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A: how to get text from Edittext to name a picture

Tapan parmarIntent to call to capture photo Intent cameraIntent = new Intent(android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); startActivityForResult(cameraIntent, CAMERA_REQUEST); you will get image in your onActivityResult() method @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int res...

i do not use the media store one as i had writen my own the problem is it works fine with String photofile="test"+"jpg"; but if i change it out to String photofile=editText.getText().toString()+".jpg"; then it crashes
then may be your editext has a null reference have you provided proper id for it? check first of all that @KewinBjörkNielsen String temp = editText.getText().toString().trim() and then use photofile=temp+".jpg";
what is this guy taken at this line ? i don't understand please let me know @ChristianAmmann File file_image= getDirc(); what is this getDirc();
@KewinBjörkNielsen have this resolved your issue ? please let me know
nope it haven't the line 31 is EditText editText = (EditText)findViewById(; and Getdirc is the function that create the folder
ok gotcha !! but then what do you have at line 31 ? @KewinBjörkNielsen
is the variable EditText editText = (EditText)findViewById(;
what ? i don't get it sorry what is the exact line 31 ? @KewinBjörkNielsen
postet a picture with it
you are getting at edittext declaration
as you can see line 31 is my EditText editText = (EditText)findViewById(;
i dont understand one thing you are taking edit text by findviewbyid and all others you are injecting with butterknife
try edittext also to inject with butterknife
and dude you are declaring it above onCreate()
how can you get it ?
try to declare it inside onCreate() method
then tell me
put that line after setContentView() and you are good to go
i am new to java i mostly had done C# but i now had did

i am not sure how to do the setcontent view
oh no
can you see the method setContentView(R.layout.camera_layout)
awesome that worked with just
EditText cardnumberbox;
String text = cardnumberbox.getText().toString().trim();
because when you declare an edittext before even getting your layout component at java side
and you are trying to access it
so it gives null pointer
now it will work
arh alright :) thx
I will post another answer for you sure
just accept answer if it helps in any way
thanks !!

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