in there already
then it is safe
it doesn't take much for a struct to be larger than a pointer
1 hour later…
I am implementing a operator += which adds a complex number to "this" object
complex& complex::operator -=(const complex &c ){ // read only
complex toReturn;
toReturn.re = toReturn.re - c.re;
toReturn.im = toReturn.im - c.im;
return toReturn;
I see that this is wrong, because Iam creating a new object.
complex& complex::operator -=(const complex &c ){ // read only
this.re = this.re - c.re;
this.im = this.im - c.im;
return *this;
sorry I meant to say that I want to implement : -=
you need to use this-> to access fields of the this object
but I can't use "this.re" and "this.im" .- how do I access the "this object"
complex& complex::operator -=(const complex &c ){ // read only
this->re = this->re - c.re;
this->im = this->im - c.im;
return *this;
oh okey
this is a pointer
thanks @ratchetfreak
@ratchetfreak if I want to copy an object to another object - is this a good/valid way to do it?
complex operator+(const complex& c){
complex copy;
copy = c;
return copy;

in case you don't know, there's std::complex<floating-point-type>
@J.doe implement the copy constructor and assignment operator
@milleniumbug it an exercise I can't use std
I mean i can't use these functions that are implemented for complex numbers in std
they are pretty basic though
let me read about copy constructor - I already have an assignment operator
wait let me show
@J.doe no, don't
you don't need these
the default ones will be good enough
You are not allowed to use any implicit functions, you have to write all of them by yourself.

The type that you use to save the values should be doubles.

There should be three constructors. Default, real, real and imaginary.

There should be both a copy assign and a assign that takes a real.
it is the last part I don't understand: There should be both a copy assign and an assign that takes a real
@J.doe the first requirement is kind of dumb
@milleniumbug never mind that ;)
but such are often the exercises
complex operator+(const complex& c){ // return value  -  a copy of the argument,
    complex copy= *this;
    return copy;

forwarding the operator+ to operator+=
is this a copy assign?
the first line? yeah
no, this is an operator+
@J.doe they're most likely referring to a copy assignment operator and an assignment operator that takes a double
@milleniumbug what is a copy assignment operator
@ratchetfreak I am checking to understand the improvement u suggested
:32840964opy assignment is complex& operator=(const complex&)
ok so that is already done :)
not really the return type is not correct
no I haven't implemented complex& operator=(const complex&)
@ratchetfreak operator+ should be implemented as follows: en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/complex/operator_arith2
it should only give a copy of its argument which is of type: complex
those are the unary operators
operator+ also comes in a binary flavour
never mind but it actually is the unary operator Iam now implementing
must overloaded (assignment operators) methods be inside a class in which I declared them
assignment operators must be members
they are
complex& complex::operator =(const complex &c)
this->re = c.real();
this->im = c.imag();
return *this;

complex& complex::operator =(const int &x){
this->re = x;
return *this;
complex (double real, double img );
complex (double real);
complex (); // default constructor
double real() const;
double imag() const;
complex& operator = (const complex& );
but do I need to have a : complex & operator (const int&)
use the "fixed font" button next time
set the im to 0 when assigning just a real
here I found another difficult (for me) line of code raw.githubusercontent.com/gperftools/gperftools/master/src/…
intptr_t alignment = -reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(metadata_chunk_alloc_) & (kMetadataAllignment-1);
// the following works by essentially turning address to integer of
// log_2 kMetadataAllignment size and negating it. I.e. negated
// value + original value gets 0 and that's what we want modulo
// kMetadataAllignment. Note, we negate before masking higher bits
// off, otherwise we'd have to mask them off after negation anyways.
@milleniumbug ok , but where is the fixed font button?
this is the comment
@J.doe after you paste a multiline message (or use shift enter to create one) it should appear next to the send button
complex::complex(double re, double im){
    re = re;
    im = im;

complex& complex::operator =(const complex &c)
    this->re = c.real();
    this->im =  c.imag();
    return *this;

complex& complex::operator =(const int &x){
    this->re = x;
    this->im = 0;
    return *this;

complex& complex::operator +=(const complex &c ){   // read only
    this ->re = this->re + c.re;
    this -> im = this->im + c.im;
    return *this;

complex& complex::operator -=(const complex &c ){   // vi behöver ändra något i  vårat argument (ett complext tal) därför: const
ok perfect now i know
@GiorgioGambino negation is ((~in)+1)
where ~ is the bitwise NOT
@ratchetfreak -reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(metadata_chunk_alloc_) changes the sign of metadata_chunk_alloc_ casted to intptr_t then a bitwise and is performed between
this value and kMetadataAllignment-1 that is 8U
the goal is to find a int alignment such that metadata_chunk_alloc_+alignment is a multiple of kMetadataAllignment(this last one is a power of 2 which makes things easier)
because metadata_chunk_alloc_ is used to handle requests < of kMetadataAllocChunkSize?
no because bytes may not be a multiple of kMetadataAllignment
ok, is true but I'm just saying that it seems that the alignment is calculated on the base of the free portion of metadata_chunk_alloc_
frankly it would make more sense here to round bytes up to a multiple of kMetadataAllignment
something like 'real_bytes = ((bytes+ kMetadataAllignment- 1) / kMetadataAllignment) * kMetadataAllignment;' ?
yeah but without the (slow) integer divide
is integer division so slow?
as an instruction its one of the slower things you can do
(not counting division by a constant which can be optimized using tricky math)
intresting! then how would you do it?
though accessing memory (and missing the cache) is even slower
 A/k mod n == A*k' mod n
so for a given k find k'
sorry but I don't understand, could you explain me with an example?
what's the relation between k and k'?
frankly it's not that interesting unless you are actually implementing a compiler
ok, thanks for you help!

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