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A: How to insert a string to next line in android?

Ankush Bistsir update your file write or create method by this code public Boolean writeToSD(String text) { Boolean write_successful = false; File root = null; try { // check for SDcard root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); Log.i(TAG...

trying to fix the issue
code updated, and this code is working please check
your code is working fine, but it writes every string 4 times
no you must be kidding. I have tested this code. if its really doing so you must debug your code the same method may be called 4 times.
accept this as answer to help others
thanks for the help i will delete this question now :)
hahaha thats so funny. Have you fixed 4 times repetition of the same code
not yet mate , idk what's wrong why is my onpagestarted why is it getting called 4 times, it happens only when i search using my edit text, but functions fine if i search from google's search bar on web page
public void CustomSearch() {
// go button for searching worldwide
urlEditText = (EditText) findViewById(;
String url = urlEditText.getText().toString();
// if_URL_Starts_with_http://_or_https://_,just_load_url_Without_prefix
if (url.startsWith("http://")) {
url.replace(" ", "+");
} else if (url.startsWith("https://")) {
url.replace(" ", "+");
} else if (url.equals(" youtube")) {
} else if (url.length() < 1) {
s my custom search
where you are actually printing the values in text file?
in ocpagestarted
public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url, Bitmap favicon) {
super.onPageStarted(view, url, favicon);
// save to history.txt
HistoryHelper file = new HistoryHelper(view.getContext());
can i ask what you are actually trying to implement.
just a simple history
as i can see that you are using an webview and if you are trying to implement the code in webview client and inside its method. for your information i need to inform you that some of the method will be called more than one time
then what could be the resolution mate
can duplicates be removed in real time?
you can call the write to sd card on page finished
page finished is called only one time.
i have tried that already with the same results
hold on let me try again
how about calling it only if url has changed
if you are trying to track the logs then why dont you save the data on button click!!
that will also be a nice idea
not logs, i want to save each and every visited page in real time
but may sometime that method is also being called more than one time.
is there any way to detect if url has changed
yes i mean to say save data to file not logs
i have worked on a few method of webview client like onpagefinished and onloadurl
its the same
try this one method
may be this will help you
and i dont want to do it on back button its not reliable at all, i never exit my app from back button
i tried shouldOverrideUrlLoading
and now it is getting called 2 times
why dnt you call the method when you are redirecting to webview activity or calling the webview method!!
okay how do i make a handler which blocks calling this method for atleast 3 seconds once its called
im not redirecting anything and what webview method?
can a boolean be set to false and then again set to true after 3 seconds so that method cant be called
something like that
class HelloWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
private boolean flag = false;

public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView webview, String url) {
if (flag == true) {
// do your stuff

// disable flag for 3 sec
flag = false;

flag = true;//enable again
//handler 3 *000
} else {
// save to history.txt
HistoryHelper file = new HistoryHelper(webview.getContext());
return true;
would this work?
class HelloWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
private boolean flag = true;
private Handler handler;
private Runnable runnable;

public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView webview, String url) {
if (flag == true) {
// disable flag for 3 sec
flag = false;
handler = new Handler();
runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
flag = false;// enable again
handler.postDelayed(runnable, 3000);
} else {
// don't call anything
// save to history.txt
sir a lil busy.
create handler outside the method. No need to create variable of handler object again and again
finalcode -
class HelloWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
private boolean flag = true;
private Handler handler;
private Runnable runnable;

public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView webview, String url) {
if (flag == true) {
// save to history.txt
HistoryHelper file = new HistoryHelper(webview.getContext());
// disable flag for 3 sec
flag = false;
handler = new Handler();
runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
flag = true;// enable again
it is fine because i am using handler only in this method
case closed!
I have accepted your answer. can you solve this question? this is also mine…

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