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you said the name of the table is station @taritgoswami,yet you are requesting 2 CITY's from 1 table?
nvm what i said its early
my brain is warming up due to a lack of coffee
you are selecting from a sub query, this subquery has no alias
I would also recommend you to alias your length(city) to keep things clean
    (SELECT CITY, LENGTH(CITY) as something
    ORDER BY something, CITY) whatever
    (SELECT CITY, LENGTH(CITY) as something
    ORDER BY something DESC, CITY) whatever
I also dont know what DB your using since LENGTH is an mysql function and ROWNUM is mysql
are you using oracle?
anyways hope any of this made some sense, i appologise for my morning ;)
ive suffered from lack of coffee this morning
As we all, as we all
any suggestion on how to create the csv file for the table output in TSQL ?
Isn't there an option of executing to file in SQL Server Management Studio?
@Sami thanks and handsome to yourself too :D
@Shaneis \o
tomm \o and morning andrew.
S'up @ARr0w
fasting :D
how long do you fast for during this period?
like per day
can't lie, can't cheating, can not bad talk on other's back (its easy i don't do any of these anyway)
@Tomm from sun rise to the sun set. Sun set timing currently is 7:15 PM +5 gmt
and sun rise is around 4:30 AM
how many hours is that
15 hours approx.
aa not to bad
yeah but the difference going to increase.
max to around 30 mins +
i mean its during the day which is quite exausting i assume
since ur working without anything in the system
ive been doing IF for like half a year now (Intermitted fasting)
you basically devide your fast and eating period so you go into a ketosis during your fast
which means i eat from 1 in the afternoon till like 8 in the evening and then fast until its 1 again
during that fasted state i can only consume black coffee, green tea/black tea and water
since those have no calories
and that's healthy.
coffee has calories, just not many
and indeed our fasts are suppose to refresh our inner system
idk how to exactly explain it.
cause basically what im doing is nothing different then any other person
but im eating consistent
and not inconsitent
which gives my body time to cleanse and burn fat
it also makes me feel better during the morning
because appearently after your first meal of the day your body wants to relax instead of focus
and your first meal needs to be really really good
it doesnt have to be
you eat full stomach in the morning, then rest it until afternoon then you eat a little less than in the after noon and finally least in evening
so you can have a balance diet
aslong as what your doing is consistent its all right
because, your system must not have any job while you are asleep
did you know that you thinking about food and craving food slows ur body down when burning fat
since its expecting to have a meal soon and wants to consume that instead of the reservoirs
I'm not sure I would agree with your logic there
Because what you are suggesting breaks the first law of thermodynamics
ill get the post once i have lunch break
Lots of stuff gets 'posted' it doesn't make it correct, and again, much of what is posted ignores basic physics of energy
nvm i misunderstood it
its about triggerfood
There are 101 and more diet type things out there, and they are all aiming at one thing, energy consumed < energy used
wdym energy consumed < then energy used
arent you supposed to use more then you consume
Doesn't matter how it gets dressed up, energy is never gained or lost, just converted from one form to another (first law)
idk i dont care to much for the whole dieting scene
it was something i read, but read wrong
consumed there means by food, so your consumption of energy in (consumed) must be less than what you use (normal existing + exercise)
dieting might work for some people but its in my eyes a questionable thing
@ARr0w 04:05 ---> 19:40 here
@Andrew < means greater
wait wtf
i need coffe
yes and I said consumed < used - for a diet
dont mind anything i just said
clearly need more coffee :)
a ton more
i need one of those american dad steel on the road coffee cans
I'd agree that diets are questionable, its just a way of dressing up that simple equation
i mean in a way diets are okey
but everyone doing diets for the weight loss
those people 9/10 wont be able to stick to it anyways
and if you cant stick to a diet, you will get ur weight back
its just a matter of time
and therein lies the problem with them
best example i can give
is people being so amazed by a so called OMAD diet (One Meal A Day)
no shit your gonna lose weight if u only eat 1 meal
try keeping that up though
they are going to get their weight back
I just cut out carbs
It's impossible to cut them completely, since many vegtables have them in
but you can significantly reduce carbs to a minimum
end up eating a lot of salads
I do this IF thing (not for the fat burn, but because i just like the concept and it happens to work with my lifestyle), and eat reasonable portions
Im doing the see food diet... i see food, i eat food.... :D
I have been discussing diet with my mother in law for a bit. She turned vegan a while ago... She argues that we should all live as vegans yet she confesses that when she feels she is low on protein she has eggs etc.... so i just call bullshit
I believe it is correct to limit our amounts, but there is nothing natural about cutting out meat completely. We are not born herbivores (plant eaters)
see, discussing diet kills chat...... so.... who is looking forward to sql server 2019?
What features will it have?
vegans suck
and not eating meat at all is dumb
ohh because its cruel to the animals
Tomm the wise
sorry to say ma'am but 1 person less is not going to mean they kill 1 less cow
just means more meat gets thrown away
some people are way to far stuck up their own ***
my mom doesnt eat alot of meat because she isnt hungry a whole lot
but she eats meat when she wants
@saidfagan Im looking forward to the optimized query execution
Well, I am not vegan. But if people will stop eating meat gradually, there will not be need for breeding and killing animals. Which makes sense if you do not want to kill animals.
So being vegan is not that stupid.
but animals kills animals anyway ...
its natural way, to kill and feed yourself ... just our ability to talk and work differently then other living beings enable us to take it to another level ... which is awful i admit, but it does feed the people
if it gets far enough for farms to stop producing meat since its not profitable anymore
cause of vegans
(which will never happen)
il start up my own farm and host weekly bbq's
More of a case that it is not sustainable
It is one of the most inefficient ways in which to feed a population, with some pretty bad side effects - that will be what stops it
@Veljko89 We are different than any other animals. We are way more intelligent. I do not support vegan movement. I, honestly, can't live a day without meat.
But I do not judge them. It is their choice.
Q: Optimize the SQL query for Report

