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Q: Angular2 multiple custom pipes

chikka.anddevI am building angular2 app using es5. I have one screen where i have two search input fields to filter two different list. For that I have defined two different pipe as mentioned below (function(app) { app.filterPipe1 = ng.core.Pipe({ name : "filter1", pure:true }).Class...

How do you use it? Is "Cannot find pipe" the full error message?
I am adding it in html after list. error message: Error: Cannot find pipe 'categoryFilter'. at new BaseException (exceptions.ts:10) at ProtoPipes.get (pipes.ts:32) at Pipes.get (pipes.ts:48) at AbstractChangeDetector.ChangeDetector_class6_0.detectChangesInRecordsInternal (viewFactory_class6:612) at
Your pipes are named filter1 and filter2 not categoryFilter. Can you please add the code that shows how you use it?
yeah, I have modified names for pipes and component but filter name is rightly used in html. I am sure about it as because If I remove any one of two filters in declaration ,it is working fine independently. Issue is when I am using both filters
How can I verify it is rightly used? ;-)
I have updated code for your verification:)
I think there should be a ; before #i=index. Can you please try?
it will not work
also as I already mentioned it is not issue related filter defined in html as It is working perfect when I add single filter in js and html
I always add ; before #i=index
it might work without it
never tried
do you think is there issue in syntax declaring pipes in component
reason to ask about it is when I am replacing sequence it is changing error output to first pipe defined in it. so my thought is it is overriding each other
I don't know ES well. Hard for me to tell

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