Ram SinghI have to generate a simple Up time report for gates on railway stations let say, if there is any error for any gate, it is in the DB with specific reason and startTime and EndTime of outage. have few senerios needs to take care of: 1. If there are 2 gates on one station, one is working for first...

please help me
@Tomm I'm using MySql
why dump the contents of a CTE into a temp table, and then select from it? just select from the CTE
how are you using rownum with mysql @taritgoswami?
@RamSingh both outages and readers have no index to support the query - or you are selecting too much, given the lack of predicates against those tables then I would suggest you are selecting the whole tables and that plan is right
cross join seems to be the culprit there
@Tomm Ooh, I didn't know rownum is not in mysql
no, the cross join appears as a clustered index scan (0%) and a hash match (inner join) of 0%
Is there any related function which does same work
yeh rownum is not a mysql function
rownum is oracle and sql
the problem starts with that index spool of the scan on outages, which is filtered - thats 44+17%
mysql uses ROW_NUMBER()
the table scan of the temp then nested loops for a further 44%,
@Tomm Not getting
@Tomm Ok
wdym not getting
@Andrew, so you mean if i apply index on temp table will it be more faster?
i cant explain it any more clear
I have clustered indexes for Reader and Outages tables
i.e. Primary keys only
I'm not getting this line: "you are selecting from a sub query, this subquery has no alias"
@RamSingh - don't even use the temp table, sending a CTE into temp like that is very odd
well what dont you get
thats quite a key factor for me to try and explain it right?
@RamSingh - clustered index scan means its doing a table scan on the clustered index - you are not filtering the data
@Tomm What does alias means? what is the need for it.. it seems like you have named the table in two different names and used them.
its also not clear how much time is being spent on the temp table vs the query, your plan fails to show that
it is showing
If you read the plan, start bottom right - it reads the entire of the outages table, there is not filtering showing
@Tomm Ok I'll google it. Thanks :)
what do you mean google it?
you are linking to the answer i provided you
anyways think of it like this
you select from a subquery
that sub query for easy purposes speaking is ur table
if your not giving that table a name
how is your select statement supposed to know what to reference?
@Ram - surely you could filter outages by the same dt_start / dt_end, to give it a chance to filter that table and not read the whole thing?
@Andrew, yes I can. because i only require the data between two dates from Outage table
@RamSingh - apply a date where clause on outages and then check if the plan alters,
although you need index support on the outage start / end in some form to avoid a scan still
I have applied it is where after join
@WhatsThePoint fun occurence stackoverflow.com/questions/56020055/…
i am applying it with Join
count(DISTINCT o.ReaderID) as numOfflineReaders
FROM #minutesTime m
CROSS JOIN Readers r
JOIN Outages o
ON r.ReaderId = o.ReaderId and uptimeMinute BETWEEN o.OutageStart AND o.OutageEnd
uptimeMinute having count(DISTINCT o.ReaderID)=3
smoething like this
that is not applying it
you would need where o.OutageStart >= @dt_start etc
as well as the between clause
57% of your query time is spent reading outages - with absolutely no filter its a full table scan.
you then nested loop to it - which exacerbates the issue
So, when i am joining i have applied condition for "between dates"
look at the plan though
which icon on that plan do you think is applying that 'between'
@Tomm LOL, got to see it just before it was mod deleted
hover over the icons, you will even be able to see it in SSMS
there u go hahaha
easy 3 flags
@Andrew, it is not showing any impact on any element in execution plan
think the question is already nuked
@RamSingh is there any index support for the date predicate? if not, it wont
@Andrew, so on which columns should i add non-clustered index any suggestion
paste in the predicate you created
since that impacts it
It's likely to be OutageStartDt,ReaderID, but I don't know what the additional predicate exactly is you added to Outage - so we need to see that to know the fields to use
only these two
2 hours later…
how do i delete the latest data entry in sql ?
what dbms?
do you have a numeric ID or an inserted date or something similar in your table?
i do but is there another way i could do this without using the condition of entered data ?
not that i am aware of
select 1 record and order that by desc :)
@A.Rahman - that implies a hidden entry datetime or hidden ID which you can delete from.
@Andrew i could but theres no way of me knowing this
doing it on client site
2 hours later…
Hello folks
good day
4 hours later…
Sorry, maybe this is not the specific chat to ask, but someone could help me with the installers of oracle forms & reports 6i for GNU / Linux
they are so old that there are no repositories of Oracle OTN
4 hours later…
I dont know why I can't ask questions on here

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